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Publisher - Science topic

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Questions related to Publisher
  • asked a question related to Publisher
5 answers
I need to know if this publisher is predatory to avoid publishing with them
Relevant answer
Ramon ferreiro garcia yes thank you professor
  • asked a question related to Publisher
28 answers
Dear Scholars,
We are looking for co-authors in following fields to publish research articles.
1. Antimicrobial resistance
2. Public health
3. Maternal and Child Health
Best regards
Relevant answer
I sent an email but I did not get any response.
Please can you check?
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
My friend who is a Credit Review Officer is working on a research project. The outcome need to be published hence facing difficulties.
Bank of Bhutan is not allowed in institution details. Any suggestions
Relevant answer
Hello Dr Anoop Mohanty
I do not think is a problem unless Bank of Bhutan specifically has it in the rules you cannot do this.
If it is more that you are worried about ORCID, an alternative is to be listed as an "independent researcher".
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I am interested in writing a review article but don't know where to start. Any advice would be welcome.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
Dear sir
I am student School of graduate studies and I wish to publish how do i do ?
Relevant answer
Great and thank you so much for your advise
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
When persuading a PhD from an international university , is there a difference in the acceptance of a master in Philosophy completed with thesis vs by publication. If the articles get published after the thesis submission can it affect the future enrolment in an international university.
Relevant answer
I think you need both but need more publication in journals.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
Is the Journal of Pedagogical Research a trusted journal to publish in? I checked in scopus website and scimago and I find it is there with scopus Q2 rank; but I have concerns if it is predator? Can you help?
Relevant answer
The journal “Journal of Pedagogical Research” ( ) has some trustworthy features:
-Their indexing in Scopus looks solid and the same is true for the “Scopus content coverage” which looks normal (no sudden increase in accepted and published papers)
I see no real red flags, it is most likely a pretty safe choice.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
5 answers
Recently, I spent a significant amount of time developing a new model, but its accuracy is lower than some existing models. My model's accuracy is above 90%, while some existing models achieve 95-96% accuracy. Is this work still publishable? If so, why? Additionally, how should I handle the recent work and model comparison part?
I would appreciate any insights or guidance on this matter.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
A new deep learning model with an accuracy lower than the existing model can still be publishable if it offers other significant contributions to the field. Factors such as novel architecture, improved computational efficiency, interpretability, robustness to specific types of data, or addressing previously unsolved problems can make the model valuable. The research might also provide insights into the limitations and challenges of current models, offer theoretical advancements, or propose innovative techniques that could be beneficial for future developments. Therefore, while accuracy is an important metric, the overall impact, originality, and potential applications of the research can justify its publication.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
To the best of my knowledge, a systematic review aims to collect and summarize all the published & unpublished literature revolving around a certain topic/sub-topic.
Sometimes, I encounter results in which are yet to be published, or abstracts which do not have their full-texts available yet, or conference proceedings which do not include their methodologies in fine detail.
In this case, when the methods section is not addressed appropriately, what tools could be employed to assess the risk of bias/quality of such research types?
Thank you beforehand.
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Firstly, try to track down if there are any published journal articles of the same study. You will be suprised how many are not linked to their trial records. Contact the corresponding author and view their profile in ResearchGate to see if any of their journal articles match up to the trial record.
In any case, assess the risk of bias the same as any other study. If you use Cochrane's ROB tool, it has NI (no information) as a possible answer to the signaling questions, so you can use this were neccessary. It is best to use the same risk of bias tool for all studies (of the same type), otherwise you will not be able to compare the results.
I think a 'sensitivity analysis' rather than a 'subgroup analysis' would be more appropriate. This would involve re-running your main meta-analysis, excluding these studies. However, this may or may not be neccessary depending on a variety of factors. For instance, if you do a sensitivity analysis excluding high and medium bias studies, and all studies with limited information are rated as high or medium bias, then another sensitivity analysis specifically excluding these studies would be unneccessary.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
if yes, is the publication free of charge
Relevant answer
Please note that ResearchGate is not a publisher and not a journal, you cannot "publish" here. It is a platform for papers published in journals, or to present unpublished texts, data etc. See also "Is ResearchGate a publisher?" in See also this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
Hello, I have completed the project for my final master's studies and want to transform it into an article to be published. I want to know how to write and publish an article. kindly help
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
AI is able to write and publish noval research work which adds new innovation in the field.
On the other hand, humans have been publishing a lot of research work from the beginning and have extended the knowledge in many fields. I would like to know if AI researcher is much more capable and powerful than an Human researcher who has limitations in the brain.
Relevant answer
That's so interesting topic!
  • asked a question related to Publisher
5 answers
I have already published an article and given all the details of protocols in the publication. Now I am working on another manuscript but basic protocols are same and already reported. How can I report those protocols in the new manuscript without being plagiarized? Should it be given in supplementary?
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That's right, you just refer to your methods in your first paper :)
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
How can I add additional published work?
Relevant answer
See this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
Is it a good journal to publish my research?
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The journal “International Journal of Novel Research and Development” (IJNRD) is mentioned in the updated version of the stand-alone journal Beall’s list ( ). This is a red flag, but there are more:
-Their indexing info (which can be found if you scroll down here is full of pointless logo’s (Zenedo, SSRN, etc. have nothing to do with indexing of a journal)
-Google their ISSN nr. 2456-4184 (and contact info) renders another journal and looking at the lay-out etc. I suspect that the same people are behind this one. I think the same is true for which is mentioned in the original stand-alone version of the Beall’s list ( ). This a pool of questionable journals…
-The use of DOIONE is a misleading attempt to look like the legit DOI service, see also
-I see too much resemblance with (same people and contact info). This is exposed as a very troublesome journal, see for example
-Etc. Etc.
All and all too many red flags to look any further. I personally would avoid this one.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
7 answers
How do mathematicians recognize the article entitled "On the Nature of Some Euler's Double Equations Equivalent to Fermat's Last Theorem", published in Mathematics, Volume 10, Issue 23 (December-1 2022) by MDPI?
