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Questionnaire - Science topic

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Questions related to Questionnaire
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
2 answers
I am conducting a scientific research paper on the 'Factors related to physical activity in adolescents.' I used the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) and translated this tool to assess the level of physical activity in secondary students. Since the PAQ-C is in the public domain, it is free to use. If I submit my manuscript, can the publisher require a copyright from me? If that happens, has anyone had the same problem and can tell me how to deal with it?
One follow-up question: I assume copyright law only applies when I copy parts of the questionnaire. However, if I translate and use the questionnaire for non-commercial research purposes, and I do not publish the translated questions (only the aggregated results in the question domains), then it cannot really be considered a copy, so this should be allowed, right?
In either case, I will start contacting authors and publishers, but I would like a clear plan B in case they do not respond (some questionnaires have been around for a while now).
Your experience will help me a lot. I hope you can respond soon!
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Dear Marina ,
Thank you for your detailed explanation regarding copyright legislation. I will take your advice into consideration and proceed accordingly when selecting a journal.
Best regards,
Tram Truong
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
11 answers
Which method is more accurate and popular for testing the validity and reliability of my scales?
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Cronbach's alpha is used for reliability, AVE is used for construct validity.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
9 answers
Dear community,
does anybody have experience with any online tools or services to conduct AHP-based surveys? That means the question design should be some kind of matrix and additionally allow the functionalities to define numbers to weight factors and have a functionality of a pairwise comparison (for instance 9 -> 1/9; 3 -> 1/3)?
Until now i have only read one paper, which suggested Limesurvey for this kind of surveys. Maybe someone could share an experience with this or similar tools?
Thank you a lot in advance.
Kind Regards
Dimitri Petrik
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Hello Putri Zulaiha , thank you.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
6 answers
An elaboration, I'm currently looking for a scale that measures adolescents' trust in their parents, however, I've had difficulties finding one until I found a research conducted by Pathak et al. 2016. In this research, they were measuring trust in adolescents' towards their parents, however, when I looked at the original research for the trust scale that they used, which is Rempel et al. 1985, the scale in this study was more directed towards partners in a romantic relationship and did not mention any subjects that were parents. The study of Pathak et al. 2016 from my belief changed the "subjects" of Rempel et al. 1985 scale from measuring partner's trust in a intimate relationship to measuring trust in adolescent towards their parents.
TLDR; I'm still new to the research endeavors, Rempel et al. 1985 did a research on "close relationship" and I don't know whether we can generalize this into adolescents' trust in parents (I asked this because Pathak et al. 2016 did what I just asked).
Pathak, Sweta & Sinha, Shubhra & Tiwari, Mithilesh. (2016). Role of Parental Control in Adolescents' Level of Trust & Communication with Parents. Recent advances in Psychology: An International Journal. 3. 129-140.
Rempel, J. K., Holmes, J. G., & Zanna, M. P. (1985). Trust in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(1), 95–112.
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Here is something overlooked in most research that uses scales: Reliability and validity are always sample specific, setting specific, and time specific. Unfortunately, researchers do not always have the access to an adequate sample size and skills to check every time a scale is reused.
My suggestion: If you have time, pilot the study, especially if a different population to draw from, examine validity and reliability with simple statistics, and if you have the skills/large enough sample—run CFA. Often you can’t run a CFA for many reasons. Another possibility is using another scale with concurrent validity. Regardless, you can reuse the scale, but investigating with a pilot and correlations/reliability can bolster your study.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
7 answers
If so, I invite you to share your opinions in a quick seven-question survey I put together for my grad school course in applied user research for UX. We want to identify which features are the most important to include in a faculty webpage template, and your response will greatly help us in our efforts to design a template that meets faculty users' needs.
Responses are anonymous, and the survey will close after Wednesday, October 25. Please feel free to share with any faculty you may know! Thank you!
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  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
Respected Valued Participants,
Greetings! We invite you to participate in an academic research endeavor focused on Digital Marketing Automation (DMA). In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of automation tools within marketing strategies has become increasingly prevalent. To gain comprehensive insights into this phenomenon, we are conducting a survey to explore various facets of Digital Marketing Automation.
Your valuable input is crucial to our research efforts. The questionnaire has been meticulously crafted to delve into several key aspects of DMA, ranging from its implementation challenges to its impact on business performance. We are particularly interested in gathering diverse perspectives from professionals, academics, and enthusiasts who are actively engaged with digital marketing practices.
Rest assured, the anonymity of respondents is paramount, and all data collected will be utilized exclusively for research purposes. Your candid responses will contribute significantly to advancing our understanding of Digital Marketing Automation and its implications for contemporary marketing strategies.
To participate in the survey, please click or copy and paste the following URL into your browser:
We encourage you to share your experiences, insights, and opinions to enrich the scope of our study. By participating in this survey, you will not only contribute to academic discourse but also gain deeper insights into the evolving landscape of digital marketing.
Thank you for your invaluable participation in this research endeavor.
Md Mehedi Hasan Emon
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Best of luck
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I'm currently researching the relationships between participation in creative-cultural activities, the mental well-being of individuals and the influence of this link on the individuals' work/study performance.
To do so, I developed a questionnaire which combines already validated and well-known scales into a unique framework.
However, to proceed further with this investigation, I need thousands of answers to the questionnaire to perform statistical analyses properly.
Thus, I would be immensely grateful if you could spend a few minutes of your time completing the questionnaire ( and if you could share your observations and suggestions with me.
Thank you in advance for your precious help!
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Methodologically, efficient questionnaire Luna Leoni ! Success 1
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
I conducted research on the implementation of MOORA in supplier selection. To gather data, I utilized both semi-structured interviews to acquire detailed information about potential suppliers and a standardized questionnaire to capture weighted values from decision-makers. However, based on this approach, I'm still uncertain whether my research falls under the category of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. Could you please provide a detailed explanation and any specific criteria that can help me confidently classify my research methodology?
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The key to mixed methods is the integration of a set qualitative and quantitative results. If you did not have any qualitative results then you have a weak case of mixed methods at best.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
7 answers
I need help with one survey to reach 3000 people (response). I will be really thankful if anyone can reply and share this survey.
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I have answered
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
I am about to develop a scale that could measure sustainability literacy. For this i would like to consider different types of questionnaire in this scale such as:
- Questions with yes/no responses.
- Questions with multiple choice options "where one is correct".
- Question with 5 point likert-scale "strongly disagree - strongly agree"
My main question is will i be able to conduct factor analysis (exploratory and confirmatory) on these different types of questionnaire? or do i need to stick to one type of it (most researches chose likert-scale)?
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Hello Laila,
I agree with the second part of your answer. Regarding the first, may it be that you confuse that with PCA (principal component analysis)? These two are often used synonymously. Factor analysis specifically is a *model* that tries to identify underlying common causes of the observed variables--not to reduce the number of items. This is the goal of PCA (it applies no model but is a purely technical data reduction techique resulting in the lack of any surplus meaning of the components (not factors).
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
When there are negative and positive items in the questionnaire, I found out the reliability is low. If I deleted the negative items and left only positive items, the reliability is high. How to do the analysis with both positive and negative items in the questionnaire?
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Can negative items exceed than positive items in scale?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
I got a question when estimating sample size. After getting the theoretical sample size, it needs to consider the response rate and invalid response rate when collecting data in the study based on an online survey. So, how to determine the invalid response rate before collecting data?
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Hello Qichu,
Here are some options:
1. Run a modest-sized pilot study, using participants from your target population.
2. Examine extant studies using similar measures and methods, and determine what sort of non-completion rates were noted therein. In some cases, you might have to contact author/s directly, if such information were absent from the study report.
