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Children - Science topic

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Questions related to Children
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psychological and emotional impacts of bullying on children
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Bullying can make children feel very sad, scared, and alone. It often leads to low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and trouble trusting others, affecting their overall well-being and happiness.
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Beleives of childrens learning in school
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Interesting question and replies.
Overall, as a teacher there are plenty of principles I follow.
Perhaps a basic principle is a quote that we say here in Greece:
"I teach, therefore I always keep being taught"!
  • asked a question related to Children
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I need the Tunisian version of the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) for my master dissertation can anyone help please?
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Trierer Inventar zum Chronischen Stress (TICS) [Trier Inventory for Chronic Stress (TICS)]
  • January 2004
  • 1,808 Reads
  • 134 Citations
  • Peter Schulz📷
  • Wolff Schlotz📷
  • Peter Becker📷
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This appeared in my recommended, based on your interest box once I looked up das Trierer Inventar. I expect you might access the text in the same manner.
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good day, I am conducting research on media images of (public) social welfare and media reporting of social workers.
Can I ask for links to articles and studies what the media image of social welfare is in other countries?
Is it worse in the opinion of aid workers than in reality?
In Poland, the prevailing perception among social workers is that their media image is unambiguously negative (e.g. helping freeloaders, wrongfully taking children away from their families, lack of help and abandonment), and the media mainly cover this topic in the context of crisis situations.
However, my research (content analysis) shows that the media image of social welfare is more complex and highly polarised. Aid institutions, on the other hand, strongly neglect public relations issues
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Dear Michal,
Having recently seen your post, I have some relevant articles or research studies from the United Kingdom to pass on (although you may already be aware of some of them). The first two relate to child protection social work and the following two (my own work) to adoption, (The second of these focuses more specifically on media reporting of the racial politics of adoption).
Maria Leedham (2022) ‘Social Workers Failed to Heed Warnings’: A Text-Based Study of How a Profession is Portrayed in UK Newspapers, British Journal of Social Work 52,2 1110–1128
Warner, J. (2013) ‘“Heads Must Roll”? Emotional politics, the press and the death of Baby P’, British Journal of Social Work. 44 (6) 1137-1153
Kirton D (2018) Still the ‘trusty anvil’?: media perspectives on adoption reform in England, Adoption & Fostering, 42(4), 400-416
(De)racializing ‘common sense’: media perspectives on adoption reform in England, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(7), 1208-1226
Lastly I should mention that the British Association of Social Workers has fairly recently created media reporting guidance, details of which and some related material can be found from the following links
I hope some of the above is helpful and good luck with your work.
Best wishes
Derek Kirton
Emeritus Reader in Social Policy and Social Work
University of Kent
  • asked a question related to Children
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Poverty is generally a source of material difficulties. It causes communication difficulties between partners and children. Can it be considered the main source of violence by parents against their offspring?
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We do not need to do a thesis/dissertation to discover that poor people are more violent against their children. This can be directly observed in our daily life. Even so, there may be occasions on which the rich are more violent against their children than the poor,
  • asked a question related to Children
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If White privilege is based on societal advantages for white people. It's unlikely to disappear entirely because societal ideas about race can persist even if everyone looked the same. The goal is to create a society where race doesn't affect opportunity. We can work towards this by promoting diversity and equal treatment.
  • asked a question related to Children
8 answers
We are looking for a "fast" (màx. 1 hour) diagnostic tool for mental health disorders in children and adolescence. We are developing a project with children and adolescences from several hospitals and we need a unique, valid, easy and fast tool to make a diagnosis (following DSM-V or ICD10). Which is the most used tool in research? Can anyone help us? Many thanks in advance.
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CBCL and YSR, still is more a screening tool
  • asked a question related to Children
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I work in a school with a large ASD population. While pursuing my master's at KU in special education with an emphasis on autism, I am learning a lot about what would be considered best practice. In my current position as a teacher, I try and bring this information to my job and I am getting a lot of pushback from colleagues because they do not understand why autism is much more prevalent now than when they were younger and some believe we are over-identifying children. My question is: how do I share information that is in the best interest of my students with people who may not be receptive?
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@Hope Marie Manning
I am also an educator, and having a daughter with autism, it made me more aware of the presence of and easy identification of children with developmental issues at school.
Fortunately, some of my colleagues approach me or are receptive to the suggestions I make. Mostly, I try not to overstep boundaries.
I do mention noticing a few signs and usually advise the educator to let the parents know. Either the educator choose to observe more before telling the parents or they tell directly, and ask parents to either observe, assist or take child to pediatrician.
The latter will be more in a position to correctly diagnose or advise what to do.
As for those who are in my class, I try to work with them in my capacity by being more flexible.
  • asked a question related to Children
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CONTEXT: Achieving the 2030 UN agenda for SDGs requires integrated, citizen-centric approaches and holistic interventions for delivering transformative results on the social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Current initiatives in many emerging markets are slow and face adoption and scalability challenges at a local and systemic level due to lack of in-depth understanding and prioritization of complex issues, many of which relate to each other, like the SDGs. A good starting point is to take a human-centric approach starting with developing deeper empathy with citizens to visualize and design a future for the citizens of the country. But who better to share authentic insights and see a better future than those who will live it – CHILDREN.
Within many cultural contexts it is recognized that drawing techniques can provide a relatively easy way to gather personal and socio-cultural information, both from and about children, as well as offer valuable insights into children’s experiences, ideas, feelings and environmental perceptions. Childhood and children are now seen as worthy of investigation in their own right. Much recent studies has emphasized the importance of listening to children’s perspectives on issues that are important and relevant for them. The advantage of using drawing is that this is self-reported data.
These drawings can be used to explore the world they live in, and therefore understand the social, economic and environmental issues at the local level. Art activities provide a psychologically safe and creative way for children to express their strongest desires in a visual form without relying on words or the need to know a language for expression.
ASK: I am looking to conduct a literature review on visualization, image interpretation and content analysis techniques for issue identification in the drawings and artworks of children. In addition, I am, therefore, seeking projects are worthy of mention based on their quality of work and potential to scale in the aforementioned areas. A good example is Room 13 that started in Scotland and Project Dream On India - that captured 10,000+ artworks of children from pan India including Jammu and Kashmir.
Would appreciate your references, thoughts, ideas et al.
Thanking you in anticipation.
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Sharing the new TEDx talk on project Dream On India -
  • asked a question related to Children
5 answers
Is it parents' responsibility to inform their children's teachers about their children's health condition (Dyslexia or anxiety disorder) or do teachers have to identify and address the students' status?
I have an EFL student who has difficulties in reading texts at a normal speed in the classroom, comprehension, and memory. I have been doing reading research since October 2023. I want to gain good knowledge about dyslexia and strategies for teaching English to dyslexic students or students with other mental health disorders.
However, as I am not an educational psychologist or clinical psychologist, I still cannot decide whether the student is dyslexic or not. I want to indicate that I have taught him a good way to overcome his problem of reading a long text. Last week, he informed me it was helpful. Meanwhile, I am still concerned about how he can improve his comprehension and memory.
It is crucial to mention that parents should be aware of their children's health conditions and overall well-being. Also, they must share that information with their children's teachers so that teachers can provide appropriate support to help students succeed in the classroom.
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Both parents and teachers are crucial in identifying and supporting students with health conditions like dyslexia or anxiety disorders. While parents should inform teachers about their child’s condition, teachers also have a responsibility to recognize and address students’ needs in the classroom. Collaboration and communication between parents and teachers are essential for providing appropriate support tailored to each student’s individual needs. If concerns arise, involving school support services for further evaluation and assistance is advisable.
  • asked a question related to Children
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I've worked with several children in classroom settings who have trauma backgrounds, and they're academically average or above average. They present ADHD, but because they don't have IEP's, they're treated like "bad behavior" children. Very curious about how PTSD fits into SPED.
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António José Rodrigues Rebelo
Thank you so much for your reply. It’s unfortunate that this is such a persistent problem. I like the term you used “educational rigidity” to describe the lack of understanding & support by educators and parents. There is certainly a need for more “educational flexibility” - the ability to research, inform, and pivot to a better response toward children.
  • asked a question related to Children
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Effect of divorce on the couple and the children?
  • asked a question related to Children
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Dear colleagues. I would like to make a big request from you. Do you know of any questionnaire on sociocultural differences in children in early adolescence? It is that we are preparing research on bullying with colleagues from Slovakia and Georgia (Asia). I am currently in Georgia and I have noticed significant differences in the behaviour of Georgian children compared to our Czech children. However, I do not know if this is just my impression. Thank you very much for any helpful ideas.
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Can you please narrow it down to what specific differences you have observed?
  • asked a question related to Children
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I want to study animal models of neonatal HIE, how old should preterm and term newborns be in mice?
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Sincerely thank you for your answer. Currently, our laboratory generally uses 7-9 day old rat models as full-term newborns and 3-5 day old rats as premature infant HIE models. However, as we have not found high-quality literature or guidelines as standards, we would like to further verify. Thank you again for your reply. Everything is fine
  • asked a question related to Children
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In South Asia, the middle class grapples with a formidable challenge: navigating the financial strains imposed by an inflationary environment while safeguarding the well-being of their children. As prices surge and the cost of living escalates, families find themselves squeezed between aspirations for a better future and the harsh realities of economic instability. This delicate balancing act not only affects the financial stability of households but also casts a shadow over the future prospects of the younger generation. From access to quality education and healthcare to ensuring adequate nutrition and overall well-being, the impact of inflation on children within middle-class families is profound and far-reaching. Despite their resilience and resourcefulness, middle-class families in South Asia face an uphill battle against rising prices and stagnant incomes. The inflationary pressures exacerbate existing financial burdens, forcing families to make tough choices and sacrifices, often at the expense of their children's opportunities and happiness. Against this backdrop, understanding the nuanced dynamics of middle-class financial pressures in South Asia and their toll on children is crucial. It sheds light on the complex interplay between economic factors and social outcomes, prompting a deeper exploration of policy interventions, community support systems, and grassroots initiatives aimed at alleviating the burdens faced by families and ensuring a brighter future for the region's youth.
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Navigating middle-class financial strain amidst inflationary pressures in South Asia can be particularly challenging, especially when considering the impact on children. Here are some key points to consider:
  1. Education: Inflation can significantly affect the cost of education, from school fees to books and supplies. Middle-class families may find it increasingly difficult to afford quality education for their children, potentially leading to compromises in the children's learning environment and opportunities.