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Dear Pietro Lacroux, the journal Mathematics has published an Expression of Concern in regard to Ossicini's paper. Please, see
"With this notice, the Mathematics Editorial Office states its awareness of concerns regarding the findings of the published manuscript [1]. Concerns have been raised by readers about the validity and accuracy of the results. In order to maintain the highest scientific standards, the Editorial Office has decided to issue this expression of concern while an investigation is conducted.
The author of this publication has been contacted for further clarification. The investigation is being coordinated by the Editorial Board and Editor-in-Chief. An update will be provided following the conclusion of the investigation."
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Relevant answer
Well done on your paper. My suggestion is that the first step is to present it at a conference to receive input from experts, and after correction, you can publish it in a reputable journal. I will suggest Quartered Journal
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
To whom it may concerns,
One of my recently published papers has not been uploaded in the ResearchGate.
Physiological Basis for Xenotransplantation from Genetically-Modified Pigs to Humans: A Review.
Peterson L, Yacoub M, Ayares D, Yamada K, Eisenson D, Griffith BP, Mohiuddin M, Eyestone W, Venter JC, Smolenski RT, Rothblatt M.
Physiol Rev. 2024 Mar 22. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00041.2023. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38517040
Since this paper was published in a high impact journal in March 2024, I would appreciate it if you would add the paper to my ResearchGate.
Thank you,
Kazuhiko Yamada, MD, PhD.
Professor, Johns Hopkins Medicine
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Please note that you wrote to the ResearchGate community, not to the RG team. However, they do not add research "by hand", you are expected to do this yourself. See this help page for instructions:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
i want to publish my review paper , what is the procedure?
Relevant answer
Agreed with Wolfgang R. Dick . ResearchGate isn't a publishing platform; it's a networking site for researchers. To publish a research or review paper, you'd typically submit it to a peer-reviewed journal in your field. ResearchGate can be used to share your published papers and connect with other researchers, but it doesn't handle the publication process itself.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
Is Cell the unit of living organism / life?
Absolutely incorrect.
Explanation: From fossils cell we have estimated , before how many years it was there, e.g 40millions years etc.. Was that cell alive. So even without life cell can be present; as simple as that. But in medical, veterinary science, homeopathic science, general science etc...everywhere we have to read as because it is in the text book.
I need your help in such a way that it should be corrected and published in this techno era.
I strongly believe you will help me to bring this issue to the open world.
Thank u.
Relevant answer
Absolutely incorrect.
Explanation: From fossils cell we have estimated , before how many years it was there, e.g 40millions years etc.. Was that cell alive. So even without life cell can be present; as simple as that. But in medical, veterinary science, homeopathic science, general science etc...everywhere we have to read as because it is in the text book.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Has anyone combined pragmatism and interpretivism in their research? If so, could you please recommend some reading to help with this? I am currently writing the methodological chapter for my PhD thesis.
I am also very curious about this new PhD option that some universities are offering called Hybrid Thesis, where you show published work but also provide research that has not been published. If someone has done this type of thesis, I would love more information about what it includes.
Thanks for all your help.
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Marta Fortes Saez What is the subject of your thesis?
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
How to Publish Paper on Researchgate?
Relevant answer
RG is not a puisher but you can upload already published work. For this, you can take following steps:
1. **Log In**: Access your ResearchGate account.
2. **Add New**: Click the "Add new" button on your profile.
3. **Select Publication Type**: Choose the type of publication (e.g., article, conference paper).
4. **Upload File**: Upload your paper file.
5. **Enter Details**: Fill in the necessary details like title, authors, and abstract.
6. **Publish**: Click "Save" or "Publish" to make your paper available.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
the way that I can publish on research gate
Relevant answer
See this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate: But please note that ResearchGate is not a publisher and not a journal, you cannot "publish" here. It is a platform for papers published in journals, or to present unpublished texts, data etc. See also "Is ResearchGate a publisher?" in
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
The citations of published paper can be find from google scholar account. But how to find that who has cited my work most. Or list of people who cited my work in increasing or decreasing order.
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Dear Ghaus ur Rahman All I can add is that you can check every individual paper. See for example
click on citations and on the right you find the top 3 of researchers who cited your work (the particular paper you are looking at) the most.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
total citations of mu articles published in research gate so far
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See Click on "Citations" to see further details.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
I am a private person and would like to publish an article through ResearchGate, how do I go about it?
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Publishing a research article is a multi-step process that can seem daunting at first. To ensure your work reaches the right audience and achieves the impact it deserves, it's essential to select the most suitable journal for your research. For a comprehensive guide on how to identify your potential journal, check out our detailed article at This resource provides valuable tips to help you navigate the selection process effectively.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
who may upload a published manuscript to Research Gate, lead author only?
Relevant answer
Any author of a publication can upload it to ResearchGate. See also this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
Please help me.
Relevant answer
See "A publication in my profile doesn’t belong to me" in for instructions how to remove these publications from your profile. This is a frequent problem in ResearchGate in case of similar names. Obviously, ResearchGate's automatic algorithm wrongly identified you as the author and assigned these publications to your profile.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
We are gathering the research on Inner Development Goals! If you have published - let us know, let's create an open access list of publications together?
Please add it here, if your published paper contains IDGs in the Title, Abstract and Keywords.
As per topics:
Sustainability and Climate Change
Well-being and Social Frameworks
Education and Pedagogy
Leadership and Transformation
As per IDG Dimensions:
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  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
After compliting my doctoral dissertation, I was requested to publish two articles related to my research topic before accepting my thesis for public viva-voce. Then the university underlined that the articles in question should be published in a scientific research review, journal with international impact, well designed as an indexed Review or journal. If I could publish my articles as contributor, the book shoud be published in a publishing house having an international impact, i.e. an indexed publishing house. This was not so easy. I published my firsf paper in Nigeria, and the second as a contributoer to a book, in France. But it took much time to appreciate the journal and the book publishing house. Thanks to the relevance of my articles, they deliberated in my favour. I wrote to NIgeria, they told me their journal has a certain international notoriety. The editor (Espérance) in France did not digest the conditions. Then I exhibited the book and my paper, but they did not find any electronic reference, which made my evaluators about to reject my article. I found that the question should debated through ResearchGate and I decided that I sould, henceforth, be publish my articles and books in indexed papers, reviews, journals or publishing houses. Then, can't ResearchGate help me to put me in contact_ with such scholarly institutions?
