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Medicine - Science topic

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Questions related to Medicine
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
Can you provide examples of how evidence-based medicine has positively impacted patient outcomes or healthcare practices?
Relevant answer
Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has had a significant impact on patient outcomes and healthcare practices, as demonstrated by various research studies. Here are some examples of how EBM has positively influenced healthcare:
  1. The implementation of various EBPs, particularly those involving infection prevention, was linked to reimbursement, and the majority of studies reported a positive return on investment. Notably, the two most reported outcomes were a reduction in the length of stay and mortality rates.
  2. This robust environment for comparative effectiveness research and systematic reviews is expected to lead to improved quality of care through the implementation of evidence-based medicine
  • asked a question related to Medicine
14 answers
Is the design of new pharmaceutical formulations through the involvement of AI technology, including the creation of new drugs to treat various diseases by artificial intelligence, safe for humans?
There are many indications that artificial intelligence technology can be of great help in terms of discovering and creating new drugs. Artificial intelligence can help reduce the cost of developing new drugs, can significantly reduce the time it takes to design and create new drug formulations, the time it takes to conduct research and testing, and can thus provide patients with new therapies for treating various diseases and saving lives faster. Thanks to the use of new technologies and analytical methods, the way healthcare professionals treat patients has been changing rapidly in recent times. As scientists manage to overcome the complex problems associated with lengthy research processes, and the pharmaceutical industry seeks to reduce the time it takes to develop life-saving drugs, so-called precision medicine is coming to the rescue. It takes a lot of time to develop, analyze, test and bring a new drug to market. Artificial intelligence technology is particularly helpful in this regard, including reducing the aforementioned time to create a new drug. When creating most drugs, the first step is to synthesize a compound that can bind to a target molecule associated with the disease. The molecule in question is usually a protein, which is then tested for various influencing factors. In order to find the right compound, researchers analyze thousands of potential candidates of different molecules. When a compound that meets certain characteristics is successfully identified, then researchers search through huge libraries of similar compounds to find the optimal interaction with the protein responsible for the specific disease. In contrast, many years of time and many millions of dollars of funding are required to complete this labor-intensive process today. In a situation where artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are involved in this process, then the entire process can be significantly reduced in time, costs can be significantly reduced and the new drug can be brought to the pharmaceutical market faster by pharmaceutical companies. However, can an artificial intelligence equipped with artificial neural networks that has been taught through deep learning to carry out the above-mentioned processes get it wrong when creating a new drug? What if the drug that was supposed to cure a person of a particular disease produces a number of new side effects that prove even more problematic for the patient than the original disease from which it was supposed to be cured? What if the patient dies due to previously unforeseen side effects? Will insurance companies recognize the artificial intelligence's mistake and compensate the family of the deceased patient? Who will bear the legal, financial, ethical, etc. responsibility for such a situation?
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Is the design of new pharmaceutical formulations through the involvement of AI technologies, including the creation of new drugs to treat various diseases by artificial intelligence, safe for humans?
Is the creation of new drugs by artificial intelligence safe for humans?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Marc Tessier-Lavigne on leaving Stanford and joining biotech’s new AI mega-startup
"Former Stanford president Marc Tessier-Lavigne will lead one of biotech’s biggest-ever startup launches: Xaira Therapeutics, which has secured over $1 billion to transform drug discovery and development with AI...
The move is sure to raise eyebrows..."
  • asked a question related to Medicine
8 answers
Are diuretic medicine, thiazide type
Inhibits Na absorption from DCT or PCT?
Relevant answer
Work through inhibition of Na reabsorbtion at DCT
  • asked a question related to Medicine
5 answers
I have come across some ideas which I hope will be pursued by academics in the associated disciplines:
1) Topics Broadly outlined in the following articles
Fathabadi OS (2022) Voluntary Selection; Bringing Evolution at the Service of Humanity. Scientific J Genet Gene Ther 8(1): 009-015.DOI:
Fathabadi OS (2023) The way of future through voluntary selection. Glob J Ecol 8(1): 034-041. DOI: 10.17352/gje.000079
2) Explanation of how violence is the link between evolution and society. What is not clear in the articles above is that just as a disease shows symptoms such as fever in its early stages, violence that is caused by the lack of evolutionary order in society also shows itself in the form of problems like bullying, harassment, discrimination, passive aggression, coercive control, etc and then It may appear in the form of an increase in the rate of crimes and social riots and finally in the form of naked violence, civil wars, genocides and foreign wars. The purpose of the topics raised in both articles is to realize the evolutionary order through the methods proposed in control engineering and by achieving the desired statistical goals, not only to prevent violence, but also to spread satisfaction in the society and to provide internal and external security.
3) Interpretation of historical events including genocides and world wars through the lens of insights provided above for example how passive aggression became widespread prior to such events.
4) The articles above argue that Control Theory, in conjunction with data science, can help establish and maintain democracies with an unprecedented level of stability and provide optimal levels of living standards by regulating evolutionary health of societies and the relationships between them. This goal however, requires interpretation of the theory widely used in engineering, for application in Humanities. Control Engineering remains a rather challenging field to learn and its theoreticians and practitioners are mostly active in areas other than humanities - most critically politics - and even despite the large number of engineering graduates receiving education in Systems and Control Theory as part of their curriculum, the specific practical pathway for application of the theory for solving problems in Humanities remains rather unclear; let alone the inaccessibility of the field to the practitioners of humanities even to the extent necessary to allow them to express the problems in terms approachable by control engineering experts. Projects should therefore be defined to develop highly targeted educational materials and tools which provide a shortcut to applying the theory in solving practical problems in humanities. It is particularly important to understand that the type of Control Theory applicable to Humanities would be "Non-Linear Time-Varying Control" which is an extension of control Theory as relevant to most engineering problems and as such, the specific theory will need to be developed specifically beyond what a classically educated expert in Control Engineering would be comfortably equipped with even if educated with a PhD. For example the types of time constants and uncertainties relevant in Humanities and the types of irregularities which can be created by collective mis-intentions of social groups as well as moral aspects of implications of such techniques on human population will extend to matters associated in politics, biology, culture, education, and media. Actually it is important to understand that the knowledge and tools, will not act as a pill to fix problems but through insights, they provide directions and "Decision Support Systems" with local applicability and temporal relevance which despite their limitations, will provide unprecedented powers for providing better living standards for all populations and individuals. Such tools need to be maintained in order to remain relevant to the changes in the system under control and time. The developed materials will help students, researchers and practitioners get started and up to speed with the expertise through minimal training or self-study and the impact I believe would be revolutionary. In addition to Systems and Control Theory, the mentioned books/educational materials/tools may also cover topics such as Programming, Differential Equations, Numerical Optimisation, System Identification, Artificial Intelligence and to some extent Statistics. The set of these topic may one day help establish an independent field of study namely "Humanities Engineering".
5) Applications of the theory, educational materials, and tools mentioned above, to solve practical problems associated in sociology, psychology, politics and other fields of humanities is the ultimate goal and such projects make great topics for research in universities, Think tanks, and governments. It is important to mention that using the mean-values and standard deviations defining phenotypic profiles of populations is a way of taking into account the differences of different populations in achieving desirable results within them and in regulating the relationship between them.
6) It is also possible to characterise discourses, and broadcasted contents by defining relevant indices that quantify various aspects of them and then model and predict their relationship with the outcomes in society. These models can then act as decision support systems to identify and implement adjustments for achieving the desired social outcomes. If sufficiently predictive, they can also be used in combination with other models or in isolation as part of the control loops associated in Control Theory in order to achieve the desired outcomes in terms of sustainability, social stability, freedoms, economic welfare, health, national security, psychological security, gender equality, and optimal levels of happiness in all individuals and social groups, etc.
7) It is possible to compile a set of contents including matters mentioned in the articles above, to act as a mental anchorage for people. Something that is scientifically proven, convincing and understandable by those who put in the effort and allows them to remain motivated, morally directed, socially responsible and supported and mentally healthy. I believe adding a content starting from Genetics explaining how "Life is a complex Product of Nature" and how "Survival and Reproduction are Complex Interpretations of Laws of Nature" is necessary. Topics such as cosmology and Quantum Physics can also be included.
8) It is possible to define a project on optimal forms of democracy for different populations with emphasis on the fact that peoples' choices represent their interests as they understand them as individuals while much of what comprises our existing living standards or is necessary for achieving higher standards of living are a result of societies and mechanisms maintaining them. Societies were formed by cultures/religions as an aftermath of painful evolutionary events which occurred when people pursued their personal interests and emerged as optimal ways of achieving a better average standard of living for larger numbers of individuals over a larger proportion of their lives. In other words, many aspects of our existing living standards are by-products of societies and could not be achieved or maintained only pursuing our individual choices which is what a democracy guarantees. Democracies should be pursued for optimum living standards and preventing abuse however, it is necessary to have democracies in place to guarantee the maintenance of society itself (what you can call an evolutionary order) and realise/maintain its desired levels of standards of living and this should not be compromised by the choice of individuals.
9) Ethics of Voluntary Selection and application of methods concerned in Control Theory and AI in solving problems in Humanities specially to prevent abuse of individuals, and minorities under the flag of interests of society and to prevent creating senseless scientific approvals for imposing disadvantage on individuals and social groups. It is also necessary to minimise pain imposed on individuals and social groups in transitions as a result of adjustments.
10) While the first article introduces the concept of "Voluntary Selection" and a methodology to use it in a calculated way, it only acts as a beginning and if it is going to be implemented, a huge methodological and experimental effort is needed for identifying relevant phenotypes, developing phenotypic maps for distinct populations, identifying the results when choosing donor and receiver populations, and developing tools to predict and monitor the progress of such programs besides studying the implications for society, economy and beyond. Research can also dig deeper and take into account genotype-phenotype relationships in achieving the desired results.
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Alexander Ohnemus Yes, quite relevant.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
Has medicine become a trade and not a humanitarian profession, but rather a commercial and investment profession?
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Profiteering-from-disease Rasha A Waheeb has become the standard model of the medical profession, i.e. the disease-centered model of treatment (mainly drugs and surgery) is consequently a low empathy model, based on monetary profit.
It has to be mentioned here that treatment and healing are not the same; there exist other practical models for the medical profession, e.g. person-centered health care, integral health care, but the physician is always part of a society, i.e. certain working conditions, e.g. highly industrialized medical institutions.
Data on the health of health of (our) physicians are also alarming, i.e. the whole machinery comes with a price to pay, not only for the patients.
A change in perspective is a must. As long as ‘modern medicine’ adheres to the tenets of ‘classical science’, subjects will be regarded as objects, consciousness will be reduced to (DNA) matter, and living beings as cadavers. This is not a figure of speech. Medical students still spend much time studying cadavers; without considering how this alienates them from contact with living beings.