  2. Healthcare: Rising inflation often translates to higher healthcare costs, including medical consultations, treatments, and medications. Families may face tough choices when it comes to prioritizing healthcare needs, potentially impacting children's well-being if preventive care or timely treatments become unaffordable.
  • asked a question related to Children
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I am trying to make sense of the design for my Master's thesis. I am looking at the relationship between types of play and anxiety in children. My independent variables are three types of play (continuous, two measured in hours and one on a Likert scale), and my dependant variable is a score on anxiety scale. I also want to look at three potential confounders which are continuous as well. What would be the best way to figure out the 'pure' relationships between my three IVs of interest and DV while accounting for the confounders effect? Will I be able to do that by running a multiple regression with 5 IVs? Or would it be better to divide my confounders into subcategories and look at the relationships between my IVs and DV across the different levels of confounders? Since there are two of them with three levels each, that seems like an overcomplicated design. Please advise which approach to take. Thanks!
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You mentioned that you have three potential confounders with three levels each. If you suspect that the relationship between types of play and anxiety may vary across different levels of these confounders, you could consider including interaction terms in your regression model. This would allow you to explore whether the effect of play types on anxiety differs based on the levels of the confounders.
  • asked a question related to Children
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Congenital heart disease (CHD) significantly impacts anesthesia management in pediatric patients due to the complex interplay between cardiac physiology, surgical interventions, and anesthetic drugs. Anesthesia for children with CHD requires a comprehensive understanding of the underlying cardiac anatomy and physiology, as well as careful perioperative planning to optimize outcomes and minimize risks.
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Congenital heart disease (CHD) significantly impacts anesthesia management in pediatric patients due to the complex interplay between cardiac physiology, surgical interventions, and anesthetic drugs. Anesthesia for children with CHD requires a comprehensive understanding of the underlying cardiac anatomy and physiology, as well as careful perioperative planning to optimize outcomes and minimize risks. Here are some key considerations for anesthesia management in pediatric patients with CHD:
  1. Preoperative Assessment: A thorough preoperative evaluation is essential to assess the severity and complexity of the CHD, evaluate cardiac function, and identify any associated comorbidities. Detailed history-taking, physical examination, and diagnostic studies such as echocardiography and electrocardiography help guide anesthesia management decisions.
  2. Cardiac Physiology: Anesthesia providers must have a deep understanding of the underlying cardiac anatomy and physiology in children with CHD. This includes knowledge of shunt physiology, ventricular function, pulmonary vascular resistance, and hemodynamic parameters such as systemic and pulmonary pressures.
  3. Hemodynamic Monitoring: Continuous hemodynamic monitoring is critical during anesthesia for children with CHD. This may include invasive monitoring with arterial and central venous catheters to assess blood pressure, cardiac output, and central venous pressure. Non-invasive monitoring modalities such as echocardiography and pulse oximetry are also important for assessing cardiac function and oxygenation.
  4. Optimization of Cardiac Function: Anesthesia management aims to optimize cardiac function and maintain hemodynamic stability throughout the perioperative period. This may involve judicious fluid management, use of vasoactive medications to support cardiac output, and avoidance of factors that increase myocardial oxygen demand.
  5. Airway Management: Airway management in children with CHD requires careful consideration of potential anatomical abnormalities, airway obstruction, and risks of hemodynamic instability. Intubation should be performed with caution to minimize changes in intrathoracic pressure and avoid exacerbating cardiac compromise.
  6. Anesthetic Agents: Anesthetic agents should be selected based on their hemodynamic effects and potential interactions with cardiac function. Inhalational agents such as sevoflurane and intravenous agents such as propofol are commonly used for maintenance of anesthesia, while opioids and muscle relaxants should be used cautiously to avoid respiratory depression and hemodynamic effects.
  7. Temperature Management: Temperature regulation is crucial during anesthesia for children with CHD to minimize the risk of perioperative hypothermia, which can exacerbate hemodynamic instability and increase the risk of adverse cardiac events.
  8. Postoperative Care: Close monitoring in the postoperative period is essential for early detection of complications such as arrhythmias, myocardial dysfunction, and inadequate cardiac output. Continuous hemodynamic monitoring and frequent reassessment of cardiac function are important for optimizing postoperative care and facilitating early intervention if necessary.
  9. Multidisciplinary Approach: Anesthesia management for children with CHD requires close collaboration among anesthesia providers, pediatric cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and critical care specialists. Multidisciplinary teams with expertise in pediatric cardiac anesthesia and critical care ensure comprehensive care and optimal outcomes for these complex patients.
By addressing these considerations and implementing evidence-based practices, anesthesia providers can optimize perioperative care and outcomes for pediatric patients with CHD undergoing surgical procedures. Individualized anesthesia plans tailored to the specific needs of each patient are essential for ensuring safe and effective care for this vulnerable population.
  • asked a question related to Children
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Preoperative fasting in pediatric patients is essential to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration during anesthesia induction. However, it's crucial to balance the need for fasting with the risk of dehydration and hypoglycemia, especially in infants and young children.
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Preoperative fasting in pediatric patients is essential to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration during anesthesia induction. However, it's crucial to balance the need for fasting with the risk of dehydration and hypoglycemia, especially in infants and young children. Here are some considerations for preoperative fasting in pediatric patients:
  1. Clear Fluids: Ingestion of clear fluids up to 2 hours before anesthesia induction is generally permitted for pediatric patients. Clear fluids include water, clear fruit juices without pulp, and clear broths. These fluids help maintain hydration and prevent dehydration without significantly increasing the risk of aspiration.
  2. Breast Milk: Breast milk is considered a clear fluid and can be given up to 4 hours before anesthesia. Breastfeeding should ideally be allowed as close to the induction of anesthesia as possible to maximize nutritional benefits and maintain hydration while minimizing fasting duration.
  3. Formula Feeds: Infants on formula feeds can have formula milk up to 6 hours before anesthesia, with the last feed being formula milk.
  4. Solid Foods: Solid foods, including milk with cereal, should be withheld for a longer period before anesthesia to reduce the risk of regurgitation and aspiration. Pediatric patients are typically required to fast for 6 hours for solids, with the exception of infants under 6 months of age, who may fast for 4 hours.
  5. Clear Communication: Clear and consistent communication with parents or caregivers is essential to ensure compliance with preoperative fasting guidelines. Parents should be educated about the importance of fasting to prevent complications during anesthesia and surgery.
  6. Individualized Approach: Fasting guidelines may vary depending on the patient's age, medical condition, and type of surgery. Healthcare providers should consider individual patient factors when determining fasting requirements and provide personalized recommendations accordingly.
  7. Preoperative Assessment: A thorough preoperative assessment should be conducted to identify any risk factors that may influence fasting guidelines, such as gastrointestinal motility disorders or delayed gastric emptying. Patients with these risk factors may require extended fasting periods or alternative fasting strategies.
  8. Preoperative Medications: Any necessary preoperative medications should be administered with minimal volumes of clear fluids to minimize the risk of aspiration. Medications that require administration with food or milk should be withheld until after anesthesia induction.
  9. Documentation: Fasting instructions should be clearly documented in the patient's medical record, including the type and timing of last oral intake. This helps ensure adherence to fasting guidelines and facilitates safe perioperative management.
By following these considerations, healthcare providers can optimize preoperative fasting practices in pediatric patients to minimize the risk of pulmonary aspiration while maintaining hydration and nutritional status.
  • asked a question related to Children
16 answers
I'm conducting descriptive research to look into the relationship between parent-child sleeping arrangements and children's attachment styles. The questionnaires will, of course, be filled out by the parents, but I intend to evaluate this issue without using experimental methods such as the strange situation procedure and with only a set of questionnaires. Do you have any knowledge of such a questionnaire? Thank you in advance for your guidance.
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Thank you very much Prof. Kensinger for your help and Dr. Mazandarani for your prompt reply. You helped me massively, many thanks!
  • asked a question related to Children
4 answers
Language, teaching, blind children, artificial intelligence
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The human language can be translated, but human communication needs to produce semiosis as a verbal interaction for us to function as a species.
  • asked a question related to Children
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Has anyone used (or attempted to use) a touch-monitor or a touch-screen-laptop for the recording of behavioral responses in an eye-tracking experiment with young children?
This would be ideal since young children cannot use a mouse or a keyboard. However, I am worried about the technical setup, e.g., the distance of the eye-tracker (50+ cm) vs the length of a child's arm (21-22 cm).
Any advice or experience is welcome! Thank you
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Sorry, I haven't done any studies using Eye Tracking Glasses.
  • asked a question related to Children
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The training received by child protective services workers has gaps in transition to casework with children and families.
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What is your question?
  • asked a question related to Children
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… the average female marries to establish a home, to establish a long-time affectional relationship with a single spouse, and to have children whose welfare may become the prime business of her life. Most males would admit that all of these are desirable aspects of a marriage, but ... (Alfred Kinsey)
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Thank you Mitzi for your comment! Kinsey also concluded decades ago that women marry to establish a loving and supportive relationship that allows them to raise a family. But men tend to marry to obtain a regular sexual outlet. This is a fundamental difference between the sexes. Men look for sex. Women look for a relationship - affection and companionship. I wish more women would tell men this instead of allowing men to imply that women seek relationships in order to enjoy sexual pleasure as men do.
  • asked a question related to Children
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Parents who pay special attention to their children can be expected to provide an optimal environment for the child to learn, which can be further strengthened by the child’s own motivation.
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Certainly, it is the quality of the relationship between parent and child that ensures functional development for the child. As this is supported by the literature.
  • asked a question related to Children
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If among your friends/colleagues living in the US/Canada, there are those whose children are 15-25-years old, please ask them in private to answer this questionnaire.
Anonymity and confidentiality is guaranteed.
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I am from Pakistan no any one is live in US and Canada
  • asked a question related to Children
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Is advanced vocational education for children, young people, or anyone who can't adapt to the labor market? What should future specialists know and be able to do?
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Personally, I do favor the dual model of vocational education, i.e. the practical skills foundation is acquired in real work, while the theoretical knowledge foundation is acquired by schooling. Today, this can be done by a mix of online, hybrid and on-site performances.
Your Екатерина Лыкова query on the future, with respect to education specialists, can be answered as follows: labor, polytechnic and vocational studies are one unit, i.e. for the education specialist, it is mandatory to be very realistic about the informatization stage of the respective economy and society.
The more entrepreneurship and market-coordination drive a national economy, the more real firms can participate in the vocational skills and knowledge formation; the more state-commanded programs drive the national economy, the less effective means of vocational skill and knowledge formation will be the outcome.