3. Look for meta-analytic studies of response legitimacy rates for on-line surveys.
In most instances, you're safer off to over-sample rather than under-sample.
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
I need the items of this test.
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Did anyone manage to find the full scale? Also having trouble finding it in any paper.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
I am making a VR-application for my master thesis where people enter a virtual "rage room". I want to check if enhancing VR with the use of haptic feedback, gloves in this case, helps to reduce stress. I am looking for one or more questionnaires to measure stress before and after the test to evaluate the use of the application. What are the best questionnaires to use? The test subjects will be between 16 and 60 years old.
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Thank you to all who provided answers. It seems that the PSS questionnaire could be a useful tool to administer before the test. However, I have some concerns about its ability to measure a difference in stress levels after the test. The questionnaire focuses on the subject's stress levels over the last month. How can it effectively capture changes in stress levels that may occur after the test?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
2 answers
Looking for the Nurse incivility scale to use.. when can I locate a copy?
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Can you please tell me how I should get permission to use the tool "Nursing Incivility scale".
By mailing the author Mr. AM Guidroz, I haven't got the permission till now. It's been 3 week.
And after searching it showed that I need to buy the tool but this tool cost more than 200 dollars which I can't afford.
Please tell me an alternative as this tool serves as an important part in my research methodology.
Please guide me how to seek his permission.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
1 answer
Dear researchers,
Looking for questionnaires related to "digitization of companies and public administrations". It would be kind if you have a relevant example to share.
Sincerely Yours,
#Digitalization #Questionnaire #Public_Administration #Organizational_Development
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The article hyperlinked below may be of interest: it references questions that Westerman, Bonnet, and McAfee (2014) itemized for companies to frame, focus, mobilize, and sustain for digital transformation.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
6 answers
I think that studying teachers' behaviours through students' perceptions is not a good way, as there are many biases that could influence it. However, I have not found much literature on the subject. Do you know of any interesting reviews?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
how to transform my results in the EuroQOL EQ-5D + EQ VAS to get an overall score that can be presented as “good, moderate, poor“ quality of life?
we will use it pre and post bariatric surgery research and it is not the main topic so we would like a short and easy to use questionnaire that is easy to calculate and easy to present
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EoQ5D is a prescribed structure, we cannot manipulate it. None will accept. In UK some health economics experts are discussed on " we needs to change EoQ5D as with time with transition of disease the method needs to modify", Professor Ric Fordham,UK is one of them.
As answer above use "Visual Analog Scale" if you wants to said QALY.
Additionally, can think about;
Likert scale:
It's a question that uses a 5 or 7-point scale. Typically, the Likert survey question includes a moderate or neutral option in its scale.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
2 answers
We, at the Design Innovation Centre of Mondragon University, are working to better understand the interaction between humans and robots through a user-focused questionnaire. Our Human-Robot Experience (HUROX) questionnaire will gauge human perception and acceptance of robots in an industrial setting. Your participation in completing the questionnaire will greatly help us validate our findings.
Please, answer the electronic questionnaire that can be accessed here:
The estimated time to answer all questions is about 40 minutes.
Your cooperation and support in this research effort would be greatly appreciated. We believe that by working together, we can advance our understanding of human-robot interaction and create better, more intuitive technologies for the future. If you're willing, please share this message with your network of contacts to help us reach even more participants.
Thank you for your cooperation!
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Your questionnaire is too long and the questions are repetitive - But the two questions never asked - made me stop. -- I never was asked if I want to engage with robots. Or, even if past experience on any level was satisfactory.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
2 answers
I'm trying to find the Responses to Auditory Hallucinations Questionnaire (RAHQ) by Mann & Pakenham. I'm struggling to find the scale and scoring instructions. Does anyone know where I can find this?
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Did you contact them?
Australian Journal of Psychology Volume 58, Issue 2
First published: 02 February 2011
This paper describes the development of an instrument to assess coping strategies for auditory hallucinations. An inventory of coping strategies was obtained by conducting semi-structured interviews with 17 male participants. This inventory was then used to develop a 27-item questionnaire, the Responses to Auditory Hallucinations Questionnaire (RAHQ). The RAHQ was administered to 125 respondents. Measures of symptom severity, appraisal, anxiety, depression and coping dissatisfaction were also administered. Factor Analysis of the RAHQ yielded three coping subscales, Active coping, Passive coping and Suppression coping. The subscales were shown to be empirically distinct and to possess satisfactory internal reliability. For a small subgroup of participants, two of the three subscales demonstrated satisfactory test – retest reliability. Construct validity was assessed within a stress and coping framework. The RAHQ will facilitate the investigation of the efficacy of coping strategies for the management of auditory hallucinations.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
I am looking for a measurement tool to assess people's reasons/motivations for using cannabis but have not had any luck finding validated or reliable measures... does anyone have suggestions or leads? FYI - I have looked into the Marijuana Motivations Measure and it does not fit my population well (people in opioid use disorder treatment).
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Here's a guide I've used on cannabis-related scales. It's slightly outdated (from 2016), and there may be newer ones.
Some options include:
Marijuana Quit Questionnaire, MJQQ (Copersino et al., 2006)
Marijuana Decisional Balance Scale, MDBS (Elliott et al., 2011)
Marijuana Ladder (Slavet et al., 2006)
Marijuana Motives Measure, MMM (Simons et al., 1998) i
Comprehensive Marijuana Motives Questionnaire, CMMQ (Lee et al., 2009)
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
6 answers
I have found the Farsi/Dari version of the HTQ and currently I am using it with my project. I have some inquiries to ask from the person who has translated HTQ to Farsi/Dari.
Your cooperation is appreciated!
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I bought the full package and it has no Farsi version, however, I translated the English version to Farsi and used it in my study.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
I've attached this survey questionnaire that I downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Education of Malta back in 2020. Now they've taken it down and I can't find a single research on the internet using it. Can anyone help me? The title of the survey was Principal leadership. If you know of any survey questionnaires that assess Principal leadership, can you also send a link? That would also be helpful.
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There are several survey questionnaires that assess principal leadership. Some examples include:
  1. The Principal Leadership Behavior Scale (PLBS) - This survey assesses principals' leadership behaviors in the areas of instructional leadership, management, and professionalism. It can be found here:
  2. The School Leadership Practices Inventory (SLPI) - This survey assesses principals' leadership practices in the areas of strategic leadership, instructional leadership, and cultural leadership. It can be found here:
  3. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) - This survey assesses principals' leadership styles in the areas of transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership. It can be found here:
  4. The Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) - This survey assesses the instructional management practices of school principals. It can be found here:
  5. The Leadership for Learning Framework (LLF) - This survey assesses the leadership practices of school principals in the areas of professional learning, strategic thinking, and community engagement. It can be found here:
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
1 answer
Hi everyone,
I am a 3rd-year student at the University Of Bolton studying psychology, psychotherapy and counselling.
My dissertation concerns psychedelics as a mental health treatment and understanding people's journeys.
I would appreciate if you or anyone you know could help me by participating in my study.
My questionnaire can be found at:
I appreciate your help with this!
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Congratulations on your studies Michael. I wish you much luck !!! Psychodelics or "enteogens" as the first term was more of the 70's, are not "my cup of tea" as I do prefer what Assaglioli called "the soft path". That is meditation and development of Consciousness to arrive to the same "state".
"The experience" is in a level/layer of higher consciousness (see the difference with capital "C") and without the need of seeing things on the move or the change of colors or the interaction with mother plants or other let's say external "artifacts", the deepest "Aha" experience of opening, understanding and connection with higher realms of the psiche and the mysterious "beyond" is the very same.
That's why I do not need psychoactives to feel, recognize and experience real changes in my Conscious life (that, then, become "permanent" and non "temporary" as may be with them). Plus, I do not have the negative effects in my neurons, blood and liver.