Thank you for the help!
Relevant answer
Dear Dilubenzi Bitolo-Mabiala Can you reveal which journal published your paper and which publishing house was behind the book where you contributed a chapter?
As far as I understand your question you experienced difficulties in convincing the people that need to evaluate the scientific standard of the publishers that your published your work.
In some countries require an x number of publications in well-indexed journals in for example Scopus, having an impact factor or need to be listed in some (national recognised list (UGC-CARE, NAAS etc.).
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
14 answers
Several times wrong papers are published.
I wonder why.
In my opinion it depends on the incompetence of the Authors, of the Peer Reviewers and of the Editors.
What do think the scholars of ResearchGate?
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In one case I tried to explain the statistical error to the author, but he did not understand my arguments. He became rather angry when a paper by him was not accepted due to my review. Other cases I noted in already published papers were too far from my own field. My experience is that it is usually very time-consuming and often frustrating to get in touch with the authors concerning fundamental errors. It is easier in cases of more simple mistakes, and authors accept corrections to these more readily.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I want to Publish a report written by my. Can you please tell me the procedure
Relevant answer
At ResearchGate, you may upload your report as "unpublished research", but this will not be regarded as a publication. See this help page for instructions: Note that ResearchGate is not a publisher and not a journal, therefore you cannot "publish" here. It is a platform for papers published in journals, or to present unpublished texts, data etc. See also "Is ResearchGate a publisher?" in For a real publication, you have to look for a journal in your field of research and submit your paper there. See also the following discussions for recommendations:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
6 answers
I am writing a scientific book, and I am reviewing the draft of contract with a publisher. The Royalty Rates, proposed by publisher are 15% for most of publishing products (see table below). My question is: is this is a "fair" rate for authors? I think that in general 15% is a typical % for scintific publishing industry.
Lets consider, for example, the case when scientific book with moderate sucsess, which is a several thousands of copies (say 3000 copies) would be sold to University libraries and individuals. Having the averange price of $100 per book, the net sale would be say $30.000, the author royalty would be $4.500, minus 40% of taxes if you are individual or 18% if you have your corporative business.
So, what do you thing about 15% of author loyalty: is this is fair compensation? What are your thoughts, considerations and experience?
Thank You!
Publisher Editions $
Print hardback 15.00%
Print paperback 15.00%
Digital 15.00%
Other 5.00%
Licensing Revenue
Anthology and quotation rights 50.00%
Book club rights 50.00%
Reprint rights 50.00%
Translation rights 50.00%
Coursepack rights 10.00%
Electronic and mechanical reproduction rights 25.00%
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This depends also on the field of research. In small fields, the numbers are very far from 3000 copies. For many scientific books, only a few hundreds or even less than 100 copies are sold, and the author has to pay the publisher instead of getting royalties.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
In a published paper(Tušl, M., Bauer, G. F., Kujanpää, M., Toyama, H., Shimazu, A., & de Bloom, J. (2024). Needs-based job crafting: Validation of a new scale based on psychological needs.Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 29(2), 57–71., I find the authors computing overall mean score for work engagement based on the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale . They wrote that:
Work engagement was assessed with the nine-item version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli et al., 2006). The scale measures three underlying dimensions of work engagement: vigor (e.g., “At work, I feel like I am bursting with energy”), dedication (e.g., “I am enthusiastic about my job”), and absorption (e.g., “I am immersed in my work”). The items were scored on a 7-point scale ranging from 0 = never to 6 = always. We calculated an overall mean score for work engagement. Cronbach’s α of the scale was 0.97.
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The researcher's objective determine what to calculate. The overall mean can be a yardstick for observation. However, it may be misleading when there is an outlier or skewed.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
APC - Article Processing Charge. My research is related to India's textile and clothing exports to the EU.
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Luigimaria Borruso rare case, i have just read your response and i have been preparing to submit my research paper in economies since last 20 days!!!! Who will believe it!
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I need information on this question
Relevant answer
See this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate: But please note that ResearchGate is not a publisher and not a journal, you cannot "publish" here. It is a platform for papers published in journals, or to present unpublished texts, data etc. See also "Is ResearchGate a publisher?" in
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
Good morning to all, I have received an invitation to publish a paper from Noves Ricerca Group in a Q2 Journal. They have read my paper and very quickly they have accepted it for publication. It is very strange, because they ensure a publication in 25 days. I have already contacted with the Journal in which they say I can publish my article, but I have no answers. Could anyone tell me if I can trust? Before accepting their service I would like to hear some experience.
Relevant answer
If you have not paid anything, keep it that way. I do not trust this ‘organization’ called “Noves Ricerca” ( ). As far as I can see they are not so much a real publisher but some kind of (claimed) agency that guarantee publication in certain journals. I see numerous red flags:
-First of all, this is not the way it works. Legit journals do not allow agencies to publish on your behalf
-If I look at I see immediately some journal titles with issues:
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results discontinued in Scopus in 2022
Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental is discussed here on RG
-The dubious info is even more obvious when looking at :
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences discontinued in Scopus in 2023
European Chemical Bulletin see my reply here on RG in Scopus in 2022
Journal of Advanced Zoology see my reply here on RG in Scopus in 2022
Etc. Etc.
Personally, I would stay away from these people.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I am working on a manuscript that uses the same sample as a previous study, and one of the results has already been reported in that study. I found guidance suggesting that "the authors should clearly state which of the results are already published with citation and provide the full source and consent of the original author." (
How should I state this in my manuscript, and in which section—Method or Results?
Thank you!
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If the whole intended paper was a reinvestigation of a previously investigated sample, I would flag it both in the introduction and the methods section. Additionally, with respect to your paragraph about original authors, if it wasn't my sample and the previous author was no longer involved, I would also acknowledge the original author's consent in the acknowledgement.
If it was just one figure for which I would have measured additional data points on the old sample, I would only declare it within the text associated to that. Acknowledging the original author in the case of his/her uninvolvement in the new measurements for providing the sample would still be appropriate in this case.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
Can I publish paper with researchgate?