Education is like a diamond with many facets: It includes the basic mastery of numbers and letters that give us access to the treasury of human knowledge, accumulated and refined through the ages; it includes technical and vocational training as well as instruction in science, higher mathematics, and humane letters.
Reagan, Ronald (1988). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Ronald Reagan, 1986”, p.490, Best Books
The only purpose of education is freedom; the only method is experience.”
— Leo Tolstoy
  • asked a question related to Children
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A dataset urgently needed for EEG signals in children with autism
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Look at this work: Sun S, Cao R, Rutishauser U, Yu R, Wang S. A uniform human multimodal dataset for emotion perception and judgment. Sci Data. 2023 Nov 7;10(1):773. doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02693-z. PMID: 37935738; PMCID: PMC10630434.
You may find some useful information.
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
hi, i'm currently writing my psychology dissertation where i am investigating "how child-oriented perfectionism relates to behavioural intentions and attitudes towards children in a chaotic versus calm virtual reality environment".
therefore i have 3 predictor variables/independent variables: calm environment, chaotic environment and child-oriented perfectionism
my outcome/dependent variables are: behavioural intentions and attitudes towards children.
my hypotheses are:
  1. participants will have more negative behavioural intentions and attitudes towards children in the chaotic environment than in the calm environment.
  2. these differences (highlighted above) will be magnified in participants high in child-oriented perfectionism compared to participants low in child oriented perfectionism.
i used a questionnaire measuring child-oriented perfectionism which will calculate a score. then participants watched the calm environment video and then answered the behavioural intentions and attitudes towards children questionnaires in relation to the children shown in the calm environment video. participants then watched the chaotic environment video and then answered the behavioural intentions and attitudes towards children questionnaire in relation to the children in the chaotic environment video.
i am unsure whether to use a multiple linear regression or repeated measures anova with a continuous moderator (child-oriented perfectionism) to answer my research question and hypotheses. please please can someone help!
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1. participants will have more negative behavioural intentions and attitudes towards children in the chaotic environment than in the calm environment.
--- because there were only two conditions (levels of your factor), you can use a paired t-test (or wilcoxon if nonparametric) to compare the behavioral intentions/attitudes between the calm and chaotic environment where the same participants were subjected to both environments.
2. these differences (highlighted above) will be magnified in participants high in child-oriented perfectionism compared to participants low in child oriented perfectionism.
--- indeed this is a simple linear regression (not multiple one), you can start with creating a new dependent variable (y) as the difference in behavioral intentions/attitudes between the calm and chaotic environment, then you run a regression on the independent variable of a perfectionism score (x).
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
Is there a version of the WHO-5 questionnaire where parents rate their child's well-being? I know that the WHO-5 can be used for children as young as 9 years old.
But, I need to know if there is a version for parents.
Hope one of you talented researchers can help me.
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Dear Anni
When looking at the content of the items in WHO-5, particularly the last 4, I think you will be well-served with NOT finding a parent proxy version, as these items cannot be answered in any credible way by proxy.
This is said with good intention. Proxy measurement is probematic at the best of times, but here it appears impossible, Tine
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
what caregiving styles there are and their quality, associating it with the impact of care in pediatric cancer, that is, in children.
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Hello Malcolm Nobre, thank you so much! You were really so kind, the articles are definitely helpful. I am writing a dissertation on cargevinig in pediatric oncology.
I wish you a good continuation of your work and I hope your research will give you and science a lot of satisfaction.
Elena Sentieri
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any links will be great.
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Hi Chagit,
Monitoring outcomes from interventions typically include 1) progress towards the person's goals, 2) measures of changes the specific intervention is aimed at changing, and then 3) associated improvements e.g., wellbeing and general functioning.
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
I’ve been reading about applications on the cognitive developmental delay in children born during the COVID pandemic. My child’s case is delayed speech in terms of expected milestones, as in forming 2 or more words-sentences, while the behaviour and motor skills are meeting expectations. Some of my colleagues face the similar description for theirnown offspring, yet had their kids “diagnosed“ as ”ADHD“, ”behavioural issues“, as well as ”Autism spectrum”. Fearing that we are facing the same “Hasty diagnosis outbreak” as in our attempts to “understand and resolve COVID” by March 2020, and before anyone offer giving my child Choloroquin, could you share some input?
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As a foster carer, I know many other carers looking after children born in this period, there seems to be a dividing line between those who were in care from birth in larger families and children who came into care later who were from families with no other children.
the children in care from birth (were no FASD , or abstinence syndrome is present)
due to the constant interaction with adults and many children, these children are open to interaction and have normal language development and seem to be hitting milestones.
Those children from smaller social groups seam to have language delay and are less willing to interact with others, it takes two to three years of intensive therapeutic care for children to start to catch up.
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Taking into account the available technological solutions and applications offered by ICT service providers, as well as the growing scale of psychological problems of children using smartphones and online social media, the following question arises that is relevant today: How to effectively organize parental control of what a child does in the aforementioned social media?
Children and adolescents represent the youngest generations using online social media. The youth currently attending schools and studying in universities are mainly the so-called Generation Z, who grew up with smartphones equipped with Internet access, including online social media. Today, the children and young people of Generation Z are thus at the greatest risk of being negatively influenced by online social media, including various types of misinformation, fake news, misleading unreliable offers of advertised products and services, influencers and youtubers promoting themselves, etc., which are increasingly appearing in them. In addition, there are many untrustworthy offers of products and services in social media, offers presented by influencers and youtubers, offers presented as part of advertising campaigns conducted in these media, offers promoted through spots, animations and advertising videos, in which generative artificial intelligence technology is increasingly used. It is increasingly common for advertising companies to create AI-generated influencer avatars based on intelligent chatbots for their online advertising campaigns. AI-generated fictional influencer personas look, speak and behave like real people in videos posted on social media. Internet users watching these digital influencers often don't realize that they are watching not real people but digitally generated non-sisterly real characters. In addition, in recent years there has been a growing scale of hate speech most often generated by peers from class, school. The developing hejt was the reason for the increasing scale of child and adolescent suicides in some countries in recent years. In addition, many people, especially young girls, have psychological problems due to a sense of low self-worth and self-esteem which is related to spending a lot of time on online social media and watching influencers promoting certain sublime standards, what is in a certain subculture of youth recognized and promoted as informal canons of beauty, attitudes, possession of certain material goods, etc. In addition, such psychological problems were exacerbated during the Covid-19 pandemic, which was associated with locdowns imposed in some countries on selected sectors of the economy, bans on being in certain types of public places, periodically introduced national quarantines and education conducted remotely in the form of e-learning. In some countries, the scale of such bans and restrictions, which were intended to slow down the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus, was exceptionally large. This was the case, for example, in the country where I operate. Unfortunately, the mortality rate of citizens during the Covid-19 pandemic in Poland, despite the large-scale introduction of the aforementioned anti-pandemic bans and restrictions, was exceptionally high. Besides, the mentioned anti-pandemic bans and restrictions were introduced without adequate public consultation, on the basis of special legal regulations in the form of laws and ordinances, with the bases of prior research and analysis of the potential negative effects of such controversial measures. At present, in 2024, it is known that in the country in which I operate the negative effects of the aforementioned introduced on a record large scale so-called anti-pandemic measures, including bans, lockdown-type restrictions, periods of national quarantine were much more in comparison with the expected but not realized positive effects. In view of the above, taking into account the available technological solutions and applications offered by ICT service providers, as well as the growing scale of psychological problems of children using smartphones and online social media, it is necessary to improve the computerized systems and applications running on smartphones that enable effectively conducted parental control of what a child does on the aforementioned social media. On the other hand, citizens should influence politicians, and politicians should influence the technology companies that run online social media, so that these companies also take much greater care of the safety of children and young people using these media. The aforementioned technology companies should not treat children and young people merely as potential customers for product and service offers presented during advertising campaigns conducted on social media. The technology companies running these media should not create algorithms that promote posts, posts, comments, banners, animations, videos, etc. that contain negative and socially harmful content. That this is how this kind of media works was proven during the Senate committee hearings of former managers who previously worked at Meta, for example, and developed certain solutions within Facebook and Instagram. TokTok has also grown rapidly in recent years, which also features many examples of disinformation, factoids, posts, memes, entries, banners, videos, etc., containing unreliable and factually incorrect content, as well as many advertisements presenting various product and service offers aimed mainly at children and young people.
I have described the key issues of the determinants of the development of social media with attention to the issue of cyber security and the technologies used Industry 4.0 in my article below:
The postpandemic reality and the security of information technologies ICT, Big Data, Industry 4.0, social media portals and the Internet
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Considering the available technological solutions and applications offered by ICT service providers and the growing scale of psychological problems of children using smartphones and online social media, the following question arises that is relevant now: How to effectively organize parental control of what a child does in the mentioned social media?
How do you effectively organize parental control of what a child does on online social media, what he reads, what he writes about, what he browses, etc.?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Dear Prof. Prokopowicz!
You raised a difficult problem to solve due to the complexity of the systemic nature of the issue to address. May I claim that this is a case (child) - and context (family, school, etc.) -dependent topic:
1) Thimm, C. (2023). Mediatized Families: Digital Parenting on Social Media. In: Dethloff, N., Kaesling, K., Specht-Riemenschneider, L. (eds) Families and New Media. Juridicum – Schriften zum Medien-, Informations- und Datenrecht. Springer, Wiesbaden., Open access:
2) Pescott, C. K. (2024). ‘They are watching you do everything online’: Children's perceptions of social media surveillance. Children & Society, 00, 1–19., Open access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
According to the UN report 0n 23 October, fatalities and causalities in the occupied Palestine have exceeded 5,087 and 15,273 since 7 October. Women and children represent more than 62% of the fatalities. More than 600,000 internally displaced are sheltering in 150 facilities of the Palestine refugee agency UNRWA. Nearly 420,000 are seeking refuge in 93 of the agency's shelters in Middle, Khan Younis and Rafah areas, further to the south - that's an increase of around 14,000 civilians in the past 24 hours.
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The Israeli bombardment has displaced many of Gaza’s citizens. In the past, programs to alleviate stress among displaced and refugee populations haven’t taken religion and spirituality into account. A molecular biologist who studies trauma says that more treatments rooted in science are needed...
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
This is a forum for scientists. We do not bring precious metals or products ourselves.
Our work results should benefit the people of the country. In this case, we must protect the people of the country from and reduce material losses in the event of earthquakes and related disasters.