I'm not against the use of enteogens (and much more less against the people that "intake" them). I just say that I do not use them or like them FOR ME. And yet, as an experienced Integral Psychologist I would recommed the use for those people which are soooo intellectual, so CLOSED in their tunel vision that do not think (much more less "sense" that there's anything else than what they can see, touch and hear.
I would recommed those people to read with open mind and good heart, William James, Suzuki, Assagliogli and Ken Wilber PLUS meditate (taught by an experienced meditation master) from half an hour to one hour every day during one year.
Then if they have not change anything in their inner perception of life and "things"; in their view about "reality", then and only then, I would recommed to take "enteogens" (preferably natural psychoactives like: peyote, psilocybe, salvia divinorum or the most used lately, the ayahuasca) to crack their rigid armor !!!
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
11 answers
I need the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
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try this if it is work
PDFfiller - multifactor leadership questionnaire pdf.pdf
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3 answers
Preferably in Malay language but English is good too
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Feel free to check this out regarding to the Orang Asli research:
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
13 answers
Dear all,
I am conducting a research for my PhD thesis. I need to do Face validity before finalizing the questionnaire.
I have attached the questionnaire.
I appreciate it if you comment on my questionnaire.
Thank you.
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For your rating scale questionnnaire, ithere should be some checking question in each set of questions so that we know whether the respondants really rate their ideas on a particular item. Foe example, the whole set of questions are talking about the effectivenewss of a supervisor. There should be a question that illustrate the ineffectiveness of the supervisor. If the students tick all with 4-5 so it means the answer is not consistency.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
2 answers
I'm measuring adults' past adolescent drug use and was wondering if there is an already validated scale I could use. I'd like to record drug use of all drug groups (stimulants, hallucinogens, depressants, inhalants, etc.). Thank you in advance.
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Are you concerned with whether the respondent will answer honestly? If so, you could research the "random response method." It is a way of collecting the data where it will not be known for sure which people answered "yes" because they really did use drugs illegally. Perhaps you know this. I just wanted to be certain.
(See "random response method," "random response technique," "random response sampling," "random response," "randomized response.")
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
8 answers
Do you think google forms can replace the traditional structured questionnaire?
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Undoubtedly, Google Forms is a better and easier medium for primary data collection in this technological age.
But, sometimes relying solely on Google Forms is harmful because with the help of Google Forms, we can reach only those people who have communication tools while the other part has nothing to do with it.
Hence there is a need of some pilot survey for some quality checks and take a realistic picture.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
7 answers
I am doing a dissertation for my master in medicine (nuclear medicine). The title of my dissertation is
"Evaluation of difference in thyroxine withdrawal period and its effects on the level of thyroid stimulating hormone and quality of life". I will need a translated Malay version of SF-36 questionnaires to assess the quality of life during the period of thyroxine withdrawal. Thank you.
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Dear Fitri, I am recently doing a study about cost utility analysis among ischemic stroke patients in Malaysia. In this context, I will need SF36 malay version for data collection. Did you find out any ways to get the source? Appreciate your help
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
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I know that PSQI is used as a self reporting questionnaire to evaluate and score the sleep quality of a person. I am currently trying to test the effects of different conditions on sleep quality.
My question is: Can I use this questionnaire each day where participants will be filling it after waking up from a specific condition night? Conditions I am testing is separated by nights and will continue for 3 to 4 weeks with random order.
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This is an older questionnaire, but it has been evaluated for validity and reliability more recently. You might want to review those studies to see if the stats are acceptable for your population. You need evidence to show that one night is enough for subjects to use a specific condition and get a significant change.
Also, what is the impact of subjects taking the same tool every day for up to 28 days? Does anyone suggest rotating the order of the questions in the PSQI for that long a use?
Great idea! Good luck with this project.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
2 answers
Hi all,
what is the suitable type of analysis for a survey like picture below, where the respondents need to compare around 50 items in two scenarios A and B
The respondents basically choose in which scenarios this item would be more critical
please guide me on what kind of analysis would be suitable for such a survey and kindly provide any references if you can
Many thanks in advance
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Hello Abdelrahman,
The answer depends on what comparison(s) you wish to make.
If you wish to evaluate, separately for each item:
1. Whether "A" or "B" are equally often selected, regardless of the numeric rating chosen (other than "1", of course): Use a binomial test of Ho: p = .50
2. The numeric ratings for those who choose "A" for an item are comparable to the numeric ratings for those who choose "B" for an item: Use Mann-Whitney test of Ho: Identical distributions for each preferred scenario. Each person's response (except "1") would put them in one of the two batches per item.
If you wish to evaluate, for the aggregate set of 50 items:
1. Whether "A" or "B" are equally often selected over the set of items, regardless of the numeric rating: Sum the "A" ratings across all persons and cases, and sum the "B" ratings across all persons and cases. Use either binomial test, or chi-square goodness-of-fit test (assuming equal proportions under the null hypothesis). This presumes each person's response is independent for each item.
2. Whether numeric ratings are equal across items: Re-scale the ratings from their current values to 9..2 for "A" choice (note: no change), "1" for equal choice (no change), then 0..-7 for "B" choice (or, if you prefer, -2..-9 for "B" choice). Use Friedman two-way anova by ranks.
3. Whether median numeric ratings for "A" scenario selections over the set of items are comparable to median numeric ratings for "B" scenario selections: Take median of all "A" choice selections by a participant over the items, then a median of all "B" selections over the items. Treat these as paired values, and use Wilcoxon signed-ranks sum test.
This doesn't exhaust the possibilities, but may help to underscore that the choice of analytic method depends on both the nature of the data and the specific research question one wishes to address.
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
I have a set of items that would need to be slightly adapted to fit my research.
1) Let's assume I have the following item: "Introduce a new generation of products/services."
Is it possible to change the tense to: "introducED a new generation of products/services"?
2) Let's assume I have the following item: "We introduce a new generation of products/services."
Is it possible to change the personal pronoun from we to I: "I introduce a new generation of products/services."?
Are these two changes possible without any further testing?
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Questionnaire adaption to suit research context is common.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
I will do research on how nursing students experience the use of a Virtual medicineroom, and i have looked into UTAUT2. I will do a post - test survey using a questionnaire.
The students have not tried VR before, and are in theire second year of education.
I see that there are parts of the UTAUT2 that are not relevant. These are Social influence, facilitating conditions, price value and habit. These would give little meaning to the nursing students that will try the virtual medicineroom for the first time, and i think it would be confusing.
I want to use a validated model/questionnaire like UTAUT2, so i wonder if any of you have any experience in using a adjusted version of the UTAUT2, like i plan to? Is this ok to do?
I want to at least cover percieved usefullness, perceived ease of use, and hedonic factors. I like the TAM - model, but it doesnt have perceived enjoyment, so therefor i think i will use UTAUT2.
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  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
12 answers
If the original scale has one reverse-coded item, and if I want to adopt it in my study, is it possible to un-reverse it and use all the other items in the same order?
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Good catch Bruce Weaver , I assumed 1 as the minimum, and this despite two hours ago having colleagues change scales from 1-10 to 0-10 for a study we are about to send to IRB.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
7 answers
Hi all,
I am planning to create a linguistic questionnaire, which I hope to distribute worldwide. Would anyone have any feedback on a free resource to create and distribute this online questionnaire?
One of the requirements is that I need to include different types of questions into this questionnaire.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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Google Forms is mostly used
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4 answers
I have been looking for good measurement tools to assess people's reasons/motivations for using psychedelics but have not had any luck finding validated or reliable measures... does anyone have suggestions or leads?