Relevant answer
Please note that ResearchGate is not a publisher and not a journal, you cannot "publish" here. It is a platform for papers published in journals, or to present unpublished texts, data etc. See also "Is ResearchGate a publisher?" in See this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate:
You should look for a journal in your field of research and submit your paper there. See also the following discussions for recommendations:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
Researchgate is repeatedly asking me if I published the 1813 book "Elements of Agricultural Chemistry" by Sir Humphrey Davy.
I said no several times. But they keep insisting I published it.
Great publication, but to have been me I would now be over 200 years old. Should I create an account for fun for Sir Humphrey Davy and add all his publications, what do you think?
Relevant answer
Respected Sir;
It sounds like there's been a mix-up or an error in ResearchGate's system linking your profile to the 1813 book "Elements of Agricultural Chemistry" by Sir Humphrey Davy. Here are some steps you can take to address this issue:
1. Contact ResearchGate Support: Reach out to ResearchGate's support team directly. Explain the situation in detail, including that you have repeatedly indicated that you did not publish the book. Provide any relevant screenshots or documentation if possible.
2. Check Your Profile: Ensure that there are no errors or incorrect information on your profile that might be causing the confusion. Update your profile to clarify your publications and research areas.
3. Unlink the Publication: If the book is listed on your profile, try to remove or disassociate it from your profile. There might be an option to edit or delete incorrect publications directly.
4. Official Statement: Prepare a formal statement or letter indicating that you are not the author of the book in question and submit it to ResearchGate. This might help in getting the issue escalated and resolved.
5. Community Forums: Engage with ResearchGate's community forums or help sections. Sometimes other users might have experienced similar issues and could offer solutions or advice.
Taking these steps should help rectify the error and prevent further incorrect associations with the publication.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
8 answers
Dear researchers and scientific authors, 📚 We are currently collecting contributions for a book on Biomass waste towards sustainable industrial applications that will be published by Springer in 2025. We firmly believe in the wealth of your knowledge and expertise to enrich this project. 🌐 If you would like to share your research and insights in the field of biomass waste valorization and sustainable applications, we warmly invite you to contribute by writing a chapter for our book. 📆 If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact me directly.
Relevant answer
Yes, I am interested in contributing a chapter. My email is [email protected]
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
An article with my name on it was published, but it doesn't appear on my page because my name wasn't spelled correctly.
In the article was written ginette therese atoukoh Dingong whereas on my page my name is Therese Ginette Dingong Atoukoh
I would like this to be changed so that this article can appear on my published articles page.
Relevant answer
I recommend to do the following: First simply try to claim authorship. See "How do I confirm authorship of my publications to add them to my profile?" in for instructions. If this will not work, you may add the wrong version of your name as an alternative name to your profile. See "How do I add an alternative author name?" in for instructions. Then claim authorship again. Later you may delete the alternative name - the article will not disappear from your profile.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
10 answers
My paper has been published in European Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vide Volume 4. No.6 ( 2023)
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I have today submitted my new paper on Fermat's Last Theorem to some editor.
May 19, 2024.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I have removed an article (published in arXiv) from the ResearchGate, and want to load a replacement. However, it having the same doi (arXiv policy), prevents loading?
I appreciate your guidance!
Relevant answer
When I had an article corrected once, it received a new DOI. I did not do my due diligence, but I always assumed a DOI is permanent.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
The aim of this study is to publish in a top-quality journal.
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Hello Dr.
I am interested.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I really appreciate if anyone can help
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  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
I want to publish a paper on ResearchGate how can I do that?
Relevant answer
Please note that ResearchGate is not a publisher and not a journal, you cannot "publish" a paper here. It is a platform for papers published in journals, or to present unpublished texts, data etc. See also "Is ResearchGate a publisher?" in See this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate:
You should look for a journal in your field of research and submit your paper there. See also the following discussions for recommendations:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
I have published articles as a first author, coresponding author and as a coauthor. Journals have different copyright policies. How do I send or share any of my published
articles without infringing on any involved party's copyrights.
Relevant answer
It is completely legal to provide someone a (hard)copy of your paper, even when it is normally subjected to copyright issues. See for example:
“Authors can use their articles, in full or in part, for a wide range of scholarly, non-commercial purposes as outlined below:
•Use by an author in the author’s classroom teaching (including distribution of copies, paper or electronic)
•Distribution of copies (including through e-mail) to known research colleagues for their personal use (but not for Commercial Use)….”
In the old days… it was quite common to send the author a brief letter requesting a hard-copy, nowadays such request go by e-mail and you get a pdf file (most of the times).
The request feature in RG is just another convenient way to do the same. I am convinced that this is one of the reasons why RG is popular (the presence of hard copies, allowed or not allowed, is another even more important reason).
Best regards.
PS. See also related questions/discussions here on RG:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
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Alexander Ohnemus Economics is the basics of life. I like the idea of the analogy with binary in computer science except parameters can be changed to suit.... food for thought.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
When it comes to publication, quality matters as much as quantity! 🌟 Peer review is crucial for maintaining standards. Make sure your publications align with the number of reviews they receive. A lack of reviews could raise red flags for future publications. Don't just publish; ensure you're getting the number of reviews as needed. Remember, platforms like Orchid and others make review counts publicly visible, so ensure your work stands up to scrutiny! #Publication #PeerReview #ResearchCommunity 📝.The number of publications, reviews, copyrights, and patents are publicly visible.
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You're right, ideally, publication and peer review go hand-in-hand. Peer review is a crucial step in scholarly publishing because it helps ensure the quality, originality, and validity of research.@ranjit singha
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
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Does your journal accommodate the disabled?
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
Additionally, I welcome any general advice and suggestions you may have.