You see that we can do this. But for this, it is necessary for the state leadership to know that a method has been created and successfully tested that will provide protection with a timely and accurate forecast.
( Place, time, force with an advance of hours, tens of hours...)
If we do this, then we can unite and a single global network of short-term forecasts will save the lives of us and our children.
Nowadays, climate change on the planet is causing worsening catastrophes. The number of victims of one earthquake exceeds the number of victims of local wars. Ahead - worsening weather and more casualties.
Which seismologists are ready to inform the state and participate in the Center for the Global Forecast Network?
Is your state ready to take the lead in implementing proven techniques? You understand that the "first" becomes the owner of the patents. The first one will have maximum knowledge and maximum capabilities, this is a guarantee. One of the most important factors: reliability is about 100%. There are no other methods that provide such accuracy and reliability.
Is it interesting for you? Or are you interested in talking and continuing to do your own thing? People's lives don't concern you?
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Ссылка на трансляцию, мое выступление начинается с 14:32
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
I am looking for a questionnaire or other tools to use it for determining the types of play in children (classified by Piaget), is there anything that can help me with that?
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Dear Doctor Benyamin Hamid
Let me start by saying that I am considered a world while expert in Jean Piaget's monumental theory of cognitive development and have some published papers on that theory, as you can see in my RG profile.
I do not know of any questionnaire for determining types of play in 7-year-old children and even think that it would not be possible to determine types of play in 7-year-old children through a questionnaire.
In order to attain such goal you have to observe via a naturalistic observation at home and/or school how children of this age play. To play with whom: children of their age, younger than or older than them?
Before performing such an observation, I would urge you to read the following two books by Jean Piaget:
1. Piaget, J. (1932). The moral judgement of the child. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Original published in French in 1932)
2. Piaget, J. (1962). Play, dreams and imitation in childhood . London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Original published in French in 1945).
PS: I hope that this is of some help to you.
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
Who agrees humans reproducing human children with robots would be for the common good? Elaborations welcome.
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I agree, if only there will be a man and a woman as parents.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
Kenneth N. Waltz in his book „Man, the State and War” pointed out three types of reasons that may lead to war. 1. Reasons that refer to human behavior; 2. Reasons that refer to the state structure; 3. Reasons that refer to international relations.
The question is: Given the first type of reasons, i.e. those relating to human behaviors, how can these behaviors be changed so that there is no war?
Gordon Allport proposed that the entrance to the UN (Security Council) be designed so that delegates going to the meeting pass through a glass playground with children. This sight would give them pause for thought and for smart decisions.
What are the other ways of influencing the behavior of world leaders?
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through spreading love, great meanings of hope and eliminate envy and brutality and let our hearts be kind and soft and not tough filled with cruelty
no place for shedding even a drop of innocent blood will happen and war which is a face of crime if not devoted to combat human enemy will never occur.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
"How does the parenting style and involvement of parents influence the reading comprehension abilities of learners, and what specific practices or strategies can parents adopt to foster a positive impact on their children's reading comprehension skills?"
Your answer will greatly help me in my studies
Thank you.
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1.In daily life, consciously guide young children to pay attention to textual information around them, such as names and precautions on objects such as doors, windows, tables, chairs, bookcases, sofas, etc.
2.Parents can lead by example, lead by example, set a good example, and often read books and newspapers with their children, making them feel the joy of reading.
3.Choose good books suitable for children's age and developmental characteristics, such as vivid and interesting novels, excellent essays, and comprehensive books.
4.Prepare a well lit room or corner for children as a reading area, and prepare a small bookshelf for them.
5.Encourage children to actively express their opinions and insights after reading books or telling stories together with them every time.
  • asked a question related to Children
23 answers
Women and children represent more than 62% of the fatalities caused by the Israeli attacks in Palestine. Are not the children of Palestine like children in other parts of the world?1 Do not they have the right to live? Is not illegal to launch non-discriminant attacks that harvest the lives of those children every minute? Isn’t cruel to prevent food and medical supplies to reach those helpless and needy who can not really harm a fly?
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In these holiday days, I would like to mention this article which inspires the desire to celebrate life (or to simply live) despite everything: Straits Times, Dec. 25, 2023, World celebrates Christmas in shadow of wars in Gaza, Ukraine. "... People donated Santa caps on beaches, ski slopes and streets around the globe on Dec 25 to celebrate Christmas, with Israel's war on Hamas and Russia's invasion of Ukraine casting a shadow over the holiday...". Happy Holidays to all
Read the Article on:
See Also:
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
Are the statements, in this description, politically correct? How? Why?
I admit that my goal to reproduce my biological human children with a robot acting as a birther, is bizarre yet, I want to conserve my own autonomy as much as possible and not have to deal with the whims of another person that could take my money and or abort my biological children.
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No, it is not true
  • asked a question related to Children
4 answers
What to do in groups with children of different age range to make them easier to adapt?
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First of all, I apologize for the delay. I have been sick and still under medications and am now getting better.
As for the question, it is always better to carry out needs analysis of those children with different age ranges in order to be aware of their needs first. Then you will categorize them in terms of those needs. Afterwards, you will be able to design the material type that will respond to the needs of each of them.
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
help me to cite pls. for our research purpose
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1. define excessive. 2. screen time = caregiver doesn't want to deal with kid. If parent is poisonous, all screentime is good and vice versa.
  • asked a question related to Children
4 answers
  1. I need a research project on pediatric ALL please help me
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You know there are some important factors we have to keep in our mild before planning a research proposal like rate / frequency of a disease, availability of investigation support, duration of study period and budget also. Like doing a RCT has a strong research value but requires time and fund on other hand doing observational ( acutely less to distinct as research) requires less supports for example : outcome and complications during indication phase or outcome of febrile neutropenia or act on other possible complications like frequency of hyperglycemia or coagulopathy or hyperglycemia or hypertension or nutritional status; even doing study on genetic records like pattern of cytogenetis or TPMT analysis in comparison of 6MP/ MTX dosing.
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
I am curious about which statistical method should be used to deal with the relationship between the number of teachers talking in class in different kindergarten classes and children's language ability.
We have collected the number of words spoken by teachers in 5 different classes, and the vocabulary of 35 young children, with an average of 3-7 students per class. Which statistical method can compare different children's vocabularies will be affected by the number of words spoken by different teachers.
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Set up the multiple linear regression model with children's language ability as the dependent variable and the number of words spoken by teachers in each class as independent variables.
Example: LanguageAbility i=β0​+β1​WordsSpokenClass1i​+β2​WordsSpokenClass2i​+…+βnWordsSpokenClassni​+ϵi
i represents each individual child.
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
Physical activity/exercise or sports participation is important for growing children because of it helps to develop physically, mentally, and socially. Today world, physical inactivity is fourth leading cause of death in all age groups. Therefore, it is important to increase children's physical activity in effective ways.
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Dear Varalakshmi Sivanesan, the concept of "physical literacy" will help you. I wish you good work.
  • asked a question related to Children
6 answers
This can be development holistically or in a specific area for children of any age.
From working in early years, I can identify music isn't very present in the curriculum and I think it should be! Just looking to gather some opinions from others :)
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Изобразителното изкуство и музиката в най-ранна детска възраст спомагат за развитието на емоционална интелигентност на децата, за изграждане на емоционално-естетическо отношение към заобикалящия ги свят. В помощ на изобразителната дейност в детската градина се използват целенасочено различни дидактически игри, които включват музикални произведения.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
How to make children more motivated for lessons?
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Engaging children in learning English involves a blend of creativity, interactivity, and relevance. To foster interest, incorporate fun and interactive activities like language games, storytelling, and songs into the learning process. Utilize educational apps and multimedia resources designed for language acquisition. Introduce cultural elements to make the language more vibrant and relatable. Encourage peer interaction through group activities, fostering a collaborative learning environment. Positive reinforcement, such as praise and rewards, helps build confidence and motivation. Additionally, ensuring that the learning experience is varied and adaptable to different interests ensures that children remain excited about acquiring English skills. By creating a dynamic and enjoyable atmosphere, children are more likely to embrace and actively participate in the language-learning journey.
  • asked a question related to Children
5 answers
Dear fellow researchers, I have just started my new ethnographic research project in a classroom in the German-speaking part of Switzerland in Year 1. One current focus is on the issue how teachers and children deal with language heterogeneity in German lessons (most children are multilingual with different levels of competence in German and there is the diglossia Standard German-Swiss German, teachers and children speaking Swiss German to different extents). I would be very grateful for advice on international studies (and also ongoing research) on similar subjects.
Many thanks in advance! Evamaria Zettl
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Evamaria Zettl one more great idea, often overlooked: diagrammatical thinking. Consider time, space, and objects. How are objects used as tools between and amongst children? What are the representations, and how do they change? What/how is space used and conceptualized? When analyzing the data, look at the props in the different scenes and the language usage around them. This analysis can be very interesting.
  • asked a question related to Children
7 answers
War generally brings untold hardships for society's most vulnerable- women and children.
Hardship for women and children anywhere is hardship everywhere.
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The Israel-Hamas war has brought to light numerous issues that need urgent attention, particularly in terms of public health. Access to portable water, healthcare, and mental health for women and children are crucial aspects that must be addressed with urgency.
Firstly, the lack of access to portable water is a severe problem in war-torn regions. Both Israelis and Palestinians suffer from this issue, which poses a significant threat to public health. Without clean water, people are susceptible to various diseases and infections. It is imperative that immediate action be taken to ensure the provision of safe drinking water for all affected individuals. International organizations should collaborate with local authorities to establish sustainable solutions such as desalination plants or mobile water treatment units.
Secondly, healthcare services have been severely disrupted due to the ongoing conflict. Hospitals and medical facilities have been damaged or destroyed, leaving women and children without proper access to essential healthcare services. This situation is unacceptable and demands an urgent response from the international community. Humanitarian aid must be provided promptly to restore medical infrastructure and ensure that vulnerable populations receive the care they urgently need.
Lastly, mental health support for women and children affected by the war is crucial but often overlooked. The trauma experienced during armed conflicts can have long-lasting effects on individuals' mental well-being if left unaddressed. Therefore, it is imperative that specialized mental health services are made available in these regions. Psychologists and counselors should be deployed on-site to provide therapy sessions and support groups for those affected by the violence.
In conclusion, addressing public health issues during times of conflict requires an assertive approach from both local authorities and international organizations. Accessible portable water sources must be established urgently while ensuring proper healthcare services are reinstated promptly. Additionally, mental health support should not be neglected as it plays a vital role in helping women and children cope with the traumatic experiences they have endured during war times. By taking assertive action now, we can alleviate the suffering of those affected and work towards a healthier future for all.