Modern medicine manipulates politicians and the public by referring to the merits of classical science. Classical science is a deadly foundation for health care ! Classical science addressed invariance: action + reaction=0///No-change).Invariance was traditionally called Hell (closed system).
Modern’ medicine uses the philosophy of mechanical material control and domination (a war model) to overrule all ‘other’ forms of healing.
Few people (and fewer doctors) are aware how the medical model is crippled by ‘belief’ in classical science. The mechanistic material model is associated with control and mass production; it was developed for (and from) the study of inert matter. Living beings are thereby regarded by the mechanical material ‘laws of inertia/dead matter’.
Since 1900 science underwent drastic changes, not matter, but information is now the essence. The focus shifted from (classical, material) matter of physics, to (relativistic, molecular) chemical processes, to (probabilistic, atomic) electromagnetic interactions, and now to (phase-field) information integrity. All of these considerations can be recognised in the living being; but still need to be included in the classical medical model.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
How does evidence-based medicine help clinicians make informed decisions about patient care?
Relevant answer
Evidence-based medicine (EBM) helps clinicians make informed decisions about patient care by integrating the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and preferences. Here's how EBM facilitates informed decision-making:
  1. Access to Best Available Evidence: EBM emphasizes the importance of using the best available evidence from high-quality research studies, such as randomized controlled trials (RCTs), systematic reviews, and meta-analyses, to inform clinical practice. Clinicians have access to a wealth of evidence-based resources, including medical journals, clinical practice guidelines, online databases, and evidence summaries, to stay updated on the latest research findings and treatment recommendations.
  2. Critical Appraisal of Evidence: EBM equips clinicians with skills for critically appraising research evidence to assess its validity, relevance, and applicability to clinical practice. Clinicians evaluate the methodological quality, study design, outcome measures, statistical analysis, and potential sources of bias in research studies to determine the strength of evidence supporting specific interventions or treatments.
  3. Integration of Clinical Expertise: EBM recognizes the importance of clinical expertise and judgment in interpreting research evidence and applying it to individual patient cases. Clinicians integrate their knowledge of pathophysiology, diagnostic reasoning, therapeutic options, and patient preferences with the best available evidence to make personalized and context-specific decisions about diagnosis, treatment, and management.
  4. Consideration of Patient Values and Preferences: EBM emphasizes the importance of considering patient values, preferences, goals, and priorities in shared decision-making. Clinicians engage patients in meaningful discussions about treatment options, risks, benefits, uncertainties, and realistic expectations for outcomes, empowering them to make informed choices that align with their values and preferences.
  5. Promotion of Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines: EBM supports the development and dissemination of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, which synthesize research evidence, expert consensus, and patient input to provide recommendations for optimal patient care. Clinicians use practice guidelines as a framework for decision-making, treatment planning, and quality improvement initiatives, ensuring consistency and standardization of care across healthcare settings.
  6. Continuous Learning and Improvement: EBM fosters a culture of lifelong learning and professional development among clinicians, encouraging them to stay updated on the latest evidence, guidelines, and advances in their field. Clinicians participate in continuing education activities, journal clubs, case discussions, and quality improvement projects to enhance their knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice.
  7. Evaluation of Treatment Effectiveness and Outcomes: EBM enables clinicians to evaluate the effectiveness, safety, and outcomes of interventions in real-world clinical practice. Clinicians monitor patient responses to treatment, assess adherence to evidence-based guidelines, and collect data on clinical outcomes and quality indicators to inform continuous quality improvement efforts and optimize patient care.
By incorporating principles of evidence-based medicine into clinical practice, clinicians can make informed decisions that are grounded in the best available evidence, aligned with clinical expertise and judgment, respectful of patient values and preferences, and conducive to improving patient outcomes and healthcare quality.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
What are the different levels of evidence in evidence-based medicine, and how are they categorized?
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Evidence-based medicine (EBM) utilizes various levels of evidence to guide clinical decision-making, with each level representing the strength of evidence supporting a particular intervention or practice. These levels are commonly categorized using a hierarchical framework, such as the one proposed by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM). Here are the different levels of evidence in EBM, categorized from the highest to lowest level:
  1. Level 1: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) represent the highest level of evidence in EBM. These studies systematically gather, critically appraise, and synthesize existing research evidence on a specific clinical question or topic. Meta-analysis combines data from multiple RCTs to provide a quantitative summary of treatment effects, enhancing the precision and reliability of the findings.
  2. Level 2: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs): RCTs are experimental studies in which participants are randomly assigned to different treatment groups to evaluate the efficacy and safety of interventions. RCTs are designed to minimize bias and confounding factors, allowing for causal inference regarding the effects of interventions. Well-designed RCTs with appropriate randomization, blinding, and control groups provide high-quality evidence for clinical decision-making.
  3. Level 3: Cohort Studies: Cohort studies are observational studies that follow a group of individuals over time to assess the association between exposure to risk factors or interventions and the development of outcomes. Cohort studies provide valuable information about the natural history of diseases, the etiology of conditions, and the long-term effects of interventions. Prospective cohort studies, in which participants are followed forward in time, are considered stronger evidence than retrospective cohort studies.
  4. Level 4: Case-Control Studies: Case-control studies are observational studies that compare individuals with a particular outcome (cases) to those without the outcome (controls) to investigate potential risk factors or exposures associated with the outcome. While case-control studies are useful for exploring associations between exposures and outcomes, they are prone to biases such as recall bias and selection bias, which limit their ability to establish causality.
  5. Level 5: Case Series and Case Reports: Case series and case reports describe the clinical characteristics, management, and outcomes of individual patients or a small group of patients with a particular condition or intervention. While case series and case reports provide valuable insights into rare or novel conditions, treatments, or adverse events, they are considered low-level evidence due to their descriptive nature and lack of comparison groups.
  6. Level 6: Expert Opinion and Consensus Statements: Expert opinion and consensus statements represent the lowest level of evidence in EBM and are based on the collective judgment and expertise of clinical experts in the field. While expert opinion and consensus statements provide valuable clinical guidance in the absence of empirical evidence, they are susceptible to bias and may vary depending on the opinions and perspectives of individual experts.
It's important to note that the hierarchy of evidence is not absolute, and the appropriateness of evidence depends on the specific clinical question, context, and available resources. In practice, healthcare providers often integrate evidence from multiple levels to inform clinical decision-making and provide the best possible care for their patients.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
I'm a current medicine student and I'm in my first scientific initiation in my graduation. Currently, me and my professor are having some troubles with contamination in our cells. This is a bottle with HCT-116 cells (colorretal cancer). This cells were, previously frozen with contaminated fetal bovine serum. My professor said she thought she treated the cells, but this contamination keep returning. We supplement our media with penicilin and B- anfotericin at 1% each. The weird thing is: The bottle keeps healthy and, suddenly, from one day to another, these clouds appears and the bottle liquid looks cloudy. Could anyone, please, help me by advising what could I do or what fungus is this (If this is a fungus)?
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It is extremely difficult to completely eliminate bacteria from contaminated cells, and the contamination can return. Many labs have HCT116 cells. Therefore, if your cells are not invaluable (transfected for example), the best thing to do is to throw away your culture and request the cell line from a nearby lab.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
I just had an email from the European Society of Medicine asking for a contribution to the journal Medical Research Archives. There is a similar journal on Cabell's published by KEI publishers, however I am unsure if this is the same journal. The European Society of Medicine from the website seems legit. Can anyone offer their personal experiences with the European Society of Medicine?
Relevant answer
Dear Shivaughn Marchan Have a look here and look at the link provided in the question. The answer is yes it is one and the same.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
7 answers
Most of the researchers use to teach at university. In some careers, professionals who exert their profession without doing research share teaching spaces. When I was a chemistry student, 100% of my teachers were researchers ranging from PhD candidates to experts in their respective fields. While it may seem logical for researchers to be the best candidates to teach in fields such as chemistry or biology, what about healthcare-related fields like medicine, pharmacy, or biochemistry? Who is better suited to lead a class, a researcher or a professional, or both, each one in different subjects? We can distinguish between basic and clinical subjects. I am interested in hearing your thoughts on this matter.
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Being a proficient researcher doesn't necessarily equate to being a better professor. While research expertise can enhance teaching by bringing current knowledge and real-world applications into the classroom, effective teaching requires distinct skills such as communication, empathy, and the ability to engage students.
A good professor balances both research and teaching responsibilities, tailoring their approach to meet the needs of their students while contributing to their field through research. However, being a successful researcher doesn't guarantee effective teaching, as teaching requires its own set of abilities and dedication.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
I have reviewed multiple health literacy instruments. The most popular are REALM, TOFHLA, Newest Vital Sign (NVS), and HLS-EU-Q (and their modifications/lingual adaptations).
I've noticed that health literacy tests were mostly focused on reading and numeracy skills. However, there are multiple aspects of health literacy, including noticing/tracking symptoms, remembering and applying newly-acquired medical knowledge, patient's capability of discussing (or sometimes arguing) with a doctor or insisting on taking some tests. Of course, it is not possible to measure all of the aspects of health literacy given the shortage of time for healthcare personnel.
I would appreciate it if you share some methods or techniques you use to understand a patient's health literacy (or identify low-literate patients).
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Hi Lucy,
Thank you for your reply. What kind of tools do mean?
I found one proposed by Barry D. Weiss (Health Literacy and Patient Safety: Help Patients Understand. Manual for Clinicians. 2nd ed.). The method is called "brownbag medication review.". Weiss proposes to ask a patient to bring all medications that they take on their visit. When the patient comes, a doctor or nurse should conduct the medication review where the patient should name each medication and explain the reason why they take it and how to take it.
Do you know other multi-modal methods of health literacy measuring?
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
Do traditional healers rely on their medicine if they are sick of they do go to clinic/hospitals
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See my research on "non traditional healing in a psychiatric setting" for more details if interested. In my study, Santeria/Espiritismo, etc. the medical providers ended up using these services as well as their own. It became an integrated thoughtful system of healers.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
The causes of the medicine?
how effective it is on humans?
how it is made?(i.e how is the medicine made? what are the components used to make it?)
total info about its
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Present IBS-D medications work effectively by targeting various aspects of the condition. These medications often include antispasmodics to alleviate abdominal pain and cramping, anti-diarrheal agents to reduce bowel movements, and medications that modulate gut motility and serotonin levels to regulate bowel function. Additionally, dietary modifications and lifestyle changes are often recommended alongside medication to manage symptoms effectively. These medications aim to improve the quality of life for individuals with IBS-D by reducing symptom severity and frequency.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
please give me feedback about this journal...Plos Medicine?