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Some of the best books were self published.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
15 answers
My article entitled "A Review of Nearctic Selenophorus ..." now can't be sent to people requesting via ResearchGate. Error message: article too back and something about an unverified request?? A while back I had no problem in forwarding it. Thanks for your help. Peter Messer
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Together with a colleague I made a test. I asked him to request three of my private full-texts (i.e files already stored in ResearchGate, but not publicly accessible) of different sizes (9, 20 and 89 MB). In all three cases this worked properly - I could send him the files in messages, and he could download these. Then I sent him the largest file (89 MB) in a message, uploading it from my computer into the message. This also worked properly. But I was not able to upload this file into another publication page as a private full-text (just as a test). I got the error message "Upload error / Error parsing server response". For the smaller file (20 MB) I did not get such an error message and could upload it.
I also sent you a file request as a test.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
4 answers
The link to the author's research paper:
Relevant answer
Muhammad Adeel Thank you very much, I have found the article translated into Vietnamese.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
4 answers
Hello, I would be grateful for help with resolving the RG publication removal.
Upon pressing the provided RG doi, it shows the error message as below:
This content has been removed by the author
Sorry, the content associated with this DOI is no longer available on ResearchGate.
Despite having the work published and the doi still presumably existing.
Thank you.
Relevant answer
Now I understand the problem. The DOI generated by ResearchGate is no longer connected to the file. Note that DOIs are identificators for files (or "digital objects" in general), not for publications, although very often they are treated like identification numbers for publications. See the help page "Once a ResearchGate DOI has been generated for a research item, you’re no longer able to edit that research item. Instead, you should remove the research completely, re-upload it with the edits and generate a new DOI." I think you can solve this problem by deleting the current DOI (see "How do I edit my research item's details?" in and create a new one.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
Pls dont send many times email is this person is co author or published article? Many times it is been sending. Pls stop it ok
Relevant answer
Please note that you wrote to the ResearchGate community, not to the RG team. However, you may stop most of the email messages from RG yourself by changing the settings at See also for more instructions.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
4 answers
I have published my article in a journal that shows multiple- categories while searching for its Q1, Q2,......etc ranking. How do I find out which category my article is in?
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Publisher
5 answers
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What I have done is put in a short abstract and included the appropriate URL. This has also allowed me to create a DOI...
  • asked a question related to Publisher
4 answers
If I publish a preprint on ResearchGate that was accepted on SSRN, for those who find it on ResearchGate, does the non-commercial license from SSRN apply, or will it just be CC-BY as offered on ResearchGate?
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
The list of top 2% scientists incentivizes unethical manipulations of the research and citation process. Is it something that should be given too much importance?
Relevant answer
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with this list
  • asked a question related to Publisher
9 answers
Is anyone familiar with an article in which heart is described as an organ on crossroads of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation? It is probably a sentence from the introduction of the article. And the article has been published most probably recently. I lost that article and cannot find it nether in my folders or on web.
Relevant answer
Hall, J. E., & Guyton, A. C. (2016). Autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic functional considerations. In Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (13th ed., pp. 179-180). Elsevier.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Dear Technical Supporter,
My paper "Observations on graph invariants with the Lovasz ϑ-function" has been published in AIMS Mathematics, and I updated the PDF file and also added a doi link. However, Research Gate does not allow me to modify the status from Preprint to Article with the name of the journal. Could you help me please ?
Best regards,
Igal Sason
Relevant answer
Dear Rob Keller,
Thank you very much for your detailed response and advice.
Best regards,
Igal Sason
  • asked a question related to Publisher
5 answers
My three published papers subsequently are having no error , and gives a valid elementary proof for Fermat's Last Theorem ( my research published papers are attached herewith
Relevant answer
My prepint in ResearchGate
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
The title of the study:-
Barriers and perceptions to medication administration error reporting among nurses in Saudi Arabia
by Abdulrahman Abdullah Albukhodaah
Relevant answer
Dear Abrahim Haidah See enclosed file. Is this what you are looking for?
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
Can you indicate me a journal where i can publish an article in english in this range of topics : health economics, health care information systems?
Relevant answer
Use the "find a match" function.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
I'm looking for an appropriate journal in which to publish the dissertation research of one of my undergraduate Psychology students. This student died by suicide recently, so I wanted to get their dissertation published to honour them, and as a gesture for their family. I would edit it, but ideally would like to change as little as possible, so that their voice was preserved in the final publication.
What journals are currently in operation that have a focus on first-time publications in Psychology? I understand that the BPS' PsyPAG is currently on hiatus.
Relevant answer
Dear Danny Hinton You may find here what you are looking for. If you explain your intentions to the editor I think they will be helpful in making your wish come true.
Kind regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Hello all,
I am currently doing my master degree programme in applied informatics and I would like to do master thesis related to DevOps or could be also Cloud native apps (ideally both focused on security ).
Im searching for some new and really reserach-worth topic but i find it hard to come up with some topic in this domain. I came up with some topics but unfortunately most of them are already published.
Can anyone help me please with topics along this path ?
Šimon Zajac
Relevant answer
Thank you so much for idea, i'll look through it more.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
6 answers
How can the pressure from academic institutions for PhD students to produce a high quantity of publications potentially influence the quality and depth of their research contributions, and what strategies can be implemented to ensure a balance between productivity and scholarly rigor?
Relevant answer
"It's clear that you've put a lot of thought into the systemic issues surrounding research and scholarly rigor"
Yes you are right and thank you for your understanding. It was about 1987 and in my early 20s. At that time I was student of Shiraz teacher training collage. There we had a psychology professor a Mr. "Mansour Owji" (1937-2021). He was also a well-known poet. In one of his classes, he talked about one of his published books that had been stolen (plagiarized) completely and published cover to cover with other names as authors. It came to me very strange, why people do plagiarize? why they themselves don't write books? and more questions. I can remember that I asked Mr. Owji some questions about that matter and as a source of curiosity I tried to understand, read and learn more about the nature of plagiarization. So my journey about understanding the nature of research and any thing surrounding it started then.
Some times honest researchers recognize the importance of what I share, but they want to collaborate for publishing books and articles, while what I have in mind is way too far bigger than just publishing some books and articles. In part for example From launching a TV or TVs dedicated to programs on "real research and science" to launching BA and MA on Science of Research" in universities, from related courses dedicated to understanding of children to courses for adults and those who go to public libraries, also Research journalism, scientometric journalism, to name just a few.