  • asked a question related to Children
6 answers
through education, children have the opportunity to acquire different ,skills and capacities( i.e, intellectual, socio-emotional, physical etc.) that support their development towards becoming functional individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society( Hahn& Truman, 2015; Macur,2020)
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The main purpose of education is to achieve values to become a good human being
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
For example, through a tendency towards less consistent response behavior that cannot be attributed to the consistency of the scale?
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Welcome Toni Simon
  • asked a question related to Children
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Do you think that children have the capacity to be spiritual beings?
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See the work of Paul Bloom, e.g., NATURAL-BORN DUALISTS |
  • asked a question related to Children
20 answers
Dear colleagues;
I hope that you're in good health. Due to the fact that we represent a main category in the world, I'd like to discuss with you an important humanitarian issue called "Palestine", The discussion is summarised in just this question:
Why are so many children being killed in Gaza and the whole world in silence?
I know that we have the biggest feature, which is humanity, because researchers without this feature will become monstrous, not human. Therefore, I'd like to ask every researcher in which world place they share with me this issue, which concerns all of humanity as a whole, and everyone who has a compassionate heart for the children who were buried in large numbers under the land of Gaza. Everyone who has a clear mind should think about why we remain silent, and at the moment when we are trying to publish a scientific article, there are laboratories, hospitals, and peaceful places being destroyed without pity or mercy.
I am waiting for your discussion to support this cause based on the spirit of humanity.
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I am afraid to tell you Arabs are faulty on this. Very heart-breaking cry Gaza people are oppressed and often tortured and being killed.
Not silent. My book is ready to be published onwill be out in few days.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
I want to know how we can teach life skills to preschool children with special needs in African children.
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Thanks so much for the enlightenment sir.
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
In checking for child malnutrition in a household, if there is more than one child, some are malnourished while others are not and we want to check the resilience capacity of the household, how do we classify the household, malnourished or not? and this is to check transition from one state to another between years.
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Compare calory intake to the dietary diversity score (DDS). A child with a DDS < 4 is classified as having low dietary diversity; otherwise, is considered to have adequate dietary diversity.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
Many researchers have documented the complexities of neuronal connection and the spectrum of clinical features, autistic children could present with. However, the individualized interventional measures that when applied early, could help these children have a better quality of life is rarely discussed.
What can we do differently to enable better outcomes in these children?
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Because of the complex nature of ASD and the range of symptomatology, individualized interventions are the best way to treat this population. As with any person in treatment, social support is one of the best places to start since follow-through and continuation of the treatment have to be fluent for the treatment to be consistent for the individual to expect results in their environment over time. Consistency over time is best. No one is perfect, however, the more people involved and providing the support, the better the result for the child with ASD would turn out.
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
I need more literature on drawing research specifically for children's learning.
My main research direction is conceptual learning in children, so I am particularly concerned about whether drawing analysis can help understand children's learning. Due to the coverage limit of the exam questions, traditional paper and pencil tests often easy to loss some key information which not in questionnaire. However, children's drawings can provide a panoramic view of the learning process, which helps to solve this problem. In fact, our research is also based on this point. Currently, we published a preprint about this topic ( But it is very incomplete, so we are eagerly searching for more relevant literature to enrich our research. Unfortunately, at present, drawing analysis is more often applied to emotional and social analysis (such as whether children are discriminated against in school), and research directed towards learning seems difficult to find.
I know Frontiers in Psychology has a topic that specializes in the study of children's drawing psychology (, and I really enjoy reading articles under this topic. But as mentioned earlier, most of the papers still focus on studying children's social psychology (such as bullying) through children's paintings, with very little focus on learning science /psychology. So I sincerely request MORE LITERATURE on drawing research specifically for CHILDREN'S LEARNING. Thanks any help would be greatly appreciated!
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As a cognitive linguistics researcher into multicultural representations of visuospatial information, I can suggest to you that you might want to "reverse engineer" your question.
Drawing itself is culturally skewed and has multiple meanings across all cultures - so, doing basic level research into "visual representation" will be more useful for your work in the long term.
I am suggesting you look at the references from this paper:
Exploring the Relation between Spatial Abilities and STEM Expertise
I have attached the paper below for your use.
Drawing is often seen as a developmental stage for children and even for adults who are multiple language learners - but the act of drawing is a deeper process and connects with intentional visual representation.
I hope this is helpful for you. Please send any questions you have - I am happy to offer you more background in this area.
All my best.
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
Since 1995, after developing the Volcanic Eifel Family with Willi Basalt to transfer the formation of mineral water in the Gerolstein / Volcanic Eifel Geopark to children I am working on communication of geoscientific topics for children and the general audience, see attached text of the story plus the activity booklet for children. In 2004 I have developed "Fiora Eocene and the Time Travel Crew" for the Messel Pit World Heritage Site in Germany. In this context we have developed some material for activities in education as well as for education acros tourism offers and promotion. I am very much interested if there exist more communication concepts in geoscientific knowledge transfer that work with comic type material.
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I don't have any information
  • asked a question related to Children
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Are you aware of any related important literature?
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A teacher's primary goal is to create those conditions that promote the holistic development of all children in the classroom, including students with special educational needs. Their all-round support (socio-emotional, psychomotor, cognitive) will contribute to the maximum development and utilization of their abilities.
The inclusion of a child with ASD in the general class presupposes:
The growth of a friendly, cooperative, supportive, and accepting environment for diversity in the classroom. The general information and awareness of all the parents of the students in the class about the children with special educational needs is necessary to develop a climate of understanding and empathy, making the integration process of the students with ASD easier.
The systematic observation of the student allows us to recognize his potential, weaknesses, and interests. By observing his behavior (even his silent moments) you can initially perceive his developmental level and the "methods" he adopts to manage difficult situations. Consequently, you can get to know his personality better.
Collaboration with the student's parents, educators, and trainers is essential (child psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, special educator).
Some practices that facilitate his adaptation to the classroom are:
His language proficiency, adaptability, and communication abilities are all enhanced through different forms of communication like TEACCH, PECS, and social storytelling.
Taking advantage of an organized daily routine that contains precise, concise verbal and visual directions.
The utilization of an individual work system will guide him in his participation in the various activities.
Encouraging the child's involvement in group activities enhances communication, social interaction, and cognitive development.
Creation of a place in the classroom where students can temporarily unwind and sensory discharge.
In addition, targeted engagement with digital ICT tools improves a child's social and cognitive weaknesses, promoting his independence.
The ultimate goal of all I mentioned above is cultivating its functionality and autonomy.
I quote the following bibliography as an example.
Roberts, J., & Webster, A. (2020). Including students with autism in schools: a whole school approach to improve outcomes for students with autism. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1–18. doi:10.1080/13603116.2020.1712622
Lindsay, S., Proulx, M., Scott, H., & Thomson, N. (2013). Exploring teachers’ strategies for including children with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream classrooms. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(2), 101–122. doi:10.1080/13603116.2012.758320
Roberts, J., & Simpson, K. (2016). A review of research into stakeholder perspectives on inclusion of students with autism in mainstream schools. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 20(10), 1084–1096. doi:10.1080/13603116.2016.1145267
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
I am struggling with selecting a theory. I am working on a qualitative study, that seeks to understand the lived experiences of military families of children with children with disabilities who face challenges In receiving continuity of services during a PCS (permanent change of station) / relocation. I already thought of attachment theory but was told it doesn’t quit fit. Any ideas or feedback will be highly appreciated.
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Crisis theory seems to be the ideal theory for this scenario
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
Could be any scenario that you could find a higher EtCO2 than the value of a PCO2 of a ABG in a children with a congenic heart disease under invasive mechanical ventilation?
In my case, a patient of 8 days since birth after a surgery of transposition of great vessels in a neurocritical situation due to an acute brain bleeding is having an EtCO2 of 44 mmHg and a PaCO2 of 35 mmHg.
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In normal healthy individuals, PaCO2 is 2-5 mmHg is higher than EtC02 While considering congenital heart disease, particularly R-L shunt, Pa C02 wil be too much higher than EtC02 or increased difference of PaC02-EtC02 and it's all because of Hypoperfusion of pulmonary circulation and alveolar hyperffysion . Reverse can be seen in L-R shunt where PaCO2 will be too low
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
My current research question is looking at whether children at 5-8 months of age have memory. To do this, we have run an eye-tracking study doing 3 encoding slides and 1 test slide. in the encoding slides, we show an image in each and in the test we have 1 old and 1 new. The looking behaviour of the child toward the "new" vs "old" image is collected as separate DVs. We are also interested to see if children have different looking behaviours towards different emotions of faces so the 3+1 slides will either have all happy or all angry faces (2 different conditions - happy angry), and all children will do both (within-samples/repeated measure), counterbalanced.
For the analysis, we are comparing OldNew X HappyAngry, but we want to control for other covariates, eg. If there was parent interference (we have a column labelled 1, interfered, 0 no interfered) or whether the number of trials (only 1 trial or all 3 trials, per condition) that went into the average looking to old or looking to new created significant variance/ impacted the data). The annoying thing is trying to input this as a covariate in a repeated measures ANOVA because there is eg. number of trials for Happy and number of trials for Angry, in separate columns so 2 covariates would go in?
Wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Appreciate all the help, thank you! - Karen
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It sounds to me like you should be using a mixed model for this! As you said that all children will be doing both, there would be 6 encoding slides and 2 test slides, correct? In their seminal book, Singer and Willet (2003) suggest that using a mixed model is a good idea as soon as you have 3 or more waves of data. Additionally, a mixed model allows you to check for time effects, such as training or boredom effects, which an rmANOVA cannot really if you are lumping all the kids with their randomized conditions together - because your rmANOVA sounds like you are doing OldNew x HappyAngry and not OldNew x HappyAngry x Order, which would probably result in too many factors and a severe loss of power.
Lastly, rmANOVAs disregard the within-person variation. I'm not sure I've fully understood your parental interference variable, does it mean "interfered at any time of the experiment" or is it "interfered at this slide"? Because the former cannot be modelled correctly in an rmANOVA, but it does work in a mixed model!
Hope this helps :)
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
If i marry a man who never got covid , will my kids never get covid?
If i marry a man who had covid,will my kids get covid?
I never had covid.