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Home > Mental Health Worksheets:
Motivation Worksheet- Substance Use Motivation Scale
I attach our paper:
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7 answers
Should I use the term "questionnaire" or "instrument" in a paper? Is there a clear and practical difference?
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In my opinion it depends on the context. A questionnaire is an instrument that collects information by means of a series of closed or open questions. The notion of an instrument is more general than that of a questionnaire, and encompasses individual and group interviews, systematic or participant observation, tests, scales, checklists, sorting, experiments, etc. Regarding your question, I think the more specific term should be used.
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3 answers
Does anyone know how I am able to get online access to malingering assessments, especially the inventory of legal knowledge or The M-FAST? Thank you
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I don’t believe the publishers have made those particular measures available in an online format
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2 answers
I'm looking for a tool Tool for operationalizing variables into indicators into questions to be used in a questionnaire? This tool could be a directory, search engine etc...
Here's the background story
I need a questionnaire for an impact evaluation of a school (the variables include creativity, loyalty, job prospects). The test sample are about 150-300 alumni of the school. The school sample are alumni of other schools .
This is a new task for me so would appreciate some tips/ideas/resources on how to address it. The budget for this task is not high so we're not expecting super accuracy.
In order to create this questionnaire, I can :
1- Find a previous questionnaire for a similar study (impact of a school on values, attitudes, etc.. )
2- Choosing a couple of item questions from a group of questionnaires from already established scales/measures or previous studies (mix and match exercise).
3- Converting each variable into an indicator and each indicator into a question or two, but there has to be a precedent in the literature for this. For example, if I want to operationalize creativity by the strangeness of thoughts I have per day and the question as
: How often do you have strange thoughts per day?, then I need to point to a study that has done the same. (perhaps there's a tool or resources for this)
I appreciate your thoughts.
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3 answers
Are you a Parent in the UK?
Please take part in my survey about how parenting changes across the generations! Should take 10 mins and will help me complete my masters degree.
I only need 18 more respondents for a medium effect size power analysis and would appreciate any help. If you are also completing research, I would be happy to take part if I am eligible. Please email me or comment below.
Self-Efficacy, Learned Helplessness and Parental Psychological Control: A Transgenerational Perspective
Dear all,
I am currently recruiting participants to take part in my thesis project. I am investigating the relationship between self-efficacy, learned helplessness and parental psychological control from a transgenerational perspective.
The study has received ethical approval from Northumbria University (45055).
We are looking for participants who meet the following criteria:
• A resident in the United Kingdom (UK)
• Grew up in a two-parent household
• Currently have school-aged children
• Parent those children with a stable long-term partner who lives in the same household
The study will involve answering a set of demographic questions, questions about the parenting style received from your own parents, the parenting style you use with your own children, and questions measuring your levels of both self-efficacy and learned helplessness.
If you have any further questions regarding the study, please contact me at [email protected].
To find out more information about the study and to take part, please go to:
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Sorry I don't have children. Will share it with those who do. Good luck with your research.
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16 answers
I have turned up a questionnaire prepared in English. I want to convert it into Turkish than practice it. But I cannot be sure whether I should analyze its validity and reliability because it is not a scale. I hope I can have a chance to pick your brains. Thank you in advance.
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Thank you for the interesting question. In my opinion, content validity and the instrument's reliability are proven by experts to be useful and important even if you modified the questions or not. Also, in the case of a different language.
Kind Regards,
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
11 answers
I have conducted a survey on paper. The questionnaire consists of 82 items divided into 15 subscales. That is, 5-6 items belong to a scale/variable I want to explore. I use a 6 point Likert scale for each of the items. Even though the questionnaire clearly states that the respondents should choose only one response per item, some respondents have chosen two options (e.g. 1 and 2, or 3 and 4). How do I handle this? I would really appreciate suggestions, thanks!
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Perhaps the safest strategy would be to treat these responses as missing values and subsequently use multiple imputation to address missing item scores. Another strategy could be to assign a score of 1.5, 2.5, etc. in these cases if you think it is plausible that these participants were trying to respond "in between" 1 and 2 (or 2 and 3 etc.).
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
I am looking for a questionnaire that is not so long .
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In reality, it is the parents of these children who will answer the questionnaire and my research is qualitative.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
6 answers
APA says, “validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretation of test scores for proposed uses of tests”. However, questionnaires with independent items (some items about intensity, others about frequency, others nominals), that do not generate a score, also need validation (at least a content validation). So can I ensure that validation is just possible to support the interpterion of test scores?
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As Holger Steinmetz notes, there are several definitions for validity. While the Kane one (which I assume is what the APA cites) is popular and seems the most widely used these days, it is worth saying what you mean by validity. To answer your question, you likely are wanting to address how valid with whatever definition your questions in the sample that you use are (as well as reliability and fairness).
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
8 answers
It is usual to say that causality is time-dependent. However, a reviewer sent this message for a study "The authors state that one limitation is the cross-sectional design, which does not enable establishing a cause-and-effect relationship. However, the paper intends to evaluate causal mechanisms. Please be coherent: if you believe causal effects are not plausible to be evaluated, then the whole conceptualization of your study is unsupported".
May you help me to understand the conception of causality in SEM?
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I think the bottom line of the reviewer comment is that the cross-sectional design is inadequate for examining the focal research question or hypotheses on causal effects. This is not primarily a stats issue but a matter of research methods in more general terms.
I have seen lots of submissions to academic journals applying sequential designs. That is, researchers introduce a time lag of a few weeks between measuring predictor and criterion, but do not include repeated measures of the focal variable (no panel data). In my view, such designs are a more or less desparate attempt to avoid desk rejection because of cross-sectional data.
There is quite a bit research that suggests that sequential designs do not perform better than cross-sectional data (see below).
I agree that experimental or real longitidunal survey data are a much better fit to test causal effects. In my view, providing evidence for causality is possible in limited ways to impossible with non-experimental data. I can recommend the chapter of John Antonakis discussing among other things the role of third variables. I like his example of a loud noise occurring (instead of a rifle) causes discs to be shattered, because the correlation between the occurrence of a crack and the condition of the discs is so highly correlated. :-)
In my view, leaving the causality obsession (in psychology) aside, there are lots of meaningful and important research questions that can be addressed with correlational data (even cross-sectional data), e.g. regarding the interplay of variables or the relative weight of predictors (no matter if these predictors are the only or real causes).
Antonakis, J., Bendahan, S., Jacquart, P., & Lalive, R. (2014). Causality and Endogeneity. The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations.
O’Laughlin, K. D., Martin, M. J., & Ferrer, E. (2018). Cross-Sectional Analysis of Longitudinal Mediation Processes. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 53(3), 375–402.
Mitchell, M. A., & Maxwell, S. E. (2013). A Comparison of the Cross-Sectional and Sequential Designs when Assessing Longitudinal Mediation. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 48(3), 301–339.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
Thank you to everyone who took the time to give an opinion on my PhD research. In this study, your professional advice is much appreciated. There are (5) FIVE parts in this questionnaire that need around 20-30 minutes of your time to complete.
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  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
9 answers
Hello, I have a questionnaire that consists of five sections. The first section (related to drivers' knowledge) has 10 items with no Likert scale and the participants have to choose from either two or three or more specific options. The second section (related to drivers' habits) has 9 items with the first five items having a six-point Likert scale while in the remaining items the respondents have to choose one question from four specific options. The third section (related to drivers' behavioral intentions) has 10 items with each following a six-point Likert scale. The fourth section (related to drivers' psychological conditions) has 9 items with no Likert scale and the participants have to choose from three, or four or more specific options. Finally, the last section consists of questions regarding drivers' profiles (age, gender, education, driving experience, profession, frequency of driving through tunnels, etc.)