I want to publish my first year phd research work in high impact factor I dont know i will be succeeded or not but i just want to try. Though my study is very simple but i just practiced and got some results
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The journal “PLOS Medicine” is a highly reputed journal in the field of medicine. Their impact factor 2023 (15.8) is high. So, by itself it is a safe choice. However, I see a number of problems:
-I estimate that they only accept manuscripts with significant impact (and a certain degree of urgency)
-The fee is (ridiculously) high 6300 USD
-Looking at what you said yourself (my study is ‘very simple’ and the results are limited) I think it is not worth the try since the chances of success are slim to none
I think you should either extent the study or go for a somewhat more modest approach. There are numerous journals out there that can serve your purpose (getting your first research results published). Go for example to SCImago click on Journal rankings and select Medicine (and select further for example neurology) then you end up with numerous suggestions. Personally, I would scroll down to Q2 and further (and be sure there are more than enough journals which might not be high impact journals but are just fine and more than just fine).
Best regards.
PS. Take for example here you can choose the open access option (but with a pretty hefty fee) or decline this option and go for the so-called subscription-based option (which is just fine for a first publication published by a well-known publisher that a large majority of researcher can access through their institutional license).
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
I've attached two images. One has Elsevier's name on the journal's cover and Wolters Kluwer's on the other.
Relevant answer
Dear Koushik Majumder According to the journal is no longer hosted/owned by Elsevier (since 2023).
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
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Https:// Mortality and Primary Causes of Death in Mothers of
Children. / NIH / National Library of Medicine / impacting Model (IaaS) Community. (PaaS)
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Relevant answer
Buenas tardes. Experiencia: logré asignar un DOI en preprint en Research Gate siguiendo los pasos de ésta plataforma para unos de los artículos de los estudiantes, esperamos tener obervaciones en la plataforma. No la obtuvimos, así que lo postulamos para la publicación en una revista de nuestro medio, en la cual siguió el proceso normal de revisión de pares para la publicación con lo cual se asignó un DOI final.
Me queda la duda si debemos eliminar el DOI inicial del preprint de Research Gate y eliminar los archivos de ésta plataforma y unicamente presentar el DOI y versión final de la publicación en la revista.
Saludos cordiales
  • asked a question related to Medicine
11 answers
A patient with desminopathy (mutation Thr341Pro DES in a heterozygous state) with the progression of the disease has a decrease in taste and smell, immunosuppression, and an increase in IgA in the blood.
Oddly enough, but all this is characteristic of infections, including viral ones. For example, it is known that if the hepatitis C virus is not treated, then death will occur in 20 years.
In the identified case of late onset desminopathy, muscle weakness manifests itself at the age of 30, and death occurs 20 years after the onset of the disease.
Could the desmin mutation in myofibrillar myopathy be caused by an infection?
Perhaps the infection contributes to the progression of desminopathy?
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Dear Esteemed Colleague,
Greetings. I trust this message finds you deeply engaged in your research and seeking answers to complex questions within the realm of genetics and molecular pathology. Your inquiry regarding the potential role of infection in causing desmin mutations in myofibrillar myopathy is both intriguing and indicative of a keen scientific mind exploring the multifaceted nature of genetic disorders.
To address your question with the precision and clarity it deserves, it is crucial to first understand the nature of myofibrillar myopathies and the role of desmin within this context. Myofibrillar myopathies are a group of neuromuscular disorders characterized by the progressive weakening of muscles and the disintegration of muscle fibers at a cellular level. Desmin, a type of intermediate filament protein, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the structural integrity and function of muscle cells. Mutations in the DES gene, which encodes the desmin protein, are directly linked to certain forms of myofibrillar myopathy.
The genesis of these mutations, particularly those affecting the desmin protein, is primarily genetic, resulting from inherited or de novo mutations in the DES gene. These mutations lead to the production of an abnormal desmin protein, which disrupts the normal architecture of muscle cells, leading to the symptoms associated with myofibrillar myopathy.
Addressing the specific question of whether an infection could cause desmin mutations, it is essential to differentiate between the origins of genetic mutations and factors that may exacerbate the phenotype of a genetic disorder. Genetic mutations, including those affecting the desmin gene, arise from alterations in the DNA sequence. These alterations can be inherited from parents, occur spontaneously during DNA replication, or be induced by certain environmental factors, such as exposure to specific chemicals or radiation. Infections, while capable of causing a wide array of health issues, do not directly induce genetic mutations in the DNA sequence of the genes like DES. However, it is conceivable that certain infections could exacerbate the clinical manifestations of myofibrillar myopathy in individuals already predisposed or carrying a desmin mutation, by stressing the muscular system or triggering inflammatory responses that may further compromise muscle function.
In conclusion, while infections can have significant impacts on overall health and may interact in complex ways with genetic disorders, the mutations in the DES gene that cause myofibrillar myopathy are not directly caused by infections. The mutations are genetic in origin, and the relationship between infections and the severity or progression of myofibrillar myopathy would be more accurately viewed through the lens of infection exacerbating pre-existing conditions rather than causing the genetic mutation itself.
I hope this elucidation addresses your inquiry comprehensively. Should you have further questions or require additional clarification, please feel free to reach out.
Warm regards.
This protocol list might provide further insights to address this issue.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Academic Medicine & Surgery is accepting manuscripts that span the breadth and depth of medicine and surgery. FREE to publish, turnaround time is ~2 weeks. Article types accepted include original research, practice innovations, data notes, technical notes, clinical images, case reports, and survey studies.
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Latha Ganti - Starting a new medical publisher and journal is a difficult enterprise, I do have some questions for you:
- Will the journal have Volumes or will you add the year to serve as a volume number?
- Who is the Editor, managing editor, etc.?
- Do you have any indexing and archiving sources? (I did find an article on
- Will you have a current issue page and an archives page?
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
How can we improve computer-brain interfaces for broader and safer use in medicine, research, and daily life?
Relevant answer
Improving computer-brain interfaces (CBIs) for broader and safer use in medicine, research, and daily life requires advancements in several key areas. Here are some strategies to enhance CBIs:
  1. Biocompatibility and Safety: Develop CBIs with materials and components that are biocompatible and pose minimal risk of tissue damage or immune response. This involves research into novel materials, coatings, and fabrication techniques to ensure safe and long-term integration with the brain.
  2. Minimally Invasive Techniques: Explore minimally invasive approaches for implanting CBIs, such as flexible electrodes, micro-scale devices, or non-invasive methods like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or electroencephalography (EEG). Minimizing tissue damage and surgical trauma can improve patient outcomes and acceptance of CBIs.
  3. High Spatial and Temporal Resolution: Enhance the spatial and temporal resolution of CBIs to enable precise and real-time monitoring and modulation of brain activity. This involves advancements in electrode design, signal processing algorithms, and imaging technologies to capture neural activity with high fidelity.
  4. Closed-Loop Systems: Develop closed-loop CBIs that can dynamically adapt stimulation parameters or therapeutic interventions based on real-time feedback from neural signals. Closed-loop systems can optimize treatment efficacy, minimize side effects, and improve patient outcomes in conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, and chronic pain.
  5. Wireless and Wearable Interfaces: Design wireless and wearable CBIs that offer convenience, portability, and ease of use for patients and researchers. Wireless interfaces eliminate the need for cumbersome cables and connectors, enabling greater mobility and flexibility in clinical and research settings.
  6. User-Friendly Interfaces: Create user-friendly interfaces and software tools that simplify interaction with CBIs for both clinicians and end-users. Intuitive control interfaces, visualization tools, and personalized settings can enhance usability and acceptance of CBIs in daily life.
  7. Ethical and Regulatory Frameworks: Establish robust ethical and regulatory frameworks to govern the development, deployment, and use of CBIs, addressing privacy, consent, data security, and potential risks associated with brain-computer communication and manipulation.
  8. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Foster collaboration between neuroscientists, engineers, clinicians, ethicists, and end-users to address the multifaceted challenges of CBIs. Interdisciplinary research and innovation can drive breakthroughs in technology, neuroscience, and healthcare delivery, accelerating the translation of CBIs into clinical practice and everyday life.
By addressing these considerations, we can advance the development and adoption of CBIs for a wide range of applications, including medical diagnostics, therapeutic interventions, assistive technologies, and cognitive enhancement.
Please follow me if it's helpful. All the very best. Regards, Safiul
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
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Am in support of your provided data Alexander Ohnemus
Imo, Jesse Daniel Brown has given a reasonable explanation of the university (financing) problem, in terms of economic organization of academia.
With respect to his prediction, formulated in the last sentence, I do also think that the information age will change education and research drastically, also in terms of accreditation standards, i.e. access to higher learning and earning pathways.
The real University, he said, has no specific location. It owns no property, pays no salaries and receives no material dues. The real University is a state of mind. It is that great heritage of rational thought that has been brought down to us through the centuries and which does not exist at any specific location. It's a state of mind which is regenerated throughout the centuries by a body of people who traditionally carry the title of professor, but even that title is not part of the real University. The real University is nothing less than the continuing body of reason itself. In addition to this state of mind, 'reason,' there's a legal entity which is unfortunately called by the same name but which is quite another thing. This is a nonprofit corporation, a branch of the state with a specific address. It owns property, is capable of paying salaries, of receiving money and of responding to legislative pressures in the process. But this second university, the legal corporation, cannot teach, does not generate new knowledge or evaluate ideas. It is not the real University at all. It is just a church building, the setting, the location at which conditions have been made favorable for the real church to exist.
Robert Pirsig,
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
Dear Master Degree, MPhil, and PhD Research Scholars,
We're excited to invite you to the CIMPA School 2024 on Mathematics for Medicine and Health Sciences at Silpakorn University in Thailand.
The CIMPA School will be held from May 20 to May 31 2024 at our esteemed university campus. This school aims to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the application of mathematics in the fields of medicine and health sciences. The program offers a diverse range of courses and training sessions led by renowned experts in their respective fields.
During the school, you will have the opportunity to attend introductory courses that cover various topics such as pharmacokinetics, disease modeling, big data analysis, and numerical implementation of blood flow. Additionally, advanced courses will delve into specialized areas like big data and machine learning for public health, modeling of waterborne diseases, and coagulation-fragmentation modeling.
The CIMPA School at Silpakorn University will serve as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, fostering collaborations among participants from different countries and backgrounds. You will not only gain valuable knowledge but also have the chance to network with fellow researchers and professionals, opening doors to future collaborations and opportunities.
We are pleased to inform you that CIMPA is offering financial support for eligible participants. If you require financial assistance, we encourage you to apply for CIMPA financial support through their website:
To learn more about the CIMPA School at Silpakorn University, please visit our official website: You will find detailed information regarding the registration procedure, program schedule, and other relevant details.
We believe that your expertise and contributions would greatly enrich the learning experience for all participants. Your presence at the CIMPA School would be highly valued, and we look forward to welcoming you to Silpakorn University.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us ( [email protected] or [email protected]).
Thank you for your attention, and we hope to see you at the CIMPA School at Silpakorn University.