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Our genes are learnings of illness and some subsets of events/ features that have been transmitted to us through our parents. But illnesses or features can get transmitted from our ancestors as well. So, maybe our blood can learn. In this context, the brain functions are yet to be verified
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
I am brainstorming some ideas for a research project exploring the impact of services for children with disabilities. The population I'm working with has a high percentage of children with neurodevelopmental diagnoses and severe communication difficulties (non-verbal or very limited verbal communication skills). I have been reading about photo elicitation and autophotography research methods and was wondering if anyone has experience of using this type of method with children? Having the children take photos during the services sounds like a possible way of exploring their experience and their perspective, however I'm not sure if the photos would be 'meaningful' or if I'd just end up with a lot of photos of ceilings and elbows (thinking about some of the photos my younger relatives have taken when I've let them play on my phone). Any experiences or research on this would be appreciated.
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As an AI language model, I do not have access to real-world information such as research conducted by individuals or institutions. However, I can provide information about the general use of autophotography in research involving children.
Autophotography is a research method that involves the use of cameras or other imaging devices by participants to document their experiences and perspectives. It has been used in various fields, including psychology, sociology, and anthropology, to gain insights into individuals' daily lives and practices.
Autophotography has also been used in research involving children, particularly to understand their experiences, perspectives, and social contexts. Children have been provided with cameras and asked to take pictures of their daily lives, their environments, and their social interactions, which are then used as data for analysis.
Examples of research using autophotography with children include studies on children's experiences of play, their relationships with peers and adults, their experiences of illness and hospitalization, and their perceptions of their neighborhoods and communities.
Overall, autophotography can provide a unique and valuable perspective on children's experiences, as it allows them to express themselves visually and share their own images and narratives.
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3 answers
the sample was formed from a group of pregnant women who were diabetic either gestational diabetes or else and the mortality and morbidity of their children were recorded. why is it a descriptive, not a cohort, although they are a cohort group share the same risk factor?
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My vote is prospective cohort. Patients were entered into the study with a defined characteristic—diabetes and pregnancy, and followed for an outcome— fetal mortality. 
  • asked a question related to Children
5 answers
We are doing a questionnaire survey on the changes before and after the experience in an urban forest for six weeks. We want to use a POMS survey sheet. Where can we find a free questionnaire sheet? Or please give some suggestions on how to compile one for the pupils?
Thank you in advance.
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The Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire is typically designed for adults to assess their mood states. Adapting it for elementary school children may require simplifying the language and using age-appropriate terminology. Here's a simplified version of the POMS questionnaire suitable for elementary-level school kids:
Instructions for the Child:
"Please read each statement below and choose the face that shows how you feel right now. Circle the face that matches your feelings."
I feel happy.
[ ] ☺️ [ ] 🙂 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel excited.
[ ] 😃 [ ] 😀 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel calm.
[ ] 😌 [ ] 😊 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel worried.
[ ] 😨 [ ] 😰 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel sad.
[ ] 😢 [ ] 😭 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel angry.
[ ] 😡 [ ] 😠 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel scared.
[ ] 😱 [ ] 😨 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel tired.
[ ] 😴 [ ] 😩 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel silly.
[ ] 🤪 [ ] 😜 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
I feel friendly.
[ ] 😊 [ ] 😄 [ ] 😐 [ ] 😕 [ ] 😞
After completing the questionnaire, you can discuss the child's responses with them to better understand their mood and feelings. It's important to create a comfortable and supportive environment for them to express themselves. This adapted questionnaire provides a simple way for young children to reflect on their emotions and can be a helpful tool for teachers and parents to gauge their well-being.
  • asked a question related to Children
8 answers
Hello everyone, does anyone know how to calculate the simple size for a 2(gender: male, female)*2(culture: Asian, European)*2(age: children, adult)*2(direction: back, front)*2(position: left, right)*2( condition: confort, non-comfort) repeated ANOVA? We have 6 factors, among these, gender and culture are between-factors, while age, direction, position, and condition are within-factors. I'd appreciate it if someone can help me.
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Hi Hsin-Yuan Che, your are so nice, thanks again!
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
In what ways may a STEM facility develop these skills?
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Anecdotal: I have seen children in STEM activities gain insight to mathematical thinking when engaged in problem solving. The activities involved measurements: length, volume, and area. Constructing models - free form and then using written instructions. Instructions can be numerical or visual model with dimensions on the part or on a map/template.
  • asked a question related to Children
4 answers
As part of my Ph.D. in cognitive linguistics and bilingualism, I am aiming to measure the executive functions of children and teenagers. To do so, I would like to find digitalized versions of tests used to measure the three core executive functions: inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. Examples of the tests I would be interested in are the Simon task, the N-back task, and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task.
I would really appreciate your feedback!
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Dear Maria Teresa,
We have developed a number of computerized cognitive assessment tests that may be of your interest. All of them are freely available to promote open science. They also allow you to perform the experiments while recording biosignals that may be of interest, such as the encephalography (EEG) signal. The tests developed focus on working memory, inhibition or attention function, among others.
Here is the link to download these applications for free:
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
Hi all,
I am conducting research into the narrative abilities of children with DLD. Apart from standardized tests, we want to elicit some personal narratives from the children to have a good representation of their narrative abilities in a day to day setting.
Do you know of any protocols to elicit these personal narratives? Or can you give tips how to go about this? Protocols in Dutch would be best, but English is also fine.
Thank you in advance.
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we've asked pre-school children to tell danger narratives, where they describe a dangerous situation they were in. others (e.g. Berman and Verhoeven) have used 'fight stories.'
  • asked a question related to Children
18 answers
Obsession with a particular person is a disease, there is no doubt about this fact. The fact that "Obsession with a particular person" is a disease can be validated through the following reasons:
1. Obsessing after a particular individual, takes away the focus from my own development (personally and academically), to that on another person. I am thus wasting useful productive time.
2. I may be obsessing after a particular individual for an ulterior motive (intention). The intention whether "good" of "bad" are both wrong. The "good" intention may be that, for example, I am trying to get an "incapable individual" to a certain standard. The "good" intention may also be wrong, because that individual is not interested in what your plans may be for him/her and is simply not destined for that field of expertise. There are no questions about the fact that "bad" intentions are simply intolerable, this is again because the person obsessing after another may have very evil intentions and thus unnecessary (uncalled for) problems.
3. The individual obsessing after another individual cannot find their way towards their own development. In the process of obsessing after a particular individual, the obsessor takes irrational decisions, all for their own downfall and destruction. For example, an obsessor, to gain the attention of a particular individual, goes to the particular individuals house forcibly (through crooked means) and creates a ruckus. The ruckus need not have been created had obsessors focussed on their own development. Examples of own development are taking up sports activities, taking up arts as a hobby or studying something you would have liked to study as a child, but could not; and many more, all aimed towards developing your own self as a better individual, with something that your children or near and dear could learn from.
Discussion: Obsession can and has reached "pandemic proportions". However, we must try and save ourselves from obsessing after a particular individual.
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While not classified as a disease in the traditional medical sense, an excessive and all-consuming obsession with a specific individual can be considered a psychological issue. Obsessive attachment, often rooted in insecurity, can lead to harmful behaviors such as intrusive thoughts, possessiveness, and an inability to focus on other aspects of life. It can strain relationships, impact emotional well-being, and hinder personal growth. Recognizing the line between genuine affection and an unhealthy fixation is crucial. Seeking support from mental health professionals can offer guidance in managing these feelings and fostering healthier emotional connections.
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
There's a wrong name of one of the authors on 2 of my publications (posters) : It's not kurnia halim, it's Karima Halim.
Poster 1 : Educational needs of T1DM children and adolescents
poster 2 : Glyquemic control and quality of life of T1DM children and ado....
Please, could you modify them?
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Go to the Research Gate drop down menu under your profile picture to access the help centre. Type 'modify authors' or something like that in to the search bar.
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
This question focusing on character building of young children.
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@Moral education and Islamic education are related concepts, but they have distinct focuses and objectives. Here's a breakdown of their differences:
1. Scope and Content:
Moral Education:
Moral education, also known as ethical education, is a broader concept that aims to instill a sense of morality and ethics in children. It encompasses principles, values, and virtues that are considered universally good and beneficial for individuals and society. Moral education can be secular in nature and may draw upon various philosophical, cultural, and religious traditions to teach children about kindness, honesty, empathy, responsibility, respect, and other ethical values.
Islamic Education:
Islamic education, on the other hand, is specifically focused on teaching children the principles, beliefs, and practices of Islam, the religion founded in the 7th century CE by Prophet Muhammad. It involves imparting knowledge about the Quran (the holy book of Islam), Hadith (traditions and sayings of the Prophet), Islamic law (Sharia), Islamic history, and the basic tenets of faith. Islamic education aims to shape children's understanding of their religious identity, guide them in practicing Islamic rituals, and align their lives with Islamic values and teachings.
2.Source of Authority:
Moral Education:
In moral education, the source of authority for determining what is morally right or wrong may vary. It can draw upon various philosophical and ethical frameworks, such as utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, or cultural norms, without being limited to a particular religious perspective.
Islamic Education:
Islamic education's primary source of authority is the Quran and the Hadith, which are considered divine revelations in Islam. These texts provide the foundation for Islamic beliefs and practices and serve as the ultimate guide for Muslims in matters of faith and morality.
3.Cultural Context:
Moral Education:
Moral education can be taught in diverse cultural settings and educational systems, accommodating various beliefs and practices while focusing on universal values.
Islamic Education:
Islamic education is rooted in the teachings of Islam and is primarily practiced within Muslim communities or Islamic educational institutions. Its teachings are closely tied to the cultural and religious context of Islam.
4.Religious Teachings:
Moral Education:
While moral education may draw on religious principles from various traditions, it does not promote specific religious beliefs or rituals. It aims to be inclusive and applicable to children from different religious or secular backgrounds.
Islamic Education:
Islamic education, being religious in nature, seeks to promote Islamic beliefs and practices. It is designed for Muslim children to learn about and practice their faith in their daily lives.
In summary, moral education is a broader concept that aims to teach universally beneficial ethical values to all children, irrespective of their religious backgrounds. On the other hand, Islamic education is specific to the teachings and practices of Islam and is intended for Muslim children to nurture their Islamic faith and identity.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
Psychology, emotions, parents, children, thinking
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I might be wrong, but I think parents overshadow their children now. When I was a child, we used to go out as a group and no-one at home really knew where we were or what we were up to!
I went to boarding school at the age of 11 and was able to stick up for myself, from what I remember.