Now my question is, what kind of statistical tests or analysis can I perform here to investigate the relationship between the variables in the drivers' profile and other sections/items. For instance, how I can analyze which group of drivers (in terms of age, gender, experience, etc.) are more knowledgable (section 1) or adopt appropriate habits (section 2).
I am also open to all kinds of suggestions and collaborations on this research.
P.S: I am attaching my questionnaire as a file. Hope it will help to understand my question and questionnaire better.
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A couple of things to remember here: in a prospectus assemble the following:
a. The research questions and summarize responses by data type
b. The potential tests of the hypotheses from a
c choose tests based on a and b
d choose sample sizes based on chosen tests and type I and Ii requirements
e conduct methods of d
f answer the research questions based on e
g check the assumptions required in e
Prepare summary report of results
Suggestions- 0 Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance
1 get a good book on research design
2 Study it
3 Follow the suggestions for each step
4 assemble the overall plan
5 collect data as in plan 4
6see f, g and h above
7 do not ever do what you did in this
question again
Good luck David Booth
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
8 answers
Could you please recommend a valid and reliable questionnaire for middle school learners to know their reading comprehension problems?
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Please clarify. Do you want to know the reading comprehension level viz a viz standardized tests or do you want middle school students to evaluate themselves, like Marsh's academic self-concept (ASC) for language arts?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
11 answers
My research involves looking at whether an education initiative (workplace training) increase employee knowledge and engagement in corporate sustainability missions.
Research includes:
1) A pre Likert Scale questionnaire (18 questions divided roughly into two sections, knowledge and engagement)
2) An education intervention (training)
3) A post Likert Scale questionnaire (18 questions divided roughly into two sections, knowledge and engagement)
These have already taken place and I have questionnaire responses for 20 participants.
How do I go about interpreting this/ analyzing this? I have read lots of different answers online and can't seem to find a common answer
Any help will be appreciated- Thank you
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Hi Lewis,
Thank you. Before the research, I had looked up before/after and decided on Pearson Correlation coefficient but when doing more research, realised this might be wrong?
I'll take a look on YouTube. For my literature review, I have identified several papers that have similar studies, but again, they all use a different method so that's why I'm unsure on which way to approach it
Thank you for your help - I'll also check out that book!
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
I have worked on a study where we have observed a mean improvement in the PHQ-9 score of 2.73. I want to compare this to a study that has reported a mean improvement of 4.0 on CES-D. Is such a comparison valid? Are there any well-accepted score conversion matrices between different depression scales?
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In my opinion, it is not valid to compare the outcome from two different scales.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
reliability and validity
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A validated questionare can be very helpful
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
65 answers
Do we need to be specific?
Sometime I feel that if we become specific with more details when we ask the questions, we loose some potential researchers from other fields. So the number of answers reduce, then it is difficult to get attention of other researchers. So at the end we do not get many answers.
What is your experience and opinion on this? Please share your thoughts as well.
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Dear Amila Abeynayaka . I think the question must be highlighted social world issues (scientific &non scientific ) .
. Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
48 answers
Dear researchers,
I have estimated internal consistency for a questionnaire with 50 items (five -likert point) by alpha cronbach. Alpha was .98.
What is your interpretation?
What can the cause be from your point of view?   
Thanks for your help.
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Exactly, Cronbach's alpha indicates whether the items measure the same construct. The minimum acceptable value for Cronbach's alpha ca 0.70; Below this value the internal consistency of the common range is low. Meanwhile, the maximum expected value is 0.90; Above this value is perceived as redundancy or duplication.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
Dear Community,
I read that the VFI is considered to be an outdated and incomplete instrument to measure the motivations in volunteerism studies. However, I read a very recent publication using the same to measure motivations. Does anyone know or has come across any other instrument within the functionalist approach which measures motivations in volunteers? Could anyone suggest an alternative instrument (close-ended) to measure motivations of volunteers? I wanted to use it for my thesis..
Thank you
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The VFI to measure motivations in volunteering studies, to be used today, should be adapted to the particular circumstance of the study in question. Adaptation work.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
I am looking for alternatives to the PSI questionnaire to access parental stress in the parent–child system... anyone with some suggestions?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
2 answers
Can someone please help me regarding the access to CRSI ( Conflict Resolution Style Inventory 1994) since I have to use it in my research and translate it but I am unable to get access to it. Neither do I know if its in the public domain/ free to use since the author Lawrence Kurdek passed away in 2009. I have contacted researchers who have recently used it in the publications but have not received any answer yet.
Thanks and Regards.
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Hello Fatima,
The instrument is mentioned in the text by Perlmutter, Tuliatos, & Holden (2001), Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. However, it may be just a mention.
If you know of studies that used this measure, I'd try contacting one of the authors other than Kurden to see whether they could furnish a copy of the instrument.
However, this link may be the one you're looking for, as it references Kurden:
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
9 answers
I am researching gender bias in sport media have done a survey which involved 8 sets of 4 images of athletes (4 male and 4 female sets), each being followed up with 3 questions. Participants had to select which image they thought best fit the 3 questions. (So i ended up with 8 answers to each of the questions)
I'm struggling with figuring out how to analyse my data? I need to keep my data in terms of 'amount of times this image was chosen', so i need it to be in whole number (image 1,2,3,4) but everything I try gives me the mean answer from 1-4 across ALL the images for the question.
Questions I am trying to answer are:
Was a certain image chosen more often in the female athlete sets than the male athlete sets (and vice versa)?
Did male/female participants differ from eachother in their responses? (was one gender more likely to select one type of image compared to the other gender)
Happy to answer follow up questions. I feel like the answer is simple but I havent done stat analysis in ages and I just cant think of anything.
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Daniel Wright 8 athletes, different settings/outfits. n around 60 and question is basically just do attitudes towards male and female athletes differ within the particular sport’s community - the survey is only one part of the overall study, but the other parts aren’t relevant to the analysis of this bit.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
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Good Luck, All the Best Marián Čvirik
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
I am writing a paper and I just need to look at a copy of the manual to see how to communicate the findings and some of the information that is included in the manual. It will be used strictly for the purposes of this paper and not for clinical use with clients.
I know this doesn't allow for a lot of back and forth commentary if you can help me with this please reach out on here or I can be reached by email [email protected]
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Childhood trauma questionnaire : a retrospective self-report : manual
Author:David P Bernstein; Laura Fink Publisher:Orlando : Psychological Corporation, 1998.
Ask this from your library
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
2 answers
Hello SEM experts,
I have a 2nd order reflective construct which have 6 first order factors all having 2 questions each. Can i combine those two questions for each 1st order factor by using item parceling approach for CFA and SEM? Actually i am trying to reduce the number of observed variables because of so many questions in my questionnaire. What are the implications if i do this?
I am using IBM AMOS for CB-SEM.
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Did you manage to solve this problem?
I came across the same issue as your.
Did you happen to find good reference for this procedure?
thanks in advance.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
9 answers
Is the psychological well-being questionnaire proposed by Ryff an adequate instrument to measure psychological well-being? I have read that some of the subscales have little reliability and do not work very well; however, it is one of the most used instruments and this is an advantage to compare results with other studies. Is there any other questionnaire that you recommend, better than this one?
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Base on my findings so far in this area of study (well being), RYFF scale remains a valid scale for this measurement. I conducted a study using the scale. However i adopted only the subsections that were relevant to my area of concern. Attached is a copy of the publication in case someone still need to see
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
6 answers
executive functioning = working memory, attention shifting and inhibition if task.
Please suggest me scale who asses all three of them or even i am ready to go with different scales. kindly mention authors also.
I want to use these tests for my m.phil thesis which is non funded and i am unable to bear expenses of publishers. 
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Yes Talha, you get free access to the Moca test at >
You will have to demonstrate your competence qualifications to get the required badge.