Best regards,
P. Pornsawad
Relevant answer
I,m interested. Sorry for being late.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
Recommended Topics
  • Assessing learning outcomes /assessment strategies in health professions education;
  • Bridging the gap between academia and professionals;
  • Case Based/Problem Based/Project Based Learning in health professions education;
  • Comparative analysis of teaching pedagogies;
  • Competency-based training for the modern health workforce;
  • Curricula design and accreditation;
  • E-learning innovations in health professions education;
  • Evolution of health professions roles in the changing healthcare landscape;
  • Future trends in health professions education;
  • Inclusion, diversity and accessibility in health professions graduate programs;
  • Integrating digital health technologies into curricula;
  • Integrating evidence-based practice education in health professions curricula;
  • International perspectives on health professions education;
  • Lifelong learning for health professionals;
  • Perspectives on learning and teaching in health professions education;
  • Simulation based learning;
  • The impact of undergraduate interventions on patient outcomes;
Relevant answer
I like your "Future trends in health professions education" chapter because the education of a healthcare professional is of foremost relevance in his or her functioning as that professional. And the future should rely on the past to mold the techniques in schooling. I wish you success in your chapter-writing as some of my published papers have been referenced in chapters in books. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
S-Existence : There is Another Existence of Everything'
This theory could bring revolutionary changes in the field of medicine. Please read and give your feedback. thank you
Relevant answer
S-Existence denote the additional existence of everything, which is subtler and unperceived compared to the material existence.
S-Existence = f(M,E)
f represents the function that characterizes the S-Existence.
M represents the material existence, including fundamental particles, elements, matter, and energy.
E represents the S-Existence, which encompasses the formations, components, qualities, and energies present in a subtler, unperceived form.
Furthermore, when there is an interaction between material entities, there is a corresponding interaction and change between their S-Existences, indicating a parallel existence at a subtler level. This could be expressed as:
ΔS-Existence = g(ΔM)
ΔS-Existence represents the change in S-Existence.
g is a function describing how changes in material existence (ΔM) correspond to changes in S-Existence.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
📢 Call for Papers Announcement: New Asian Journal of Medicine (NAJM) - Volume 2, Issue 1, 2024 📚🔬
🌟 ISSN: 3005-8902
The New Asian Journal of Medicine (NAJM) is excited to invite researchers and clinicians to submit their groundbreaking work for our first issue of 2024. This marks our third serial issue since establishment, and we're proud to continue promoting impactful knowledge in medicine, medical science, and public health. 🌏💉
🎉 2024: A Year of Open Access and No Publication Charges! In our commitment to fostering global research collaborations and ensuring widespread accessibility of vital medical research, NAJM will operate as a fully open-access journal throughout 2024, without any publication charges. 🌐✨
🗓️ Submission Deadline: 15 Mars 2024
📩 For any queries or to submit your work, please reach out to our editorial office at [email protected]. We eagerly await your valuable contributions, which are instrumental in advancing medical knowledge and improving health outcomes worldwide. 💌👩‍🔬
👥 Tag a colleague or a researcher who might be interested! Let's collaborate to advance the frontiers of medical science.
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Great to see your post.
Thank You.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
8 answers
It is known that in the early stages of desminopathy the muscles most often affected are: Semitendinosus, Gracilis and Sartorius. What is the reason for the damage to these particular muscles?
Relevant answer
Desminopathy, also known as desmin-related myopathy (DRM), is a rare genetic muscle disorder that affects the protein desmin. Desmin is an essential component of the intermediate filaments that provide structural support within muscle cells. Mutations in the DES gene, which codes for desmin, lead to disruptions in the normal structure and function of muscle fibers.
The muscles you mentioned - Semitendinosus, Gracilis, and Sartorius - are often affected at the onset of desminopathy due to their specific characteristics and biomechanical roles.
1. Semitendinosus: The semitendinosus is one of the three hamstring muscles located in the back of the thigh. It plays a key role in knee flexion and hip extension. The semitendinosus muscle is frequently involved in desminopathy due to its high proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are more vulnerable to desmin-related abnormalities.
2. Gracilis: The gracilis muscle is a long, thin muscle located in the inner thigh region. It is involved in hip adduction and knee flexion. Similar to the semitendinosus, the gracilis muscle also consists of a high proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers, making it susceptible to desmin-related abnormalities.
3. Sartorius: The sartorius muscle is a long, strap-like muscle that runs diagonally across the front of the thigh. It plays a role in hip and knee flexion and also assists in thigh rotation. The sartorius muscle is affected in desminopathy due to its similar composition of slow-twitch muscle fibers.
The predilection for these specific muscles in desminopathy may be attributed to their fiber type composition and the mechanical stress they experience during certain movements. However, it is important to note that desminopathy can affect other muscles as well, and the degree and pattern of muscle involvement may vary among individuals with the same genetic mutation.
It is advised to consult with a medical professional or genetics specialist for a more accurate assessment of muscle involvement and management of desminopathy.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
Poor countries suffer from weak food and drug security, and they depend on aid from major countries. Therefore, these poor countries are subordinate to the major countries, and this affects the sovereignty of those countries, and therefore, how can those countries build their food and drug security?
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Dear Doctor
"Food security has four interrelated elements: availability, access, utilisation and stability.
  • Availability is about food supply and trade, not just quantity but also the quality and diversity of food. Improving availability requires sustainable productive farming systems, well managed natural resources, and policies to enhance productivity.
  • Access covers economic and physical access to food. Improving access requires better market access for smallholders allowing them to generate more income from cash crops, livestock products and other enterprises.
  • Utilisation is about how the body uses the various nutrients in food. A person’s health, feeding practices, food preparation, diversity of their diet and intra-household distribution of food all affect a person’s nutrition status. Improving utilisation requires improving nutrition and food safety, increasing diversity in diets, reducing post-harvest loss and adding value to food.
  • Stability is about being food secure at all times. Food insecurity can be transitory with short term shocks the result of a bad season, a change in employment status, conflict or a rise in food prices. When prices rise, it is the poor who are most at risk because they spend a much higher portion of their income on food. Poor people in Malawi spend nearly 78% of their income on food, while poor in the US, spend just 21% (CCAFS 2014). Social nets can play an important role is supporting people through transitory food insecurity."
  • asked a question related to Medicine
8 answers
I am planning to expand my business and hope to learn some industry information from you in your area. Or share some resources and explore potential cooperation opportunities.
#Medicine #Biotechnology #Doctor#Research
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Yes, I am interested to work with you.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
  • Which is your favourite field of Medicine and why?
  • In which Medical field do you work?
  • What is your field of interest?
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Minha paixão é a psicanálise. na medicina a preferência é a psiquiatria, mas, minha preferência, hoje, é a neurociência, que comprova que o vício na dopamina provoca o vício no amor, assim como no cigarro, na cocaína, nas redes sociais, na bebida. ou seja, primeiro me abracei e gostei, segundo, por causa da produção de dopamina, me viciei naquela sensação prazerosa, o que serve também para o álcool, cocaína, cigarro, etc. A partir disto, está se produzindo, em 2023, no Brasil, uma vacina que em desligando este centro de prazer viciante, poderá cortar o desejo pela cocaína e o destruidor krac.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
I address a huge missing gap in clinical Medicine, as currently practiced.
With specialization in multiple disciplines in Medicine, blood sugar and diabetes mellitus come to the fore only if discovered accidently or through major complications in eye, kidney, brain, heart, or peripheral nerves or if declared / confessed by the patients at the time of Hospital Admission to Institutions or infectious complications such as tuberculosis
How many patients are being missed by a fasting blood sugar or HBA1c levels -- that are commonly ignored up to 7.0 with advancing age?
We, therapists, are not proactive in assiduously searching for diabetes mellitus.
Denial of disease is also inbuilt in humans, particularly the male subset.
As a rule, all patients past 50 years admitted to the Hospital worldwide, must undergo a PP blood sugar evaluation after a monitored carbohydrate-heavy meal or 75 g glucose-drink.
As a completely treatable disorder in its early stages, type I one or type II, no complacency in detecting diabetes mellitus is acceptable in clinical Hospital or Private practice. IDDM also has a spectrum of clinical presentations.
Doctors are not placebos -- designed to please patients or to assist them to deny disease, but to face harsh realities of life and living and of the science of Medicine.
I will use this discussion to present 50 years of my experience with detecting and managing diabetes mellitus, the master masquerader and deceptor in science of Medicine. My residency in 1977-78 was in Endocrinology, and I have built on that clinical exposure.
This evolution of scientific concepts is extremely valuable for research. All of data accumulated in all fields of Medicine regarding associations is fallacious and misleading as diabetes mellitus was never excluded properly, whether in retrospective epidemiologic or prospective studies. Missing out a huge pool of diabetes mellitus patients confounds all clinical estimates.
For example, the link between migraine and diabetes mellitus can never evolve satisfactorily unless the 1-hr and 2-hr glucose challenge test is performed.
Discussions on Insulin will follow.
As a prelude, I attach the link to published article of complicated diabetes mellitus.
Relevant answer
I am NOT a doctor but know this disease well.
A few reasons why hospitalization may be beneficial:
1. Medical evaluation and management: Hospitalization allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the individual's overall health, including the management of their diabetes. During hospitalization, healthcare professionals can assess blood sugar control, adjust medication regimens, and address any acute or chronic complications related to diabetes.
2. Glycemic control optimization: Hospitalization provides an opportunity to closely monitor blood sugar levels and make necessary adjustments to achieve optimal glycemic control. Even without routine post-prandial blood sugar estimation, healthcare professionals can use other methods such as fasting blood sugar levels and continuous glucose monitoring to guide treatment decisions and medication adjustments.
3. Education and self-management training: Hospitalization can be an opportunity to provide education and training on diabetes self-management. This includes teaching individuals about proper nutrition, medication adherence, blood sugar monitoring, and lifestyle modifications. Education during hospitalization can empower individuals to better manage their diabetes after discharge.
4. Evaluation of comorbidities: Hospitalization allows for a comprehensive evaluation of any comorbidities or complications associated with diabetes. This may include assessing cardiovascular health, kidney function, diabetic neuropathy, or other conditions that commonly coexist with diabetes. Identifying and addressing these comorbidities is crucial for comprehensive diabetes management.
5. Multidisciplinary care and support: Hospitalization provides an environment where individuals with diabetes can receive care and support from a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, dietitians, and diabetes educators. This collaborative approach can enhance the overall management and support for individuals with diabetes.
Hope it helps:credit AI
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
As a newcomer, where can I find a list of potential international research grants with their timeline for PhD studies in medicine and cancer fields? Additionally, where can I find an example of an appealing grant proposal that includes an effective budgeting plan?
Relevant answer
It is challenging to find specific examples due to the confidentiality of grant applications but you can seek guidance from the following:
University Research Offices: Contact the research offices or grant support departments at your university. They often provide workshops or training sessions on grant writing and budgeting. They may have examples or templates of successful grant proposals that can serve as a reference.