For every question to pass and transit to a new world of "real research" I have answers. But you know it is like "to rack a boat"... so maybe people in the world of academia don't like and don't want these things and changes.
To be concise, if any recognized university or higher education system around the world want to know more, I am willing to share, what I know and what could be done practically.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
I received an email from Birds Editorial Office MDPI ([email protected]) with the subject line: Feature Paper Invitation for Ornithological Research, asking me to submit a new paper to their journal for a full waiver (100% discount), which I assume means I would not have to pay to publish the article. I get numerous emails all the time from journals I've never heard of, not in my field asking me to submit papers. This email is different because: 1. it is in my field; 2. they are offering me a chance to publish something for free; 3. the due date to submit is months away, rather than next week or something unrealistic; 4. I have published a paper with MDPI before in the Animals journal, so I am familiar with the publisher, at least.
I just wondered if any of you had received similar emails from mdpi and if you think I can trust this one or if I should treat it as spam like I do the others?
Relevant answer
No this is not spam. I think you can trust this one. First of all the mail address is trustworthy according to the website of this journal If they mention the full waiver remark themselves then you can count on a nice possibility to publish open access for free.
I had recently a similar experience with this publisher. I received an invitation to publish in the inaugural issue of one of their latest journal titles called “Lipidology”. When it comes to the costs it was in my case expressed like “the accepted paper from you after peer-review would be published *free of charge*”. Everything went ‘normal’ with proper peer review, extensive editing etc. and resulted in a nice paper:
In some cases the concerns are justified (they published, like so many other publisher, “special issues” excessively) and in most cases I think that for example their proper indexing (Scopus, Clarivate’s indexing like ESCI and SCIE, PubMed etc.) is a comforting guarantee that they operate with sufficient scientific rigor. Furthermore, when looking at your list of publications I see a ‘healthy’ spread of different journals published by different publishers so no real issue here.
I think this is as said a nice opportunity to publish open access for free, personally I would say go for it.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
How to edit the title of a poster once published?
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2 answers
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Please note that ResearchGate is not a publisher and not a journal, you cannot "publish" a research work here. It is a platform for papers published in journals, for books and book chapters published elsewhere, or to present unpublished texts, data etc. See also "Is ResearchGate a publisher?" in And see this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Can you indicate me a journal where i can publish an article in english in this range of topics : ayurveda/ Traditional medicine/ Alternative Medical systems
Relevant answer
Consider which type of article you wish to publish. Many journals accept clinical trials, RCTs, reviews and Case reports.
For Ayurveda you may try one of these peer reviewed journals:
AYU- It is a quarterly journal
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (J-AIM)
Journal of Ayurveda Case reports
Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Do look into which journal would be most suitable for your article..
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
I have been by my institute to publish a research paper. As I have an ECE background, I am thinking to work on IoT. So please help me in choosing my topic and how to analyze other papers in order to publish my own.
Relevant answer
This is a very good question for Research work. I will suggest you an approach, To choose and analyze research papers for publishing your own in IoT (Internet Of Things):
  1. Find a Trending Topic: Look into areas like smart cities, healthcare monitoring, or energy management.
  2. Search Recent Papers: Use databases like IEEE Xplore , Google Scholar, Science Direct to find recent studies on these topics.
  3. Read and Analyze: Focus on the latest papers, understand their methods, findings, and what questions remain.
  4. Identify a Research Gap: Look for less explored areas within these topics to base your research on.
  5. Develop Your Paper: Formulate a question or hypothesis based on gaps you’ve identified.
I hope this approach will help you to start the work.
Thank You,
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
I have recently published a paper in a Scopus-indexed journal. Is DOI essential? How long will it take to get DOI ?
Thanks in advance
Relevant answer
Firstly - congratulations on getting your paper published in a Scopus-indexed journal!))) A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is indeed essential for your paper. It is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to a digital object, such as an academic article, and serves as a permanent link to that object on the internet. DOIs make it easier for readers to find and cite your work, and they also ensure that your paper remains accessible and citable over time.
In terms of when you'll receive the DOI for your paper, it typically depends on the publishing process of the journal. Some journals assign DOIs shortly after a paper is accepted and goes through the final stages of production, while others may assign DOIs upon publication or shortly thereafter. It's best to check with the editorial office or the publisher of the journal for specific information about when you can expect to receive the DOI for your paper.
If your paper has already been published and you haven't received the DOI yet, I recommend reaching out to the editorial office or the publisher to inquire about the status of the DOI assignment. They should be able to provide you with more information and assistance.
Once you have the DOI for your paper, be sure to include it in your publication details, such as in the header or footer of your paper, so that readers can easily find and cite your work.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
I want to add a published article and I'm stranded at where to input my DOI link. I don't know how to get one.
Relevant answer
DOIs are not mandatory. If your publication does not have a DOI, you may simply leave the corresponding field empty.
If you really want to have a DOI, see the reply by Rob Keller to ResearchGate provides DOIs only for unpublished research, see
  • asked a question related to Publisher
6 answers
I have come across the paper titled "Acidity and aridity: Soil inorganic carbon storage exhibits complex relationship with low-pH soils and myeloablation followed by autologous PBSC infusion". This paper full of nonsense and plagiarism was written by science journalist Tom Spears in 2014 to identify predatory journals that would publish anything if they are paid.
As a science communicator, I find this highly interesting but despite some entries with the metadata I cannot find the full text anywhere. Was it maybe never published because the author never paid the fee that was requested?
Or can anyone provide me with the full text? Or with contact details of Tom Spears? It seems like he has stopped being a journalist and I cannot find him anywhere.
Any help is appreciated!
Relevant answer
I am dying to hear the end of the story, Svenja... Was the article actually accepted by one or more predatory journals? I would not be surprised, of course... But then, I am not sure it would not be accepted as well in "legitimate" journals. When one sees what they publish, these days...
  • asked a question related to Publisher
4 answers
Please, is there someone that could lead me to a tourism journal easy and quick to publish in, that charges low fees and at least Google scholar indexed. I look forward to your response 🙏
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
An article has been successfully peer reviewed and published online but resubmitted in a society conference proceedings for presentation. Does such practice ethical or unethical?