A useful example of a Functional backup is to ask the client to carry out a simple task AND report back to you through her/his nurse (or email /phone message, etc). Simple tasks like "Please send me your contact information tomorrow", or "Please draw a copy of the shape on this page, then give it to your nurse tomorrow morning", require INITIATIVE, a major executive function skill not tested by simple tests like MOCA where initiative is provided by the tester.
Note that the second task mentioned above requires LESS initiative than the first, since you leave behind a tangible cue for compliance.
Good fortune, Paul
xPsychologist Paul McGaffey, PhD(ABD)
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
8 answers
I am trying to do the analysis for my qualitative research with an inductive approach using thematic analysis. I used semi-structured questionnaire where I included multiple choice phrase phrases and open-ended questions, I have few elaborations yet not the same theme
Can you please advise? I need to extend the analysis yet I am confused. Thank you
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A semi-structured questionnaire is a method for collecting qualitative and quantitative data systematically. Its use should be driven by the study purpose and design—albeit yours is not clearly pointed out. For its analysis, you might start by cleaning the collected data, especially for the open-ended questions, with the study objectives or questions in mind. Afterward, you could apply thematic analysis, using theory-driven coding, i.e., approaching the data with specific questions that underlie the coding process. You could refer to the following references for insights.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2020). Can I use TA? Should I use TA? Should I not use TA? Comparing reflexive thematic analysis and other pattern‐based qualitative analytic approaches. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 21(1), 37-47.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2013). Successful qualitative research: A practical guide for beginners. SAGE.
Nowell, L. S., Norris, J. M., White, D. E., & Moules, N. J. (2017). Thematic analysis: Striving to meet the trustworthiness criteria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods,16(1).
Good luck,
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
30 answers
Good evening,
I am doing a research in strategic management. For the methodology, I would like to send a questionnaire to mananers from some companies and ask them to fill it out.
Here is the structure:
1) classification questions;
2) statements that investigate certain areas of their companies. Example: for area A (e.g. oganization) there are 5 questions like the following one: "Your company is very good at ....."
Each respondent has to answer in a scale ranging from 1 to 7 (1= not true at all; 7 = very true) (Not sure whether to call it a "Likert scale").
- Is it okay to use a factor analysis to test the reliability and validity in this case? If yes, any particular one? (confirmatory, explorative)?
- Should be used a small sample for testing?
- What to do if the analysis shows poor construction of the questionnaire?
Doing some research on the internet I found also the so called "McDonald's omega" that can be used instead of the Cronbach's Alpha. Has anyone ever used it?
Thanks for your attention.
P.S. Can anyone suggest me some books/articles about social science research?
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Hi! Usually the questionnaires should be pre-tested with the experts in the respective fields for the content validity. If the researcher is using established scale then pilot testing with minimum sample size of 30 can be used to check the reliability of the scale based on Cronbach's Alpha. If the scale is new then it is suggested to run the exploratory factor analysis. Thanks.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
12 answers
I'm looking for a questionnaires to use in a small study to assess Health Seeking Behaviour in a particular community. 
Can anyone help?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
14 answers
I collected over 300 participants data (6-point-likert / 19 statements) because of adapt a English language survey to my language. I want to do not only CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analisys) but also do Rasch analysis for validation of adapted scale in R.
- How can I do that with R?
- Only Rasch analysis is enough to confirmation?
- How can I write reporting results?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
16 answers
Hello, I have a questionnaire that consist of four sections with each section focusing on different variables.
First, each section has 9-10 items with each item following a different scale. For instance, the first section has 10 items with no Likert scale and the participants have to choose from either two or three or more specific options. The second section has 9 items with the first five items have six point Likert scale while in the remaining items the respondents have to choose from four specific options. The third section has 10 items with each following six point Likert scale. The fourth section has 9 items with no Likert scale and the participants have to choose from three, or four or more specific options.
Second, in some of the items the respondents were also allowed to select multiple answers for the same item.
Now my question is, how to calculate the "Cronbach's Alpha" for this questionnaire? If we cannot calculate the "Cronbach's Alpha", what are the alternative to find the reliability and internal consistency of the questionnaire.
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Amjad Pervez Strictly speaking, Cronbach's alpha only makes sense when your variables are measured on an interval scale (i.e., when you have continuous/metrical/scale-level variables) and when the variables are in line with the classical test theory (CTT) model of (essential) tau equivalence (or stricter models). Essential tau-equivalence implies that the variables/items measure a single factor/common true score variable (i.e., that they are unidimensional) with equal loadings. For variables that are only congeneric (measure a single factor/dimension but have different factor loadings), Cronbach's alpha underestimates reliability. For multidimensional scales, Cronbach's alpha tends to be completely meaningless. For categorical (binary and ordinal) variables, psychometric models and scaling procedures of item response theory are usually more appropriate that procedures derived from CTT which assumes continuous (scale-level) variables.
Maybe you could describe the content of your variables (and the answer options) in a bit more detail. That would make it easier for folks on Researchgate to see which procedure may be appropriate for you.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
11 answers
I request you to kindly fill this survey based on your awareness level of social media usages in higher educational institutions of India.
Kindly fill and circulate it among your peer groups, please.
Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. Kindly note that there are no right or wrong answers. The responses will be kept confidential and used for research purposes only. Please provide 5-10 minutes of your valuable time to fill the responses honestly.
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Not from India but interesting survey Sarthak Sengupta
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
8 answers
I have a question about calculating cohen's kappa for a checklist with multiple items.
In my research I use interviews that are scored on protocol fidelity with a checklist. The interviews are scored by two raters on multiple items, with 3 possible answers (yes, no, or not applicable). I would like to calculate the overall kappa for this checklist. I used the kappaCohen command in R, but then it gives me a kappa for each item. Can I use the average of these values to calculate the overall kappa?
In addition, on the items that are scored totally the same for each participants for each rater, the kappaCohen command returns a NaN. When I calculate an average of the kappa values, can I set the NaN values to 1 (since there is 100 procent overlap)?
Thank you very much in advance for answering my question!
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Good explanation is performed by Bruce Weaver, best regards
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
1 answer
I would like to know which is the best way to analyse test-retest in non-normal data. If ICC is not recommended in those cases, which test should I choose?
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In the non-normal situation, Spearman correlation is a suitable method
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
7 answers
I have a questionnaire with questions that measure one  variable. The questions have the Likert scale format. I want to check convergent or discriminant validity for the questionnaire. How can I carry out it?
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Would anybody pls make a refrence to acceptable coefficients for discriminant validity?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Which biases / measuring errors do I have to address when doing a survey, where the independent & dependent variable is collected via the same questionnaire from one person?
I already addressed common method bias by integrating a marker variable.
In particular any other biases / measuring errors I can address when setting up the questionnaire (like the remedy for common method bias with the marker variable)
Many thanks in advance!!
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It is unavoidable to have biases in our research. However, as long as we mention our limitations and define the scope of bias in our study, good research may impact our learning community.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
I am interested in knowing if there is any research work exploring factors that may affect the way in which girls and boys (aged 9-12 yrs.) complete physical activity self-report measures (e.g., questionnaires). Do you know of any studies that indicate that girls record/adjust their subjective physical activity better (compared to device-measured physical activity) than boys?
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1. In children aged 7 to 10 years, there is a relationship between the accuracy of a simple motor response and testerone, which means that there are differences in the accuracy of reproduction of joint angles and amplitude of movement. After 10-11 years, boys will better memorize single movements faster.
2.After 10-11 years, differences in the level of manifestation of muscular endurance, absolute strength and speed-strength readiness. At the same time, movement is better retained in memory with an equal number of repetitions for which the most favorable age-related physiological period of development is now. If the number of hours of training is the same for boys and girls, then boys after 10-11 years old will remember faster and perform better motor tasks associated with the manifestation of muscular endurance, absolute strength, and speed-strength training than girls at the same age.