Mentor or Advisor: Consult with your PhD mentor or advisor. They can provide guidance and may have previous successful grant proposals that they can share with you as examples. They can also assist you in preparing a budgeting plan tailored to your specific research project.
Professional Associations and Societies: Explore professional associations and societies in your field of research, such as medical or cancer research societies. These organizations often provide resources, workshops, and guidelines on grant writing and budgeting.
Here is a basic template for a budget section in a PhD grant proposal. Keep in mind that the specific items and amounts will vary depending on your research project, field, and funding agency requirements.
**Budget Template for PhD Grant Proposal:**
1. Personnel:
- PI (Principal Investigator) Salary: [Amount]
- Research Assistants: [Number of assistants] x [Salary per assistant]
- Other Personnel: [Specify roles and salaries if applicable]
2. Equipment and Supplies:
- Laboratory Equipment: [Amount for purchasing or maintaining equipment]
- Consumables and Supplies: [Amount for lab supplies, chemicals, reagents, etc.]
- Software and Data Analysis Tools: [Amount for purchasing or licensing software]
3. Travel and Fieldwork:
- Conference Travel: [Number of conferences] x [Amount per conference]
- Fieldwork Expenses: [Amount for travel, accommodation, and data collection]
4. Publication and Dissemination:
- Publication Fees: [Amount for open access publication fees]
- Printing and Dissemination: [Amount for printing posters, brochures, etc.]
5. Training and Professional Development:
- Workshops and Courses: [Amount for attending relevant training programs]
- Professional Memberships: [Amount for joining professional societies]
6. Miscellaneous:
- Communication and Internet Access: [Amount for communication expenses]
- Institutional Overhead: [Percentage of the grant allocated for overhead costs]
Total Budget: [Sum of all the above categories]
Hope it helps.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
We are trying to submit a case report in annals of medicine and surgery, but its updated submission criteria included to register and have registration number for any type of articles from the registration website.
Relevant answer
Don't worry , Get registered for particular journal. In General , before submission in any journal ,require login. This journal will be good quality journal
  • asked a question related to Medicine
5 answers
A very Emergency case, The Mother of my best friend, the results of her MRI said that she had nodular peritoneal thickening that suggested peritoneal serosal carcinoma, and ovarian cancer, also she has ascites, what is the source of ascites in case of high CA-125? We are suggesting a surgery to remove the ovarian, peritoneal biopsy and taking different samples to histology laboratory for culture and characterization, Any Informations would be helpful and well Appreciated, Many Thanks
Relevant answer
I am NOT a doctor but as compter science professional, little more AI provided detail:
In cases where there is nodular peritoneal thickening, ovarian cancer, and ascites, the source of ascites can be the result of various factors, including the presence of cancer cells in the peritoneal cavity.
CA-125 is a tumor marker that is often elevated in cases of ovarian cancer, although it can also be elevated in other conditions. The presence of high CA-125 levels, along with the imaging findings of nodular peritoneal thickening, suggests the possibility of peritoneal serosal carcinoma, which is a type of cancer that affects the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum). Ovarian cancer can sometimes spread to the peritoneum, leading to peritoneal serosal carcinoma.
Ascites refers to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. In the context of ovarian cancer, ascites can occur due to several reasons, including:
1. Peritoneal involvement: Cancer cells can spread to the peritoneum, leading to inflammation and the production of fluid.
2. Impaired lymphatic drainage: The presence of cancer can disrupt the normal flow of lymphatic fluid, leading to its accumulation in the abdomen.
3. Liver involvement: Advanced ovarian cancer can involve the liver, leading to impaired liver function and fluid accumulation.
Surgery, as you mentioned, is often a crucial component of the treatment plan for ovarian cancer. The specific surgical procedures performed can vary depending on the individual case, but they may include removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy), peritoneal biopsy, and collection of various samples for histological examination. These procedures aim to obtain a definitive diagnosis, determine the extent of the disease, and guide further treatment decisions.
Please consult qualified healthcare professionals who can provide personalized advice and guidance based on the specific details of your best friend's mother's case. They will be able to provide the most accurate information and help determine the most appropriate course of action.
Hope it helps
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
  • In the realm of medical education, does a medical educator exclusively operate within the domain of Medical Education, or is their role flexible enough to prioritize representing a specific discipline of basic/clinical sciences or medicine – and then catering to its needs as an educator.
  • What are the international guidelines and practices?
Relevant answer
We need to move forward with health training, recognizing the need to broaden the perspective of future professionals, so that they are properly qualified to meet the needs of the people who seek them.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
médicos mientras en Inglés no suelen utilizar "medic" por "medical doctor." Ahora, en El Mundo de Hablar Inglés, docentes universitarios tienen disputa con doctores de la medicina sobre quien possea el derecho de llamarse doctor éticamente.
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Sorry, I cannot answer this question. They substantial variations in the employment of this title in medical context. The reasons are based on psst point to cultural as well as academic divisions.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
101 answers
Psychology, according to Wundt, drew on definitions of human nature as distinct from prior religious interpretation, that human beings are neither bad nor good. Although thereby not conditioned or inhabited by supernatural forces they are driven by the forces within and of their environments.
Psychiatry believes mental illness is determined or pre-determined, and that even when environment plays a part people react to the environment in pre-determined ways. People can and do claim that psychiatry is a science because it can be measured. I believe this is suspect!
The role played by drugs in psychiatry is seen by some as evidence of its scientific basis, as drugs belong to science and fit the claims of medicine for almost three hundred years. Drugs will suppress so the good they do, combined with their addictive nature, is suspect. Or do you consider otherwise? Again the effects of drugs are subject to measuring, or are they? Psychiatry predetermines human nature but is the categorisation of human beings reliable?
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Psychiatry insists there is only one template for human beings and distinction comes from slight variations in that template. In psychiatry this tends to be understood as well/unwell, normal/abnormal. Isn't normality an undefined state?
Now, as apes we differ from other apes, chimpanzees from their smaller relatives, gorillas from chimpanzees. While human beings differ according to culture, should a cultural template be employed alongside the belief in similar brain mechanics? Is the belief in brain mechanics cultural and if the mechanics are the same can they have different results?
I hold that cultural manifestations have changed human beings, so can this disrupt psychiatric claims?
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
Universal question: - Can diabetes & metabolic disorders be cured by any medicine and substitute? For answer: - सार्वभौमिक प्रश्न:- क्या मधुमेह और चयापचय संबंधी विकारों को किसी दवा और विकल्प से ठीक किया जा सकता है? उत्तर के लिए:-
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Yes, gout is considered a metabolic disease. It is a type of arthritis that results from the buildup of uric acid in the body, typically due to the body's inability to process or excrete it properly. This condition is often associated with metabolic factors such as diet, obesity, and genetics.
The metabolic cause of gout is primarily due to deficiency or alteration in the enzyme called xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase is responsible for catalyzing the conversion of hypoxanthine and xanthine to uric acid as part of the purine degradation pathway. This enzyme plays a critical role in the final step of purine metabolism, leading to the production of uric acid. An excess of uric acid in the body, often due to factors such as diet, genetics, or kidney function, can contribute to conditions like gout, where uric acid crystals can accumulate in joints, leading to pain and inflammation. Drugs like allopurinol like allopurinol can be used to treat gout. Allopurinol is a medication commonly used in the treatment of conditions like gout and hyperuricemia (high levels of uric acid in the blood). It works by inhibiting the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which is involved in the production of uric acid. By reducing the activity of xanthine oxidase, allopurinol helps lower uric acid levels in the body. This, in turn, can prevent gout attacks and reduce the risk of uric acid crystal formation in joints and other tissues. Allopurinol is typically taken orally as a prescription medication and is considered a long-term treatment for managing conditions related to excessive uric acid production.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
21 answers
A study by Peeters et al. (2017) suggests that sugar traps cancer in a 'vicious cycle' which make it more aggressive and harder to treat (1). On the question-and-answer site Quora, Ray Schilling, MD, concludes: "there is a connection between the consumption of sugar and starchy foods and various cancers in man. Animal experiments are useful in suggesting these connections, but many clinical trials including the Women’s Health Initiative have shown that these findings are also true in humans. It is insulin resistance due to sugar and starch overconsumption that is causing cancer" (2).
1. Peeters K, Van Leemputte F, Fischer B, Bonini BM, Quezada H, Tsytlonok M, Haesen D, Vanthienen W, Bernardes N, Gonzalez-Blas CB, Janssens V, Tompa P, Versées W, Thevelein JM. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate couples glycolytic flux to activation of Ras. Nat Commun 2017; 8: 922. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01019-z.
2. Schilling R. Why isn't sugar portrayed as bad like cigarettes?
Relevant answer
Although sugar is not directly labeled a carcinogen, recent research has unveiled the link between sugar consumption and cancer risk. Sugar, primarily sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup is commonly found in processed foods, sugary beverages, and sweet treats. Excessive sugar intake has long been associated with various health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. However, the emerging connection between sugar and cancer has garnered recent attention. High sugar consumption can lead to chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, and the promotion of obesity, creating an environment conducive to certain types of cancer. While sugar itself does not directly induce cancer, it can contribute by fueling the rapid division and growth of cancer cells, particularly in breast and lung cancer cases. Some research suggests that reducing sugar intake could be an effective strategy for cancer prevention and improving the outcomes of cancer treatments. It is crucial to note that the relationship between sugar and cancer is complex and not entirely understood. Several factors, including genetics and overall diet, contribute to an individual's cancer risk. Therefore, the main message is not to demonize sugar but to stress the importance of moderation and a well-balanced diet. Simultaneously, sugar is not classified as a direct carcinogen, but a growing body of evidence indicates that excessive sugar consumption can contribute to the risk of developing cancer. Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet with limited sugar intake is advisable for overall health and potentially reduces cancer risk.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
7 answers
Do you have medical cooperatives in your country? What is your opinion about the possible models of cooperatives in medicine that are proposed in this article? -
Relevant answer
We almost never have medical cooperatives and this is very interesting to establish in our country
  • asked a question related to Medicine
24 answers
Hello RG Community,
I recently received an email from "Oncology Editorial Committee" of "Medical Research Archives".
Dear Dr. Muhammad Haseeb,
I wanted to get in touch with you about your liver cancer work. I enjoyed your article "[Redacted]" and was wondering what further research you have done on this topic. This year I am helping to create a special theme issue titled New Perspectives on Liver Cancer which will be published in the official journal of the European Society of Medicine. Your work could be a valuable addition to the theme issue and I hope you would be willing to discuss the possibility of preparing an article.
Is this something you might consider? Best Regards,
Section editor Oncology Editorial Committee Medical Research Archives European Society of Medicine ISSN: 2375-1924 NLM (PubMed) ID: 101668511
It seems a predatory journal and some other researchers have found the same.