  • asked a question related to Children
4 answers
Level : Primary school children
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For me, I worked on the L2 acquisition for autistic children in the light of Chomsky's innateness versus the interactionist theory; verbosity vs selective mutism is another aspect, or the language acquisition via different, sometimes unconventional modalities (written format), anyway it is a very rich and dense topic, good luck.
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
Question: Do mental health therapists' fear and invalidation of emotions related to anger and assertiveness inhibit emotional improvement in minorities? (In the context of 'No awareness of the clients' resilience and gifts within themselves and community.') Being children of God, all races, all the ill and marginalized, are children of Jesus Christ, who is not a "white man or middle eastern man" but a Man of love.
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The positive answer is the therapist's fear of existence and lack of emotional regulation that leads to anger, the least problem that causes lack of emotional recovery.
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
I have data from PhD thesis regarding Indian parents and children. I wish to look at it with an activity theory lens. Specifically the partnerships between parents and teachers. Has anyone worked on activity theory and its applications in early childhood research? Let me know. My email is [email protected]
Dr Vijaya Tatineni
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I use the art of mime, better known as pantomime. Or wordless language, better known as non verbal communication. Not as "imitation" of gestures, but as a creative game, preferably with music. From this a whole mime-theaterplay can develop. Children grasp this very quickly and enjoy the creativity of the thousand possibilities. There is hardly any theory, information or books about it. I can recommend the excellent method of PINOK & MATHO, e.g. in their work "Dynamics of Creation". Original in French. German 1987 Verlag Ulrike Schortemeier, Cologne, ISBN 3-926769-03-3
  • asked a question related to Children
4 answers
Maintenance of children born out of live in relationships
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Dear Juhi Naseem . There should be a comprehensive legislation to recognize live in relationships that consider each member of a family. So as each member be treated in a fair way.
  • asked a question related to Children
7 answers
If you have kids or teach kids, you likely want them to learn the latest technologies to help them succeed in school and their future jobs. With rapid tech advancements, artificial intelligence and machine learning are essential skills you can teach young learners today.Thankfully, you can easily access free and paid online resources to support your kids' and teens' learning journey. Here, we explore some of the best e-learning websites for students to gain experience in AI and ML technology.
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Fully online and internationally accessible European Artificial Intelligence Certification Academy from Brussels EU, governed by the European Information Technologies Certification Institute - a standard in attesting digital skills.
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
A Netflix film I viewed recently stimulated this research question - Mrs Chatterjee versus Norway. It focused on one of many cases in which the child-welfare agency of the Norwegian state denied Indian immigrant parents custody of their own children because they disapproved of Indian child-rearing practices. It reminded me of the 1960's 'scoops' in which child-welfare agencies of Canada's provincial governments removed Indigenous children from their natal families. In both , removal was claimed to be 'for the good of the child'...specifically the individual child not the family. The Norwegian case also stressed feminist gender claim against the Chatterjees was that the father didn't help in child-rearing.
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Mam, I kept aside the feminist perspective to give an insight on Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway case. My opinion was not on feminism at all. I pointed out endlessly prevailing cultural system which includes some norms of child rearing which contravened by Indian culture of rearing child by Indian mother which was indisgestible to the native norms, led to the unacceptable cruel action without facilitating the space to the foreign cultural of rearing to prove the point of efficacy in rearing a infant or a child. This was a subtle example where multicultural society as an imagination seems achieved and delightful but in reality slow and full of conflict due to unconscious comparison. The part of patriachy based system or feminist road block to multicultural society comes next because the native can differentiate but foreigner first get exposed to the forever existed system.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
For children in the qualitative part can Memorial symptom assessment tool be used?
total population in the qualitative and quantitative part?
Kindly suggest.
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Can you describe it in more details?
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
What makes parents want to control their grown-up children even when they are competent professionals
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They do not understand that their little baby is grown up now.
  • asked a question related to Children
4 answers
IQ testing in children below 10years of age is something different from IQ testing in others. I found some online IQ testing websites. However I have not found any authenticity or reliability of those tools. I am searching for IQ testing questionnaire for children 6 to 10 years of age suitable for Indian setting.
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Yes. It is also a good idea.
  • asked a question related to Children
11 answers
  • What are the minimum and maximum recommended daily nap durations for healthy children aged between 3-5 years old? What are the standard nap schedules for children in this age group?
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Thanks, all, for sharing your experience!
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
The malnutrition rate in Timor-Leste is still relatively high until 2023.
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Thank you so much for the detail information about actual condition in Timor-Leste. This situation is very serious problem where need to make good solution and strategies to reduce this condition. Every sector in Timor-Leste have obligation to take part in the stablishing the good mechanism how can to reduce this all problems. Government and private institution need to think together for find the solution. Because Timorese population need help and support from every one.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
Eri Mountbatten-O'Malley's question: "why don’t we see young people as citizens in their own right?" seems to be on more and more minds. Academics, practitioners - sometimes they are both - are adding weight to the longstanding argument for young peoples' (including children's) enfranchisement.
I have not read a convincing argument about why young people should not be enfranchised. As John Wall recently wrote: the onus should not be on young peoples and their allies to demonstrate why they should gain the vote but rather that onus should fall on the shoulders of the people who do not want to enfranchise them.
Both so very much evidence and ethics side with young peoples enfranchisement. Is this "the" suffragist movement of our times?
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"why don’t we see young people as citizens in their own right?"
I do not think that that is always the case As psychologist, i see young people, and even children, as citizens in their own rights. And I am not alone regarding your question. Even so, the current world still is mainly an adult oriented-one because the so called "homunculus theory" (i.e., children are but adults in miniature) still pervades many countries across the world.
Let's listen to other voices.
  • asked a question related to Children
6 answers
What child social development support programmes, child psychological support programmes are being developed in relation to the increasing scale of psychological problems in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic?
At the beginning of May 2023, the World Health Organisation lifted the state of global epidemiological emergency associated with Covid-19. In Poland, the state of heightened epidemiological emergency associated with Covid-19 is not due to be lifted until the end of June 2023. This is likely to increase the scale of ongoing research into the various secondary effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, both the post-pandemic, post-vaccine health effects, then also the social and economic effects, including, for example, on the issue of rising inflation from 2021 generated by the introduction of a large amount of additional money into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic, which was mainly intended to limit the scale of the increase in unemployment caused by the introduced lockdowns. In Poland, the PIS government is mainly responsible for the deterioration of children's mental state, which unreflectively and without applied research and public consultation introduced large-scale lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc. ... and even a ban on entering forests during part of the period of wave 1 of the pandemic.
From mid-2022 onwards, more and more comparative studies began to appear, which compared internationally the question of the correlation between the rate of development of the pandemic, the number of deaths categorised as caused by the severe Covid-19 disease state and the occurrence of co-morbidities, usually in more than 90 per cent of cases, and the so-called 'anti-pandemic safety instruments' introduced to varying degrees in individual countries. The results of the study did not confirm the findings of the study, which was based on the results of the research carried out by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The results of the research carried out did not support the thesis regarding the validity of the
of the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic as an instrument to significantly reduce the level of mortality caused solely by the severe Covid-19 condition, exclusively, i.e. by subtracting the factor of co-morbidities. In some countries, the generating factors of specific comorbidities were key influential determinants shaping mortality levels. For example, in Poland, where, due to the government's neglect and deliberate slowing down and blocking of the development of renewable energy sources in recent years, more than three quarters of energy is still produced by the technologically backward dirty power industry based on burning hard coal and lignite, which generates the worst air quality in cities during heating periods compared to Europe and the world. This poor air quality, determined by high levels of particulate matter (PM 2.5, PM 10, etc.), is the source of premature deaths, estimated at around 50 000 people, i.e. deaths caused by respiratory and other diseases resulting from high levels of air pollution. Such diseases are examples of diseases coexisting with Covid-19, which were compounding factors in the level of mortality qualified as caused by these diseases in combination with Covid-19 during the pandemic. In the government-led pandemic risk management process, different structures were adopted to prioritise safety on the one hand for health and on the other hand also for socio-economic safety. Different solutions were adopted in the countries in terms of the applied anti-pandemic safety and anti-crisis instruments with regard to the economy. Consequently, the effects of these measures were also not the same. The economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and the applied anti-pandemic instruments also varied significantly between the various different industries and sectors of the economy.
These systemic anti-pandemic measures mainly benefited the technology sectors, companies operating on the Internet, businesses developing e-commerce, courier companies, state-owned companies receiving additional government contracts for the production of anti-pandemic assortments, e.g. hand disinfectant fluids, production of protective masks, etc. On the other hand, there were many more companies and enterprises, mainly operating in the service sectors, which were subject to lockdowns and suffered severe financial losses, some going out of business because of them, which in macroeconomic terms generated a deep recession of the economy during the 1st wave of the pandemic. However, as it later turned out, there were many more problems caused by such anti-pandemic socio-economic policies. Among these various secondary effects of the negative and particularly socially significant problems generated by the misguided antipandemic socio-economic policy, one stands out the increasing scale of psychological problems in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., and have been exacerbated by the controversial pseudo-reforms applied to the education system over the past few years. In Poland, this problem is very serious. This is confirmed, inter alia, by the data on the growing scale of child suicides in the period from 2020 to 2022. Lockdowns, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., introduced and applied on a large scale during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in Poland, have caused disorders in the social development of children and adolescents. In view of this, it is essential to create and develop programmes to support the social development of children, programmes of psychological assistance for children, which should prevent the growing scale of psychological problems in children.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the Honourable Community of scientists and researchers:
What programmes of support for children's social development, programmes of psychological assistance for children are being developed in connection with the increasing scale of problems of a psychological nature in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc.?
What child development support programmes, child welfare programmes are being developed in relation to the increasing scale of mental health problems in children?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Knowing and doings are different things far from each other.
Parenting is very challenging, and regret is very painful. The system fails, and force fail innocent and knowledgeable ones.
After tremendous endurance, Wake up and realised, failure enforced upon me, despite hardest, full effort dedication and attentions... Love fails.. love is weak and only to walk ., Delicate..
Sincerely with pain,
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
If only about 10% of people are left-handed, then we must have a rare event in my area.
This family lives across the street.
Anyone has encountered similar or more rare situations?
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I thought It would be an extremely rare event. Maybe someone else has observed that before.
  • asked a question related to Children
1 answer
I am seeking to make an inventory and evaluate storybooks or projects that are intended to introduce concepts of gender equality or feminism to young children in the Sub-Saharan region or the Islands of the Eastern part of the Indian Ocean within the last 10-15 years.
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This Question stimulated to answer some how that Eastern regions of the Sub-Saharan Africa are Indian Ocean are mostly gender equality and feminist concepts toyoung children in the sense that both boys and girls have no thinking about the issue of Gender equality.