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4 answers
I'm researching on burnout in counseling psychologists and we're trying to look into which source of social support could be most helpful to buffering the effects of burnout. Would anyone happen to know if there's a scale that measures social support from the organization, social support from supervisors, and social support from colleagues altogether?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
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Have you found an answer?
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
8 answers
Is there a reliability test other than cronbach alpha if answers to questionnaire questions with yes or no ?
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I choose to use cronbach alpha
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
Yes/no response scales have a worst result in factorial analysis than Likert scales? Should we avoid yes/no response scales?
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depends on measure.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
Hi everyone.
I am currently designing a questionnaire based on the knowledge of certain nutrient, the choices given to the respondents for answering are true/false/don't know. The reason I put "don't know" is because I am target a general population of the university students.
I have read for several questions from here regarding to the reliability tools, but I am still confusing on choosing the right one because:
1)Kuder-Richardson 20 Test (KR-20): test the intenal consistency between the dichotomous variables
But my answer choices have three, so i am not sure is it still ok to apply with this
2)Cronbach's alpha test: suitable for likert-scale
Apparently my ones are not shown in likert-scale. However, i have read an article which also used "yes" "no" "don't know" for the choices and the author applied with this reliability test (refer to section 2.2.1.)
Thank you very much.
If I have any misconception, please correct me, I am highly appreciate to your guidance!
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
10 answers
To make a survey for a particular fact such as the perception of a phenomenon, one often resorts to an interview questionnaire. In the digital age, tools such as Google Forms, Kobo collect and many others have been developed. From a scientific point of view, is it preferable to submit an interview questionnaire through the communication channels (sms, email, social networks ...) or, it is better to submit it in the ground ?
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Always first hand data collection is preferred as the researcher has the options to get more information through questions which are appropriate but are not though of before. also, you are sure to get response.
In the digital form, a questionnaire must be well thought, well prepared and exhaustive. Of course even then it is difficult to get response from all the addresses.
The first one is time consuming, requires a lot of effort, but is more scientific and secured than the second one. Although the second approach is preferred now a days because of time constraint and ease of acess.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
10 answers
I am a Medical student working on a research concerning mental health on young people. I am looking for a scale with good properties for symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Since the questionnaire includes many other dimension, short version are particularly welcome!
Thanks in advance!
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For Anxiety the "BAI" (Beck Anxiety Inventory) and, for Depression, the "BDI" (Beck Depression Inventory) ... Idem Hamilton
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
9 answers
I would like to do a study based on this topic and i can't find any questionnaires. I need help with the questionnaire or any study related to this topic.
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I want to develop an questionnaire on Knowledge, attitude s, practice s on non Communicable Diseases. I'm searching previous research questions.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
I am currently scouring with the web for an inventory which can assess the overall well-being of people/students from ages 14+. The qualities that I am looking for are:
  • <30 questions long
  • Ages 14+
  • High validity and reliability
  • Multiple choice, not written
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am having so much difficulty because I am skeptical of very short questionnaires(e.g. SWLS, BRS, BMSLSS), but I do not know if that is fair.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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If you want to conduct the study on children and adolescents, you might be interested to use the EQ-5D-Y.
Please be referred to the following documents
Or refer to the official website
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
Dear community,
We are working with attention check items in several questionnaires to improve the data quality (compare ). We are also measuring several constructs (such as embodiment, immersion, presence, motivation, self-efficacy etc.) which established questionnaires recommend measuring with many items (sometimes >30). This length makes it infeasible given participants' limited attention and time. Thus, we have shortened some scales. I would like to justify why this is acceptable given the higher data quality due to the attention check items. Unfortunately, I could not identify any literature that indicates this. Are you aware of anything in this direction? Please also feel free to point out any literature regarding shortening scales or the trade-off of long scales and time.
Thank you!
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This paper and its reference list should help:
Marsh, H. W., Martin, A. J., & Jackson, S. (2010). Introducing a short version of the physical self description questionnaire: new strategies, short-form evaluative criteria, and applications of factor analyses. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32(4), 438-482.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
26 answers
I hope everyone is safe and healthy.
The purpose of this survey is to study travel behavior during COVID-19. It does not ask for any personal information and will take about 10 - 15 minutes.
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Edit: Thanks everyone for your responses. They survey is now closed.
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Please, can you open the survey again for us to respond. This is a very important aspect that we all need to participate in. Please, can you send me the survey to respond to. Thanks.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
7 answers
Goal: This project is consist of two different questionnaire to get the opinion of experts in different locations. ( Location-based)
First questionnaire (GOOGLE FORM) Second Project:
There is no deadline for filling of this questionnaire. I believe that higher number of respondents will give much more accurate outcomes. Please recommend this questionnaire to your friends. That would help me too much. If you are interested in collaborating and working together please send a message to me.
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Thank you Loh Yong Seng
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
Is it right to face socioeconomic status as a latent variable? May you give an example?
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Hello Matheus,
in 2007, there was a whole special issue in Psychological Methods on formative variables that centered around the example of socio-economic status as a latent formative variable. It started with the very critical view by Howland and colleagues:
Howell, R. D., Breivik, E., & Wilcox, J. B. (2007). Reconsidering formative measurement. Psychological Methods, 12(2), 205-218.
The debate continued later with the same folks in the Journal of Business Research:
Wilcox, J. B., Howell, R. D., & Breivik, E. (2008). Questions about formative measurement. Journal of Business Research, 61, 1219-1228.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
Dear community,
We will conduct experiments in Virtual Reality and want to measure immersion. I have not come across questionnaires that have a small number (e.g. <7) items to measure immersion. Do you know any (that could also be applied to VR)?
Thanks for your help!
Here are some longer questionnaires I came across:
Measuring Presence in Virtual..:
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Miller & Bugnariu (2016) have provided a useful overview of different levels of immersion that should be testet. In case you need to make your own questionnaire.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
Dear community,
we will conduct an experiment with Virtual Reality and will administer a pre-questionnaire, post-training-questionnaire, post-assessment-questionnaire, 14-day-retention questionnaire and 28-day-retention questionnaire. Currently, we are planning to assess pre-motivation with an adapted scale from Noe and Wilk (1993) and every other motivation measurement with the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (McAuley et al., 1989). However, ideally, we could use a short questionnaire that is applicable to pre- and post-motivation so that the change can be compared. I could not find a suitable questionnaire, but please let me know when you are aware of one.
Please see below for the questions we would currently use.
Thanks in advance for your help!!
I try to learn as much as I can from the following training material.
I am motivated to learn the skills which are taught within the following training material.
I would like to improve my skills.
I am willing to invest effort in the following training material to improve my skills.
The following training material has a high priority for me.
Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (McAuley et al., 1989)
I enjoyed experiencing the virtual world very much.
I thought experiencing the virtual world was quite enjoyable
I would describe the experience as very interesting
The experience in VR training was fun.
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You could have a look at Huang et al. (2019) for insights. Here is the full citation.
Huang, Y.-C., Backman, S. J., Backman, K. F., McGuire, F. A. & Moore, D. (2019). An investigation of motivation and experience in virtual learning environments: A self-determination theory. Education and Information Technologies, 24(1), 591–611.
Good luck,
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
6 answers
Dear fellow researchers,
I remember a discussion I had according to which it can be beneficial to randomise question blocks if they are not in a logical order. The main advantage would be avoiding that some participants generally pay more attention to questions shown in the beginning and would rather randomly answer alter questions. Do you agree with this statement and do you know any literature that makes the same point?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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I would like to add something to what Blaine Tomkins said.