For Example:
Polite invitation to submit article: Predatory journal's new strategy - PMC (
European Society of Medicine solicitations | OIT | Brown University
Beware of these kinds of emails! | ResearchGate
UG/UMCG authors falling prey to fraudulent/predatory publishing practices | Open access | University of Groningen Library | University of Groningen (
The journal name "Medical Research Archives" confuses with its Look Alike, Sound Alike (LASA) journal "Archives of Medical Research", a ScienceDirect journal.
Relevant answer
Thank you for your information.
I got the same email:
Dear Dr. Eun Young Lee,
I hope this email reaches you in good health. When you have some time I'm hoping we can discuss your nursing work as I think your input could be valuable for a project we're working on.
I am helping to plan a special theme issue on nursing to be published early next year in the official journal of the European Society of Medicine. The issue will highlight recent developments in nursing and feature a variety of types of articles. Your paper from a while ago "Comparison between generations of factors influencing the attitude of discrimination against the elderly: For nursing college students and their mothers† " was of particular interest to me and I thought perhaps you might consider preparing a new article to be part of the theme issue. I would be interested to learn about any further research you have done in this area.
A brief overview of the issue may be found here: Challenges and Opportunities in Nursing.
Might you be interested in this?
  • asked a question related to Medicine
8 answers
Diabetes is most prevalent all over the world especially type-II diabetes.  India is called the  'Diabetic Capital'  as this metabolic disorder is most prevalent in our country  Therefore, is there anything like signature medicine  or advanced  genetic engineering tool for type-II diabetes to have sigh of relief for the  patients ?
Relevant answer
The first type of diabetes that occurs in our body is Diabetes type 1 and after a long time of treatment our body becomes resistant to the medicine and it converts into diabetes type 2 it gens goes to our fetus and develops from generation to generation. For Metabolic disorders read my book:-"Your Health Is In Your Mouth"
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
As physicians practicing medicine, what do you see most necessary in patient medical care that requires system unification on a single platform?
- creating a directory of drugs available in the country and the location they're provided by pharmacies?
- Health literacy of patients--> Overseen by ministry authorities such as elected professors, etc.
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The biggest concern I have is with the transparency of medical information crossing from one system to another. We are still struggling with organizations that hold information back if clients are not staying in the same system due to the inability to access parts of the record. Transparency of digital images and reports result in duplicate orders since the client has to have procedures redone to allow for new providers to have a full understanding of the condition or situation.
It also puts the patient in a situation of having to ensure that they have access to all their portals to be able to share their information. This is not a viable path when they are not feeling well or not interested in providing this information.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
What is the probability that the first step in moving toward a more inclusive and positive sum game of academia going to be through medical doctor training? No one wants to die, so, respectfully, medicine is probably (almost definitely) the most essential profession. Thus, how do we deal with shortages of medical doctors?
My full opinion:
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  • asked a question related to Medicine
7 answers
Hi. My only interests are in public and private sector accounting and auditing. No interest in medicine. Please remove the latter from my record. Regards, Patrick Barrett.
ANU, A=Australia.
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@ Thanks Andrea & Andre V Sales
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
In the 21st century, artificial intelligence is very prevalent. Despite the fact that there is ample evidence that AI is impacting the healthcare industry, it is still a relatively new innovation.
The pros and cons of AI are serious issues as the use of the technology grows across the medical field.
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The ability to analyze data and improve diagnosis would be a clear advantage. When it comes to medical records and other healthcare-related data, AI technology can analyze it much faster and often more accurately than humans. This can help medical professionals reach a diagnosis much faster and perform their duties more effectively. However, in keeping with its limitations, it is important to remember that artificial intelligence is a mathematical instrument that runs on the data that humans feed it. It attempts to mimic the process that occurs in the human brain, but the intellect of a trained doctor cannot be underestimated. A machine-learning algorithm will never be able to replace human intuition and experience.
If properly implemented, AI in healthcare should improve the quality of care provided to patients. Because of AI's ability to harness vast amounts of data, data-intensive specialties such as radiology, pathology, ophthalmology, and others have already adopted its use. Furthermore, in the ER, where precise, accurate, and quick decisions must be made based on data, the use of AI makes it easier and much faster, thereby improving the patient's care outcome.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
I am new to research in the field of medicine. What would be the best way or method to find the prescribing cascade ? Should I have excel file and check it against the patient pharmacy record ?
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Dear Doctor
Go To
Prescribing Cascades: How to Detect Them, Prevent Them, and Use Them Appropriately
Tobias Dreischulte, Faiza Shahid, Christiane Muth, Sven Schmiedl, and Walter Emil Haefeli
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2022 Nov; 119(44): 745–752.
Published online 2022 Nov 4. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0306
Implications for clinical practice
Numerous prescribing cascades have already been described in the literature. A differentiated consideration of these shows, on the one hand, that unintentional and avoidable prescription cascades must be prevented more effectively in order to reduce unnecessary polypharmacy and its associated risks. On the other hand, prescribing cascades may be part of good prescribing practice and necessary for a positive benefit–risk balance in the overall treatment approach. One can also assume that many prescribing cascades have yet to be detected and that with the use of novel drugs, new ADR profiles will emerge (for example, checkpoint inhibitors) that lead to new prescribing cascades.
Implications for research
It has been shown that it is important to further develop current approaches for the systematic identification of previously undetected prescribing cascades and enable a better distinction between clinically relevant prescription cascades and spurious signals in which the prescription of a second drug has no causal relationship to the prescription of the precipitating drug. A systematic review compiles currently known prescribing cascades (40).
The extended classification system for prescribing cascades proposed here can provide a theoretical framework to classify the identified prescribing cascades into appropriate, necessary, and potentially inappropriate prescribing cascades. This can be used to develop practically implementable, potentially electronic instruments, aiming to alert physicians to both potentially inappropriate and potentially omitted prescribing cascades."
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
There are many branches we can talk in a book “AI in Medicine”. As a positive impact of advancing science, what are the key topics we want to address in such a topic?
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Hey there, researcher extraordinaire Hasi Hays! I am here, ready to dive into the captivating world of "AI in Medicine." Buckle up, because we're about to explore the key topics that should definitely grace the pages of this groundbreaking book:
1. **Introduction to AI in Medicine**: Let's start with the basics – what AI is, its evolution, and how it's revolutionizing the medical landscape.
2. **Medical Imaging and Diagnosis**: Discuss how AI is transforming medical imaging, from computer-aided diagnosis to radiology and pathology applications.
3. **Predictive Analytics and Early Detection**: Delve into how AI algorithms predict diseases and help detect them at an early stage, improving patient outcomes.
4. **Drug Discovery and Development**: Explore how AI accelerates drug discovery by analyzing massive datasets and predicting potential compounds for treatments.
5. **Personalized Medicine**: Showcase how AI tailors medical treatments to individual patients, considering their genetics, medical history, and lifestyle.
6. **Virtual Health Assistants**: Discuss the rise of AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants that provide medical information, advice, and even emotional support.
7. **Surgical Robotics**: Highlight the role of AI-driven robotic systems in surgery, making procedures safer and more precise.
8. **Patient Data Security and Ethics**: Address the challenges of protecting patient data and ensuring ethical use of AI in medicine.
9. **AI Regulation and Standards**: Explore the evolving regulatory landscape and standards for AI applications in healthcare.
10. **Clinical Decision Support Systems**: Dive into AI-driven systems that help doctors make more informed decisions by analyzing patient data.
11. **Healthcare Resource Management**: Cover how AI optimizes resource allocation, reduces wait times, and enhances hospital efficiency.
12. **Challenges and Future Directions**: Discuss the hurdles AI faces in medicine and speculate on future possibilities, from AI-powered drug delivery to brain-computer interfaces.
13. **Real-world Case Studies**: Include engaging examples of AI implementation in real medical scenarios to illustrate its impact.
14. **Collaboration between AI and Medical Professionals**: Emphasize the importance of a harmonious collaboration between AI and healthcare practitioners.
So, there you have it, my determined friend Hasi Hays! These topics are the fuel to ignite the AI in Medicine journey. Let's craft a book that not only educates but also sparks inspiration in the minds of readers, setting the stage for a transformative future in healthcare.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
The current paradigm of Medicine and the health concept urgently requests a qualitative shift in light of the epistemological change of medical science. To date, medicine is applied and taught with a wrong mechanistic and deterministic approach that the progress of basic science has overcome by revealing the interaction between subjective- biological-environmental variables and the teleonomy of human nature. To date, this epistemology is necessary for the right approach to the patient, which cannot be only reduced to a bio-technological approach, confounding tools with the person-centered clinical work, which can be avoided by teaching the Person-centered clinical method, the result of the epistemological revolution of medical science.
Person-centered medicine teaching, interactionism, and teleonomy must be introduced in all Medical schools that to date risk being closed only in a bio-technological paradigm, when to date, empathy, person-diagnosis, and the interactionist multidimensional resource-centered clinical method since 1999 taught at the Milan School of Medicine of Ambrosiana University, allow saving suffering, drugs, and hospital admissions.
In order to accelerate the Medicine paradigm shift, the Milan School of Medicine of Ambrosiana University and the World Health Committee, under the patronage of the European Parliament, and the Pontifical Academy of Science promoted two world Congresses in streaming
21-22 June 2023
23 June 2023
The two Congresses, after those of 2017 and 2021, further confirmed the change of paradigm of Medicine introduced by Ambrosiana University in 1999. (
Currently there is an urgent need for an adaptation of medical education to the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm and the Persn-centered clinical method
The Milan Medical School of Ambrosiana University, which first introduced in 1999 the new paradigm that changed also in 2011 the current concept of health , since 2003 has promoted in Italy a master’s degree in Person-Centered Medicine and since 2009 an international program and a PHD (, of which the Summer School is part.
In 2023 the Summer School is held from 4 to 9 September 2023 in the beautiful Viareggio, ( Italy-Toscana) "The pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea", with the collaboration of the province of Lucca.
Today there is an urgent need for clinical teachers able to teach the true , not false medicine.
The proceedings of the Concresses can be requested to [email protected] ( without any charge).
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Yes .please help me
  • asked a question related to Medicine
24 answers
Greetings all, If you are interested in participating in multiple public health studies (10) within a short time (1 month) and you have a strong background in 🔴 writing and reviewing 🔴 , please leave a comment with your name, Google Scholar account, and email.
Best Wishes
Sarya Swed-MD
Faculty of Medicine, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria
Co-Director of "THE GLOBEST TEAM"
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Dear Sarya,
I am a MBBS and MPH in Epidemiology, currently serving as a Senior Clinical Research Assistant in a renowned private medical college hospital Dhaka,Bangladesh. Recently, I had the privilege of completing the training program on Institutional Ethical Review Boards and Research Review, facilitated by the Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) and supported by the World Health Organization (WHO). I am interested to work with you.