All these the critical issues will start after the childhood stage only. Both sexes of the children are together without knowing the gender differences and to learn the diversified subject knowledge.
Schooling of this stage could bring adjustable knowledge of the school environment than other issues.
Islands of Eastern part of the Indian Ocean are somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya mostly including Tanzania etc.
The way of learning has the impact of India and the children have eager to know the wide spread knowledge in the school.
The impact in education could be one the results of India and its effects. Introducing the feminist concepts to young children that will pave the way of achieving Gender equality and these could excercise like research focus to identity the gender equality or inequality.
After schooling, the some women specified colleges that is the system which regulates the society in order to have the Gender diffi aspects.
The mind, behaviour and routine activities will create these gender differences as the age increases.
  • asked a question related to Children
42 answers
There is a lot of discussion going on about ChatGPT ( I asked ChatGPT some questions related to my research field. Results: ChatGPT offered narratives as a structured text, quite short, but not a real paper you could submit to a journal. It could be useful though for secondary school children's assignments ...
If you read this: Why not ask ChatGPT a question from your research field. Then (a) report this question, (2) the answer by ChatGPT and (3) your evaluation about its quality.
And finally, it would be great if you would reply to my request here by presenting (1), (2) and (3).
Looking forward to your replies.
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@Dominic Ligot: Even when it comes to summarising texts, ChatGPT has its limitations. I asked the AI about the connection between education and play in Schiller's Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man and it threw up 50% rubbish:
"For Schiller, play and education had a close relationship. He believed that play was an important part of education because it promoted the development of children in a playful and natural way.
In Schiller's writing "On the Aesthetic Education of Man" (1795), he emphasised that play plays an important role in the development of human nature by awakening and nurturing the creative powers in people. He considered play to be a type of aesthetic activity that can provide both pleasure and education.
Schiller believed that play appeals to the mind and senses in a playful and natural way, encouraging the development of imagination, creativity and emotional intelligence. Through play, children learn to explore their environment, heighten their senses and develop their motor skills.
Overall, Schiller saw play as an important complement to formal education. He believed that education through play and aesthetic experience could liberate humanity from its mechanistic existence and make man a free, creative and self-determined individual."
I think Schiller would be spinning in his grave especially at the passage that play "promotes [the] development of imagination, creativity and emotional intelligence [...]" in children as well as "Through play, children learn to explore their surroundings, sharpen their senses and develop their motor skills".
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
Hello World,
Hope you are well!
I am developing a Motivation Assessment Tool based on Physialc Actvity contexts for children with autism spectrum disorder. I am stuggling a bit with the PA contexts. My team suggested me to include all PA contexts I am interested in and suggested me how to deal with multiple PA contexts when testing the tool. ‘Instead of explaining PA to children directly, taking the initiative to ask the children to justify PA from children at the beginning can be a good way (asking, what does PA mean for you? What is PA?). Then we could give them some specific examples for each category.’
If we look at the defintion for PA. It is quite big. To be clear Physical Activity is a broad term referring to all bodily movement that uses energy. It includes all active time (eg: sports and dance activities). It also includes indoor and outdoor play, work / school-related activity, outdoor and adventurous activities, active travel (e.g. walking, cycling, rollerblading, scooting) and routine activities such as using the stairs, doing housework etc. (Association for Physical Education Health Position Paper 2015).
I am concerned that kids with autism might find it confusing if we ask them to imagine that they are in too many different PA contexts. How do you think?
Is there a specific PA context worth more attention and research for children with ASD??
I have thought that we could only focus on out-of-school contexts. It still seems a bit confusing cause it means both PA on school grounds and PA at locations that are outside of the school(see the definition I found below)will be considered. Could I just simply clarifiy in my research and tell the children that we only consider the PA at locations that are outside of the school so it would be more clearer to the chidlren with ASD?
Out-of-school time programs often occur on school grounds but outside of school hours (e.g., before and after school programs), or at locations that are outside of the school setting (e.g., residential camps, not-for-profit clubs, such as the Young Men’s Christian Association; Dzewaltowski, 2008; Wiecha et al., 2014).
Appreicated for your time!
Kind regards,
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Physical activities for children with ASD includes activities in and outside of the classroom. This PA does not only include rigorous physical activities but activities that can enhance their learning and at the same time develop their strength and stamina. By then, they will learn and at the same time
motivated to engage any physical activities. Academic and physical activities can be integrated through games which the children will enjoy.
This will simply give you an idea that PA could not only be happened outside of school but in any location that is a welcoming environment for them. As to the clearer point of view, children with ASD will surely understand if it is simply explain and with scaffolding for a very good output.
  • asked a question related to Children
5 answers
What do you think about the use of technological devices (tablets, smartphones, smart tvs)in terms of learning a foreign language for 0-3 years old and preschool (3-5 years old) children but informally without any curriculum and program outside the school?
Can information happen accidentally but meaningfully without being systematically dictated to children? Or does the use of technology, which is left to its own nature, does not provide learning and causes neurological problems in children?
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Pros of using technological devices in early childhood
* based on my opinion,it make it easier for children in the usage of technological devices during tertiary level.Enables children to become familiar with the devices and make it easier for them to use when they grow older as these devices are fundamental in education system as the world has already started using technological devices and online platforms for teaching.
*Technological devices in early childhood hinder the child development in the social settings as the child spend his or her times using the devices rather than playing with their peers and familiarizing themselves with the social world.
*Social isolation and detachment from the world.studies state that when a person is using a device,they get detached from the social world ,because of the focus the children have toward the device.
*Difficulty in forming relationships and friendships, because the time that children in early childhood was supposed to be playing with other children ,they were using technological devices and they do not have any relation with other people as the devices are the only one that they have relation with.Devices do not have emotions ,so forming a relationship and friendship will be difficult.
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
Our school has been asked to reevaluate our SEN practice. Currently, children are removed from class in small groups to work on educational material targeted at their ability and/or current level of working in English and Maths. They enjoy these lessons but rarely re-enter the class for these key subject areas. Our government policy advocates for the primacy of the class teacher and this practice has to change. How successful is team teaching and/or other types of interventions when addressing the needs of highly disadvantaged students (disadvantaged both socially and educationally) who have demonstrated very low academic ability? Is the primacy of the class teacher highly significant in addressing each child's needs?
Many thanks for your help and advice
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To address these questions, it would be helpful to conduct a literature review to gather evidence-based recommendations for practices that have been effective in addressing the needs of highly disadvantaged students with low academic ability. Evidence-based interventions might include team teaching, differentiated instruction, individualized learning plans, and teaching strategies that are specifically tailored to the needs of students who are struggling. These interventions can be implemented within the classroom and may involve the use of technology, such as individualized educational software, to provide additional support to students. While the primacy of the class teacher is considered important, successful interventions for highly disadvantaged students may require a team of professionals, such as special education teachers, learning support assistants, and social workers, to work together to address the complex needs of these students. Additionally, involving parents and caregivers in these interventions may also help to increase student engagement and support ongoing learning outside of the classroom.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
How to improve intestinal preparation in children?
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Do enema to evacuate the complete faecal matter for better visualization of colon
  • asked a question related to Children
3 answers
identifying and supporting chiildren with mental health disorders in the classroom
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1 in 6 children aged 5-16 are likely to have a mental health problem
17 to 22 year old women are the group most at risk of developing a mental health problem
Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2020: NHS digial, 22 October 2020;
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
We have developed a mobile application to help children (3 to 6 years old) to perceive time. We are looking for a collaboration to design and analyze the improvement of time perception through the use of the application. We need to know a validated scale to measure the perception of time in children.
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Read this article to find your answer, I hope it will be useful.
  • asked a question related to Children
4 answers
What will be the appropriate research design for the qualitative research regarding 4 out of 13 children under age 5 do not have health cards
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The appropriate research design for a qualitative research study on the topic of "4 out of 13 children under age 5 do not have health cards" would depend on the specific research questions, objectives, and context of the study.
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
More and more adults are sharing content and photos of their children on social networks, but will this have negative consequences? It's a fashion?
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I think sharing photos is not a problem.But sharing everyday life can be a problem however whether or not it becomes a problem depends on a various factors..People want to get some temporary attention from others.If someone is happy sharing their life through social media then I don't think it can be a prblem. I can define that it is a meditation on being happy or a happy pills.😁
  • asked a question related to Children
2 answers
If the accessory respiratory muscles suddenly functioned without the diaphragm to initiate inspiration, could this generate negative pleural pressures and lead to the intrathoracic petechial hemorrhages commonly found in SIDS cases at autopsy?
In other words, let's say the diaphragm somehow, suddenly became fully and bilaterally paralyzed in a healthy, spontaneously breathing infant (one not receiving mechanical ventilation). The rising pCO2 and dropping pO2 would trigger gasping inspiratory efforts by the CNS via chemoreceptor-mediated reflexes. However, because only the accessory muscles are available and with the diaphragm being inoperative, would the inspiratory efforts be met with resistance?
Possible answers:
  1. No, they could still initiate inspiration independent of the diaphragm (overcoming resisting force of lung compliance).
  2. Yes. Negative pleural pressures would result; effectively a 100% airway obstruction, and lead to severe terminal gasping efforts and cause the petechiae.
  3. Other
From the references below: In infants and young children undergoing thoracic surgery complicated by bilateral phrenic nerve injuries, postoperative hospital stays were prolonged due to the need for prolonged mechanical ventilation1,2.
So in that situation, apnea didn't occur simply because the patients were already receiving mechanical ventilation. But what would happen if they weren't? My guess is immediate respiratory arrest, gasping, asphyxia, negative intrathoracic pressures and secondary cardiac arrest. What's yours?
1. Joho-Arreola AL, Bauersfeld U, Stauffer UG, Baenziger O, Bernet V. Incidence and treatment of diaphragmatic paralysis after cardiac surgery in children. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2005 Jan;27(1):53-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2004.10.002. PMID: 15621471.
2. De Leeuw M, Williams JM, Freedom RM, Williams WG, Shemie SD, McCrindle BW. Impact of diaphragmatic paralysis after cardiothoracic surgery in children. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1999 Sep;118(3):510-7. doi: 10.1016/S0022-5223(99)70190-X. PMID: 10469969.
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Ty Bogdan, you’re right about the phrenic nerves in that kind of injury but wouldn’t it also stop the accessory muscles from working too? I can’t seem to find studies experimenting w phrenic nerve “knockouts” to know for sure.