Relevant answer
We need to distinguish between "publishing a study" and presenting a "study". It is unethical to republish a work already published elsewhere. However, the work can be presented in an academic forum and even quote the work as ref. It can even be presented as a poster at a conference, but definitely not republishing it in any academic document.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
5 answers
Depending on different journal articles and some with method with clear designs and some without method section and still called as journal articles ( can be derived a lot from reputed publisher), this makes me perplexed with what the scientific articles or journal in social science ( not natural science). Professors , scholars and researchers help to clarify , thanks!
Relevant answer
Hello Doung Dara
Like Charles Berg , I would find those (with a Method) section much more interesting and I would definitely want a section like that in any original article with my name on it.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Published Journal reviews on Handhygiene audits.
Relevant answer
To access journal reviews on hand hygiene audits, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify relevant journals: Start by identifying journals that specialize in healthcare, infection control, or hand hygiene. Some well-known journals in this field include the Journal of Hospital Infection, Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, American Journal of Infection Control, and Journal of Infection Prevention.
2. Search online databases: Utilize online databases that host academic journals and research articles. Some popular databases include PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar. These platforms allow you to search for specific keywords related to hand hygiene audits and filter the results based on your preferences.
3. Refine your search: To ensure you find journal reviews specifically focusing on hand hygiene audits, use relevant keywords and search terms. For example, you can try combinations like "hand hygiene audit review," "hand hygiene compliance assessment," or "evaluation of hand hygiene practices." Experiment with different keyword combinations to broaden or narrow your search as needed.
4. Filter and review search results: Once you have obtained search results, review the article titles and abstracts to determine their relevance to hand hygiene audits. Select the articles that appear to be the most applicable and informative for your needs.
5. Access full-text articles: Depending on your access privileges or subscriptions, you may need to pay for individual articles or have access through academic institutions or libraries. If you don't have direct access, consider reaching out to your local library or academic institution to inquire about access to specific articles.
6. Explore references and citations: As you read through the identified articles, pay attention to the references and citations provided. These can lead you to additional relevant articles and reviews on hand hygiene audits that you may not have encountered in your initial search.
7. Contact experts in the field: If you are having difficulty finding specific reviews or need further assistance, consider reaching out to experts in the field of infection control or hand hygiene. They may be able to provide guidance, recommend specific articles, or share their own research or reviews on the topic.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I cannot find a means of attaching the document (a paper I published) to the message from the person who made the request.
Alternatively, could you provide an email address for the requester, who has provided a name but no address.
Derek Mottershead
Relevant answer
See "How do I respond to full-text requests?" in for instructions how to send a document. Alternatively, you may open the profile of the user who requested the document and use the blue "Message" button. For data security reasons, ResearchGate does not display or provide email addresses of users.
By the way, please note that you wrote to the ResearchGate community, not to the RG team.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
3 answers
I just had an email from the European Society of Medicine asking for a contribution to the journal Medical Research Archives. There is a similar journal on Cabell's published by KEI publishers, however I am unsure if this is the same journal. The European Society of Medicine from the website seems legit. Can anyone offer their personal experiences with the European Society of Medicine?
Relevant answer
Dear Shivaughn Marchan Have a look here and look at the link provided in the question. The answer is yes it is one and the same.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Our paper (Surlyk, Alsen, Piasecki, 2024) is referred to as published in n Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift.
The correct journal title is: Geologisk Tidsskrift. It is a sister journal to Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark.
So please correct the mistake.
Best regards
Finn Surlyk
Relevant answer
The problem is that the Geologisk Tidsskrift of the Geological Society of Denmark is not in ResearchGate's database of journals. Therefore, the automated algorithm assigned the journals with a similar title to your paper. See my reply to for a proposal what to do in such a case.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Since 1999, the recommended source of allowable error limits or Analytical Performance Standards has been to set limits based on medical need in specific clinical settings.  I have been doing this since before CLIA was published and have attached our 1991 limits as published in an AACC course. Our lab director simply answered the question "How far can a result vary from the QC sample target (eg peer mean) before the doctor would take different action?
Do you know of any shared links, databases or articles that include medical goals?  If not, would this be a good initiative for EFMLQ/IFCC/ADLM?
What do you suggest? Perhaps a survey we could distribute to see what limits doctors use in specified clinical situations?
Thanks for your opinion and please have an AWEsome day!
Relevant answer
ok can
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
I'm currently writing a paper which I feel might be suited to become a conceptual paper. Am currently reading the attached article for a better idea, but I would really appreciate any examples of conceptual papers that have been published, preferably in social sciences or humanities.
Thank you!
Additional reference:
Relevant answer
I am also interested in concept papers. here is one I found on the idea of porous liquids
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
Is this publisher "" , credible?
Relevant answer
Dear Benmahmoud Bouzid No they are not. See for example and a number of links to other questions here on RG that discuss this publisher.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
- Would I happen to need an principal investigator conduct one?
Relevant answer
Principal investigators are not needed for all projects. The term "project" is a very broad one, going from private projects of individual researchers to very large international projects including many groups and a large budget. - There used to be a project category in ResearchGate, but this has been abolished. What do you intend to achieve by publishing a project in RG? The platform itself does not support projects.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
4 answers
Can a published journal article be submitted to conferences?
Relevant answer
It is quite common to present talks or posters on the basis of previously published papers. However, care must be taken when contributing to the proceedings of the conference so as not to infringe the copyright of the journal's publisher.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
Since some gene prioritization tools were published in the last decade, there has been no new research in the area of gene prioritization or candidate gene discovery. Can somebody shed light on this area? Is it still relevant, or is it no longer required?
Relevant answer
Hi Prasad,
prioritization of genes will be always required. with 25k coding genes and 35k non coding genes, the chalenge is to get the good set of genes to understand what's up in biology. the game is to choose the good way for prioritization and the best, I think, is in differential genes expression results (arrays or 3'RNAseq give real good aspects for these kind of decision).
all the best
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
The published research paper is not being uploaded. this paper is not uploaded please help me
Relevant answer
If you mean to upload your paper to ResearchGate: Not all publications are automatically added here. This depends on the journal or the publisher or on which other platform the bibliographic information is available. However, you may add your paper yourself. See this help page ("How to add research") for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate:
  • asked a question related to Publisher
4 answers
Hi, my team and I want to publish a paper. However, the journals we are overseeing for possible submission only accept 3 authors and we are 4. Would it be wrong or prone to desk rejection if we submit our paper for consideration with this number of authors?