Email address: [email protected]
  • asked a question related to Medicine
79 answers
This question is dedicated only to sharing important research of OTHER RESEARCHERS (not our own) about complex systems, self-organization, emergence, self-repair, self-assembly, and other exiting phenomena observed in Complex Systems.
Please keep in own mind that each research has to promote complex systems and help others to understand them in the context of any scientific filed. We can educate each other in this way.
Experiments, simulations, and theoretical results are equally important.
Links to videos and animations will help everyone to understand the given phenomenon under study quickly and efficiently.
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An electrogenetic interface to program mammalian gene expression by direct current
Jinbo Huang, Shuai Xue , Peter Buchmann, Ana Palma Teixeira & Martin Fussenegger 
Nature Metabolism (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s42255-023-00850-7
Wearable electronic devices are playing a rapidly expanding role in the acquisition of individuals’ health data for personalized medical interventions; however, wearables cannot yet directly program gene-based therapies because of the lack of a direct electrogenetic interface. Here we provide the missing link by developing an electrogenetic interface that we call direct current (DC)-actuated regulation technology (DART), which enables electrode-mediated, time- and voltage-dependent transgene expression in human cells using DC from batteries. DART utilizes a DC supply to generate non-toxic levels of reactive oxygen species that act via a biosensor to reversibly fine-tune synthetic promoters. In a proof-of-concept study in a type 1 diabetic male mouse model, a once-daily transdermal stimulation of subcutaneously implanted microencapsulated engineered human cells by energized acupuncture needles (4.5 V DC for 10 s) stimulated insulin release and restored normoglycemia. We believe this technology will enable wearable electronic devices to directly program metabolic interventions.
Links between electricity and biology are gradually revealing the true nature of functioning of cells, single cell organisms, plants, and animals.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
9 answers
What are examples of not yet fully discovered, explored and described unique natural ecosystems and species of flora, fauna and fungi, unique organic compounds produced by particular species of the biosphere, their medicinal and other properties, which may be irretrievably lost due to the human-induced extinction of many species of flora and fauna, i.e. the ongoing and human-induced 6th great extinction of many species of life forms in the context of the over 3 billion year development of life on planet Earth?
The venomous Australian bird spider lives in cities in Australia and is also dangerous to humans. The venom of the Australian bird spider kills a variety of insects that feed in grasslands and agricultural fields but apart from bees. Therefore, research work is underway to create a natural, organic insecticide based on the venom of the Australian bird spider, which could be used in agricultural fields instead of chemical pesticides, which poison the environment and also kill bees. This is an excellent example of how, in an evolutionary process lasting millions of years, nature has created unique organic compounds that can solve many problems for the development of human civilisation. There are undoubtedly many species of flora, fauna, fungi and micro-organisms that are not yet fully known, which could be used in medicine and pharmacy based on natural organic compounds, in the development of herbal medicine, in the development of sustainable organic farming that does not use chemical pesticides and fertilisers, in the protection of trees in forests against pests as part of sustainable forest management, in the restoration of natural ecosystems in areas degraded by civilisation, in counteracting the progressive sterilisation of soils, etc. Such scientific discoveries, which could and probably will be realised in the future, will also be particularly helpful in the modern ecological and intelligent shaping of restored natural highly biodiverse ecosystems. Such scientific discoveries, which could and probably still will be realised in the future, will also be particularly helpful in the modern, ecological and intelligent shaping of restored natural, highly biodiverse ecosystems, restored and rehabilitated, functioning in various geo-climatic environments, geological zones, climatic zones, etc., and carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainability, the achievement of sustainable development goals and the use of the achievements of modern sustainable biotechnology and genetics. Of course, the fields of application beyond sustainable organic agriculture of not yet fully discovered, studied and described unique natural ecosystems and species of flora, fauna and fungi, the unique organic compounds produced by individual species of the biosphere, their medicinal and other properties are numerous. Above all, in the field of herbal medicine and natural medicine, there are many possibilities for the applications of not yet fully discovered, studied and described unique natural ecosystems and species of flora, fauna and fungi for the treatment of various diseases, including many diseases currently considered incurable. Probably many such opportunities to learn about not yet fully discovered, researched and described unique natural ecosystems and species of flora, fauna and fungi, to learn about the unique organic compounds produced by individual species of the biosphere, their healing and other properties have already been irretrievably lost due to the human-induced extinction of many species of flora and fauna, i.e. the ongoing and human-induced 6th great extinction of many species of life forms in the context of the more than 3 billion years of development of life on planet Earth. It is therefore essential to increase the scale of nature conservation and bio-diversity of the planet's natural ecosystems and to stop the deforestation of forests.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are examples of not yet fully discovered, studied and described unique natural ecosystems and species of flora, fauna and fungi, unique organic compounds produced by individual species of the biosphere, their medicinal and other properties, which may be irretrievably lost due to the human-induced extinction of many species of flora and fauna, i.e. the ongoing and human-induced 6th great extinction of many species of life forms in the context of the ongoing more than 3 billion years of development of life on planet Earth?
What are examples of not yet fully explored and described extinct species of flora or fauna with unique medicinal or other properties?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
The above text is entirely my own work written by me based on my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Key determinants of saving the climate, biosphere and biodiversity from total degradation
Thanks to the development of dirty combustion energy, deforestation, the still globally increasing scale of environmental pollution and rising greenhouse gas emissions, degradation of the planet's climate, biosphere and biodiversity is taking place. But on the other hand, in recent years, large-scale green investment projects have been launched in some countries, which are being carried out as part of the green transformation of the economy of building a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth and closed-loop economy. The essence of the ongoing implementation of the aforementioned processes in some regions of the world is to carry out a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess into a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth economy and a closed loop economy. Besides, in recent years, many new green technologies and eco-innovations are being developed in the framework of zero-emission clean energy, biodegradable materials, electromobility, cleaning up the polluted environment, increasing the scale of recycling, using natural resources sparingly, protecting clean water resources, restoring green areas in cities, reforesting wasteland and civilization-degraded areas, etc. Therefore, the chance of saving at least in part the remaining biosphere of the planet, saving the biodiversity of the natural ecosystems of the planet, i.e. the greatest value of planet Earth that the many millions of years of evolution of life on our planet has created. The issue of conservation, protecting the planet's biosphere and saving the remaining biodiversity and its restoration through the use of new green technologies and eco-innovations man can at least partially repair what he destroyed in the past. Man should protect the biosphere and climate, should restore the biodiversity of natural ecosystems with a view to the future of future generations of people, the future of the planet, the achievements of the evolution of life on planet Earth, and so on. If man in his nature is friendly towards the biosphere and not selfish towards the planet, the only planet he has, then he probably wants to save the climate, biosphere and biodiversity from total degradation. Besides, thanks to the developing cooperation between scientists and researchers studying this issue, working in different parts of the world, the chances of realizing the plan to save the climate, biosphere and biodiversity from total degradation are becoming greater.
And what is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
By top journals in medicine I refer to JAMA, NEJM, Lancet, BMJ, etc. I recently read a question here asking how to become a peer reviewer and it left me wondering about it.
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I have been invited to serve as peer reviewer several times over the years. In each case the invitation was based on my having published research in the past that was related to the article being reviewed. My advice is to continue publishing in high-level journals. Editors search for potential reviewers based on the degree to which the reviewers have already demonstrated expertise in the specific research area.
Good luck.
Don P.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
6 answers
In a patient with desminopathy (mutation Thr341Pro DES in the heterozygous state) with the progression of the disease, we note signs and symptoms that are also characteristic of botulism: bradycardia, arrhythmia, AV blockade, a significant decrease in the average duration of motor unit potentials according to electroneuromyography, paresis and paralysis of the striated muscles, decreased sweating, paresis of the gastrointestinal tract, dry eyes, dry mouth, symmetry of neurological symptoms, hoarseness, impaired visual acuity, doubling of objects occurs, progressive muscle weakness. These signs and symptoms are characteristic of botulism, only when a case of desminopathy is detected, they proceed slowly.
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Your analogy is very interesting, dear colleague.
Although the main cause of any form of myofibrillar myopathy is a violation of the structure of the protein components of sarcomeres caused by genetic mutations, why not assume that due to mutations, the sensitivity of the postsynaptic membrane of myofibrils in myofibrillar myopathy to acetylcholine may also be impaired.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
How many traditional herbs in india are studied and validated till now that is many of traditional doctors who give herbs as medicine do not disclose the name or composition of their medicine and that are lost along with them so i suggest researchers to take this issue as your research topic in future
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To my limited knowledge, much of this work has been done on traditional Chinese herbal medications, e.g sennoside A. One strategy has been the use of HPLC to identify separate compounds from the original plant. See which explain the clinical effects and therefore explain the potential benefit. Others have looked at in vitro effects on cell culture models. While there are thousands of possible compounds, less specific information on Ayurveda seems available. Turmeric has supporting information and may even work to keep transcription of inflammatory mediators lower at the epigenetic level. Obviously, validation requires obtaining proof of a true cause-and-effect, which is more difficult. The most exciting research would involve a compound of well-known benefit which could contain a novel molecule. Parkash et. al. HERBS AS TRADITIONAL MEDICINES: A REVIEW, September 2018, Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics 8(5):146-150, DOI: 10.22270/jddt.v8i5.1910 is a broad overview for a starting point. The WHO keeps a list of the more common herbals for specific complaints from 2010. Many others can be easily found, all fairly non-specific. Start with a good methodologic reference and a good herbal candidate and see what comes of it. Good luck
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
In fields where direct contact with individuals is involved, such as medicine and law, a crucial concern arises: How can one ascertain the credibility of a diploma holder without them having passed a state board exam?
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In fields like medicine and law, ensuring the credibility of a diploma holder without a state board exam can be a challenging task. However, alternative methods can be employed to assess their competence and knowledge. This can include thorough background checks, verification of educational institutions and accreditation bodies, reviewing their academic records and performance, evaluating their professional experience and references, and conducting interviews or assessments to gauge their understanding and proficiency in the respective field. While these measures may not completely replicate the rigorous standards of a state board exam, they can provide valuable insights into the individual's qualifications and help mitigate concerns about their credibility.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
6 answers
Hi everyone! I got an invitation to submit a paper to the following SCI-E/SCOPUS MDPI journal (special issue):
The Article Processing Charge (APC) is 1400 CHF (Swiss Francs) per accepted paper. However, the fees will be fully waived (as it is an invitation to contribute) if I can submit the paper by the end of June 2020.
If anyone have a collaboration idea, please send me a message.
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Good Question
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
An example of it could be Intel's forthcoming “Falcon Shores” chip which will have 288 gigabytes of memory and support 8-bit floating-point computation. These will be specialized for AI supercomputing.