In questionnaires with several subscales, it can make sense that the items referring to different subscales are not put together. If the items of a scale point in the direction of what that scale is measuring, that would give clues to the participant of what you are measuring and it could affect their response. Randomising items fom different subscales together offers an advantage in this case, a different one to which the one you mentioned though.
Regarding what is counterbalancing blocks, it refers to balance the design of your survey to avoid things such as learning or fatigue effects by varying the position of these. Fatigue should not be a concern in your questionnaire, better keep it short, I agree with Blaine again. If you always had one specific block first and another one in the end, the results you obtain might be influenced by that and not the content of the survey. Counterbalancing is the solution to that, and randomisation is a way to do it.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
4 answers
Dear community,
I have reviewed several articles on different questionnaires of presence and immersion but most such as the most cited one from Witmer have many items. Since we also want to test other constructs, we would prefer a shorter version. It should ideally also be applicable to Virtual Reality environments.
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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8 answers
Dear statisticians,
For my bachelor's thesis (Health Sciences), I am looking into the relationship between Eating Behaviour and Sensory Processing Sensitivity (a (personality) trait). My research question is therefore: What is the relationship between Eating Behaviour and Sensory Processing Sensitivity?
I have a sample of 150 participants, and I am doing a cross-sectional association survey study.
Eating Behaviour can be measured with the Adult Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, consisting of 35 5-point Likert scale items, that form 8 subscales. Those eight are my dependent variables.
Sensory Processing Sensitivity can be measured via the Highly Sensitive Person Scale, consisting of 27-items 7 point Likert scale, that form three subscales. The independent variables (four) are the total score for Sensory Processing Sensitivity, and it's three subscales.
After excluding participants who completed less than 80 % of both questionnaires, I have 0.26% missing items, only 23 out of 9000 items. As I will need to compute subscores with these items, I do not want these data points to remain missing/zero. As a method of imputation, I was considering mean imputation (so for each missing, imputing the mean of this specific item). I have read that this is not the best recommended method since it does not take into account relationships between variables, but the method is OK when you have very little missing data.
What type of missing imputation would you recommend me to do? The other option I'm considering is multiple imputation.
Please let me know your thoughts, I would be so grateful!
Thanks so much in advance!
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  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
7 answers
Recently, I read that we do not validate the questionnaire, but the scores obtained through this questionnaire. So is it wrong the papers with the title"Validation of the XXXXXX questionnaire"?
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Early in my career I encountered Anne Anastasi's book "Psychological Testing". I was struck, and have remained impressed all my life, by her thought that a "questionnaire is a sample of behaviour". That is, a questionnaire is a *sample* from which the analyst makes predictions about the *ensemble* of behaviours the respondent may be said to exhibit. It makes complete sense therefore to investigate the ability of a questionnaire to allow the prediction to be made with validity (does the sample really measure the ensemble of interest?) and reliability (does the sample fluctuate at random?) Using unvalidated questionnaires is, as I used to drone to my dear students till they knew this lesson, pseudo-science and snake-oil. As in all inferential statistics, the actual *data* (in the original question, "the scores") is an accident that has just taken place. What the investigator wants to know is: what does the accident tell us ("the questionnaire")? Welcome to the wonderful world of Psychometrics!
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
I have a set of observations got from the questionnaire, measured at a 5 point Likert scale. For my thesis, I need to convert initial 5 point Likert scale measurements into a 7 point likert scale. What kind of transformation could use with SPSS? Or maybe can it be done through Excel or some other software?
Thank everyone in advance!
Stay Safe!
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Dear colleague.
Since you have already used a 5-point scale, there is no point in adjusting it to another one. In future research, I recommend (if necessary) to use a 7-point scale right during the survey.
Good luck with your research.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
5 answers
I find the Trait Arousability, Trait Pleasure-Displeasure and Trait Dominance-Submissiveness by Prof. Albert Mehrabian to be useful for my research work, but I cannot find the questionnaire anywhere, and Prof. Mehrabian is also not distributing the questionnaires anymore as per his website (I also emailed him, but he denied sharing).
So, if you know the place I can get these scales, or you have a copy of these scales, please share with me.
Any clue or resource will be very helpful for me.
  1. Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the revised Trait Arousability (converse of the Stimulus Screening) Scale.
  2. Mehrabian, A. (1994). Manual for the Trait Pleasure- displeasure Scale.
  3. Mehrabian, A. (1994a). Manual for the revised Trait Dominance-submissiveness Scale (TDS)
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Hi. Have you got the scale? I met the same problem and if you have got it, could you please do me a favor and share it with me? Thanks!
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
I'm currently working on a project assessing personal values, and I'd love to gain more insights in Schwartz' latest PVQ. However, as I study in The Netherlands I'd need a Dutch, validated translation of the questionnaire, given the fact that I will be working with a Dutch target group.
I can't seem to find a source for such a Dutch version online. Are there sources I'm overlooking or is there no Dutch version available?
Thank you so much for helping me out, if you can!
Schwartz, S. H., Cieciuch, J., Vecchione, M., Davidov, E., Fischer, R., Beierlein, C., ... & Dirilen-Gumus, O. (2012). Refining the theory of basic individual values. Journal of personality and social psychology, 103(4), 663.
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Don't know if this helps, but I recently had a Spanish paper which I couldn't find an English version of (and I don't speak Spanish). I was able to translate it via Google docs.
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
6 answers
Hello! I am a student and I am looking for a questionnaire that can fit our experiment about how music affects mood. We will use the questionnaire as a reference. Thank you so much!
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
3 answers
My college research team and I are in search of an instrument to evaluate emotional involvement in soccer fanatics...yet we can not seem to find an instrument to use? Any recommendations? What should I do to find a good questionnaire? How can I acquire an instrument (preferable free)?
Additionally, this instrument has to be standardized.
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First of all, you need to read the classical book by MORRIS, Desmonds. The Soccer Tribe (several editions available). Thereafter, you can access the following papers:
- CRISP, R.J.; HEUSTON, S.; FARR. M.J. & TURNER, R.N. "Seeing Red or Feeling Blue: Differentiated Intergroup Emotions and Ingroup Identification in Soccer Fans", in: Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, Vol. 10 (2010), Iss. 1.
- JONES, Marc V.; COFFEE, Pete; SHEFFIELD, David, YANGUEZ, Marc & BARKER, Jamie B. "Just a game? Changes in English and Spanish soccer fans’ emotions in the 2010 World Cup", in: Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 13 (2012), Iss. 2.
- TEQUES, Pedro; CALMEIRO, Luis; MARTINS, Henrique; DUARTE, Daniel & HOLT, Nicholas L. "Mediating Effects of Parents’ Coping Strategies on the Relationship Between Parents’ Emotional Intelligence and Sideline Verbal Behaviors in Youth Soccer", in: Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Vol. 40 (2018), Iss. 3.
- SABY, Yohan; PUPIER, Yann, GUILLET-DESCAS, Emma; NICOLAS, Michel & MARTINENT, Guillaume. "Longitudinal emotional process among adolescent soccer player in intensive training centre", in: Journal of Sports Sciences, 9 (2019).
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
10 answers
I need to find an instrument to measure quality of life in adults with Intellectual disability (mild - moderate) in Cyprus. Any Recommendations? (Spoken language is Greek)
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The INCO-FEAPS Scale has both self-report and report of others versions. The original version is in Spanish but there is also a translation into English. You can find both at
  • asked a question related to Questionnaire
12 answers
Is anyone aware of a published questionnaire that assesses perceived barriers to healthcare access (e.g., cost of transportation, homelessness, etc.)?
Thank you in advance!
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I think the choice of BACS is excellent. Of course, the tool can be application modified. As it is a scale tool, it offers a wide range of evaluation and methodological adjustments.