Relevant answer
I completely agree with the opinion of Rahim Alijani . Such a rule is completely unrealistic and unacceptable in today's science.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
How can I add the name of the journal in which my articles are published?
Как я могу добавить название журнала, в котором опубликованы мои статьи, если РесерчГейт это название не находит?
Relevant answer
Thank you very much! I will definitely use your advice.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
7 answers
I am delighted to announce that with the endless effort and cooperation with my brother Prof. Mostafa Elhosseini, we succeeded to wrap up our special issues, entitled, "Deep and Machine Learning for Image Processing: Medical and Non-medical Applications," with this nice Editorial paper that highlights the research innovations of the valued contributors and open the research for more future endeavors. It is worth mentioning that this special issue attracted more than 35 contributions with only 12 were published at the end. Please enjoy reading it and shout-out to my professional co-Editor, Prof. Mostafa Elhosseini, all the contributors, and Electronics Editorial Office.
The link for the paper can be found here:
Relevant answer
Dear Mohamed Shehata, you call yourself successful people, but unable to answer my simple questions regarding your roles as an editor?!
Remember now and forever Mohamed that, real scientists, don't leave or block but certainly stay and answer their critics scientifically and logically, also remember Mohamed that real research is product and/or services oriented but not just some manuscripts that were published with force of money, and change nothing in our real world!!!
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I submitted article, received comments, submitted revision. Now waiting for editor decision. Shall I wait for editorial decision or should put request in advance for waive off of article processing fee? I am regular reviewr of that publisher too. Please guide what is better?
Relevant answer
better to wait
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
This is Dr Zainab Mohammad Anjarwala and have created my account recently on research gate. After joining i have noticed that my three research articles are under some other Zainab Mohammad's credit and not under the name of my publications. The articles references are attached below. Please rectify the problem as I am the author/co author behind these publications.
Thanks and Regards
Dr. Zainab Mohammad Anjarwala
Relevant answer
See "Another researcher has claimed my publications" in for instructions how to correct this. But unlike this help page suggests, most probably it was not the other author himself who wrongly claimed authorship, but ResearchGate's automatic algorithm wrongly identified him as the author and assigned your publication to his profile. This is a frequent problem in ResearchGate in case of similar names.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
4 answers
I am researcher doing my research related to this topic, This paper is published in 2021 IEEE conference proceedings, if any one have this paper - Kindly share this paper and help me for my research
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With the development of the Internet of things (IoT), many tasks are automated. The system aims to make the daily tasks of humans in the kitchen easier. This system provides IoT-based Smart Pantry level monitoring using the Internet of things. The containers are fitted with sensors. These are used to gather data about the stock level of items in the container. This data is collected and stored in the cloud.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
10 answers
Recently I visited <> (R) (a platform that lists top scientists around the world from the areas of computer science and electronics) and later I also visited <> (A) (the ATLAS Experiment at CERN). I made the following observations (I intentionally don't mention names):
1. One of the top authors at R has published 1,816 papers.
If one's professional career lasts 40 years, the calculation says:
40 years X 365 days = 14600 days; 14600 / 1816 = 8 days to publish a paper
That means 1 paper is published every 8 days during the entire professional life! That's about 45 papers a year... every year!
2. The same author at R has an h-index of 167.
"The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given author/journal has published at least h papers that have each been cited at least h times."
The R's top author has 167 papers each one cited 167 times!
3. A paper published by A's researchers had 78 authors!
I realize that CERN is something "big" and quite complex. But... there are 78 authors anyway...
Probably all those people are high-level scientists. But... what makes them hyperprolific? Is it real? How is it possible? Is it more for the benefit of science or is it a kind of business?
What's your opinion?
Relevant answer
Mega-authorship implications: How many scientists can fit into one cell?
"The past 20 years has seen a significant increase in articles with 500 or more authors. This increase has presented problems in terms of determining true authorship versus other types of contribution, issues with database metadata and data output, and publication length. Using items with 500+ authors deemed as mega-author titles, a total of 5,533 mega-author items were identified using InCites. Metadata about the items was then gathered from Web of Science and Scopus. Close examination of these items found that the vast majority of these covered physics topics, with medicine a far distant second place and only minor representation from other science fields...
Some solutions are offered for the problems resulting from this phenomenon..."
  • asked a question related to Publisher
2 answers
I have lots of Academic Term Papers and Seminar papers which under go thorough literature reviews and are well reference but do not follow journal article guidelines.
Can i publish them?
Relevant answer
It depends on what you understand by "publication". To find a journal for publication will be very difficult or even impossible. You may upload your papers here at ResearchGate as "unpublished research", see, but this will not be regarded as a publication in the narrow sense. Neverless, this way your papers will get some audience.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
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Determining the absolute "first" article on vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) can be tricky. Research in this area likely built upon earlier concepts in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs).
However, here are some strategies to find influential early works:
  • Search Scholarly Databases: Look for keywords like "vehicular ad hoc network" or "VANET" combined with "first" or "early" in databases like ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, or Google Scholar.
  • Review Papers: Many research papers acknowledge prior work in their introduction section. Look for seminal papers that are frequently cited in later VANET publications.
Here are some potential starting points (though they might not be the absolute first):
  • "Intervehicle communication: Cooperative collision avoidance using short-range wireless communication" (1999) by S. Engelke and D. Baur (This article: search for the article title) is a possible candidate for early exploration of vehicle communication for safety purposes.
  • Papers published around late 1990s at conferences like IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) or Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) might be relevant.
Remember, the field of VANETs likely had multiple researchers contributing to its foundation. These resources should help you identify some of the earliest innovators.
  • asked a question related to Publisher
1 answer
I tried to include the name of the periodic where I have published an article. However, the name wasn´t on the list and I could not include it.
Relevant answer
Let me see maybe I can be of help Flavia Marini Paro