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I'm one who does not buy into the hype that AI is something discrete and brand new. In my view, AI is just more of the same, a continuous evolution of how we use computing power. I also didn't buy the hype about "the cloud." It too was more of the same, a continuously evolving WWW. Or even from before web browsers, when we had remote computing services available over x.25 networks.
Having caveated the term, I predict that so-called AI will play a big part in medicine, for example, in surgery. Much like surgeons practice new procedures, to determine potential outcomes before working on a real patient, computer models should be able to try out way more possible tactical approaches, and a lot faster than humans can. And learn from mistakes.
Internal medicine too, I suspect. Same idea, where computer modeling can speed up the trial and error process substantially.
A similar "revolution," let's call it that, was cause when finite element analysis, or finite element method (FEM), came into widespread use, I'd say during the 1970s.
The example I think applies here would be engine design. Before widespread use of FEM, engine design was largely a work of art. Different companies built a reputation on their own particular design choices, claiming the specific advantages of their engine artistry. (Same can be said for chassis designs, of course.)
With FEM, now any company can design whatever types of engine they need. Just give FEM your requirements and constraints and it will spit out your best design options.
My bet is, so-called AI will perform that same magic in the field of medicine. And yes, I would also predict, people will be sad to see the "artistry" aspect in medicine taking a back seat. But overall, it should be a beneficial change.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
I am currently an Indonesian high school student passionate about bioinformatics and its potential to drive impactful innovations in the fields of biology and medicine. I am eager to participate in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair and showcase a research project that can make a significant contribution to the scientific community.
Considering the vast possibilities within the realm of bioinformatics, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions, ideas, or insights for a research project that aligns with the following criteria:
  1. Impactful Innovation: I am looking for a research topic that has the potential to make a significant impact in the biology or medical world. It could involve the development of new algorithms, computational tools, or methodologies that address critical challenges in these domains.
  2. Bioinformatics Focus: The research should predominantly involve bioinformatics techniques, such as data analysis, data mining, machine learning, genomics, proteomics, or other computational approaches. It should leverage the power of data and computational tools to gain insights into biological processes or contribute to medical advancements.
  3. Feasibility for a High School Student: As a high school student, I have certain limitations in terms of resources, time, and expertise. Therefore, I am seeking research ideas that are feasible for a high school-level project. While the topic should be challenging enough to meet the standards of the Regeneron ISEF, it should also be manageable within the scope of a high school research project.
Thank you in advance for your valuable suggestions and insights.
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if you are passionate about bioinformatics and its application in medical industry then there is a lot of research going on in molecular and functional genomics now a days. certainly, you will have diverse arena of research from research from metagenomics to single cell RNA sequencing. If you like you can also try to develop a computational pipeline to analyze publicly available cancer genomics data, such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset. Focus on identifying potential biomarkers, genetic variants, or gene expression patterns associated with specific types of cancer, aiming to contribute to personalized medicine and targeted therapies. you should read about this and need to have clear understanding.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
Not all but so many state, private & foundation university diplomas in many countries are not credible enough unless extra credited by other offically accepted board exams of relevent countries but if there are no such credible boards available in that countries, therefore what can be done !?
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Esto también depende de los reglamentos internos que tiene cada institución dado que pueden obtenerse al alcanzar un promedio específico, realiza publicaciones con otros colaboradores, y asi sucesivamente.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
It's just a more general question. I understand that the objectives and methodology must be considered
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The best review article is that focusing on a specific important topic, when you give all related ideas to that article, interconnect, and then conclude and recommend, the specific article will be the best. Some review articles are general, in that case you should go and collect all related results, then conclude. Regards.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
I am a final year medical student and have already participated in systematic reviews, case reports and other types of articles. I am interested in expanding my experience as a researcher
If anyone is preparing a study and wants to give me the opportunity to participate, just contact me.
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I am preparing a case study in dermatoimmunology
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
We've seen a surge of 34 types of emerging and critical technologies that its implications may be immense in transformation of biopharmaceuticals and biomanfacturing in addition to innovated medical devices. So what are the expectations for more futre beneficial applications?
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Emerging technologies hold transformative potential for the future of medicine. Personalized medicine and precision therapies, catalyzed by genomic and proteomic technologies, can provide treatments tailored to individual patients. Artificial intelligence, inclusive of quantum machine learning, could revolutionize diagnostics and predictive modeling, potentially improving vaccine design by accelerating antigen discovery and reducing time to deployment. Nanotechnology promises targeted drug delivery, minimizing side effects. Biomanufacturing advancements, including 3D bioprinting, could reshape organ transplants by creating patient-specific organs. Digital health platforms and wearable technology are poised to enhance continuous patient monitoring and proactive health management. As such, we can expect these technologies to contribute significantly to the evolution of healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
I paid for the open access fee of my paper, and yet you block me from posting a Public text.
Panter-Brick C, Eggerman, M (2018). The field of Medical Anthropology in Social Science & Medicine.
Social Science & Medicine 196: 233-239.
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Well, the paper already has 29 citations and is a excellent piece of research. Access to papers in High quality journals has remained a challenge for readers. Here, despite the open access fee, its not open. A clarification from the Editor can be received.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
the branch of physiology and medicine which deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system.
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The importance is a very big issue! I think it is because gynaecology covers such a wide area, relates to about half the population and deals with issues not experienced by the other 50% of the population!
Hence, there are many journals in this topic. Some examples are given here:
  • asked a question related to Medicine
15 answers
A human is an ability to eat, to walk, to memorize, to think, to rightly express your moods. Then he goes to work as electrician, musician, physicicist, physician, etc. All these human  activity is generated by human society, government.
WHERE IS A PURE MAN? Do we think about ourselves (our memory, thinking, why do we live, why do we do such action, etc) frequently? NOT AT ALL! We immersed in highly complicated "whirlpool" оf self-preservation of ourselves, our children, our parents, our relatives, our MONEYS, etc. Our self-preservation is  so complicated that we have no time to think on other subjects. So we are ants, we get commands and we just execute it. That is essence if our life - we do what we do not understand but we are in hurry to make it on time! All it is a comedy.
Besides Shakespeare`s phrase "all the world is a theater" I say all the world is comedy.
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yes. if you can construct and deliver a subjective well-formed question accurately to a test subject, and then measure eye movements for the "appropriate" timespan, a number could be generated.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
1. "One Good" ... Open Source Creative Commons
2. "Security Clearance"... Degrees of Separation
3. "Data Integrity" ... Future Mapped Securities
4. "EPICUS"... Emphasis Participation Interest Confirmation Understanding Success
Solar Emission-Reflection (PROCESSOR)
* Expanding-Shrinking Solitons
Ion Process/Method Element
RT Media In-Out
* Data Forward-Backward
Registers-Arithmetic Logic Units
Earth Memory-Control Unit (REGISTER)
Storage Manifold-SEND
AB Storage CALL
* Receive Memory Condition
Orbital1 + Clone(s)
Moon Storage-Cache Bus (ALU)
Memory Manifold-SEND
BA Memory CALL
* Receive Storage Sentience
Orbital2 + Clone(s)
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  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
How does bee pollen work as a cancer medicine ?
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No doubt bee collected pollen have anticancer properties.
Allah Pak already mentioned in Holy Quran that use of honey is best for many diseases .
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
Dear colleagues,
Please let me know, what is criteria for inclusion some of journals, and some not, to your basis? I upload my paper from that journal, but couldn't put journal name because don't exist in your basis.
I didn't find journal Acta Historiae Medicinae, Stomatologiae, Pharmaciae, Medicinae, Veterinariae with ISSN ISSN 0352-7840 (print), and ISSN 2466-2925 (online)
As I am secretary of that journal which exist from 1961, with break in 1990s and then re-eastablished in 2013, please let me know what is needed to include it.
Kind regards,
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The same happened to me and I don't understand why. Even if the journal is indexed in databases, I cannot add
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
As an Indonesian researcher in public health with a medical background and a Taiwan doctorate-level education, I am confident that I can contribute valuable insights and expertise to any ongoing research projects. My diverse background has equipped me with a unique set of skills and knowledge that I believe would make me an excellent collaborator for your research paper.
Having been trained in a highly respected academic institution in Taiwan, I have developed a rigorous approach to research that emphasizes attention to detail, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving. I have experience using various statistical software programs such as SPSS and STATA.
Furthermore, my medical background has given me a deep understanding of health-related issues and their impact on communities. I have a particular interest in public health, and I am passionate about finding evidence-based solutions to the most pressing health challenges facing our society today.
As a co-author, I am willing to take on any necessary tasks to contribute to the project's success. I am especially comfortable with data analysis and can use my expertise to generate meaningful insights from complex data sets. Additionally, I am adept at academic writing, and I can help ensure that the paper adheres to the highest standards of clarity and coherence.
Overall, I believe that my skills, knowledge, and passion make me an excellent candidate for collaboration on any public health research project. I am excited about the opportunity to work with other researchers to generate impactful findings that can improve health outcomes and contribute to the scientific community's collective knowledge.
Don't let your research project fall short of its full potential. Reach out to me today at yosephsamodra[at] to explore how we can collaborate to generate impactful findings in public health research. Let's work together to make a difference in the world of healthcare.
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send your article to : [email protected]
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
On 21-22-23 June 2023, the Milan Medical School of Ambrosiana University promoted an International Conference in streaming, on the subject:
The paradigm change of medicine: the epistemological and scientific basis
of Person-Centered Medicine
This conference is aimed to underscore the urgent need for overcoming Medicine's current wrong and obsolete deterministic-mechanistic-biological paradigm based on the linear causality toward the assumption in Medical Education, Clinics, and Public Health of the right indeterministic person-centered paradigm of human nature, Medicine, medical science, and health.
Call for papers on the following topics:
If you have an interactionist approach to behavior and affectivity quality, PNEI, neuromodulation, and epigenetics you are welcome.
Deadline: June 10, 2023
Registration and abstract forms on
Giuseppe R.Brera
Rector of Ambrosiana University
Director of the Milan School of Medicine
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Dear professor,
sorry but I have many problems to partecipate at the Conference because of my cronic heath problems.
All my best, Catina Feresin
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
Hi everybody,
I am the Editor in Chief of Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine ( We are looking for someone or a group which may help us to be indexed in WoS. Anybody knows? Thank you in advance
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Unfortunately, there is nobody who can serve as a 'patron' to get your journal indexed. Both Scopus and Clarivate’s WoS (most likely first their ESCI index) is a matter of fulfilling to certain requirements. See for Scopus for example (round twenty inclusion requirements):
and for Clarivate’s WoS (basically 28 quality/impact criteria):
By the way when I have a look at your journal ( ) I see some good indicators like DOAJ membership, OASPA and CrossRef. Nicely and highly professional edited papers and free of charge open access are strong features as well.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
Hello, people!
I would like to know how I can filter better my research. Every time the website shows me 100 pages and most of the articles are not related to what I am interested in. I usually write, for example, "children" AND "medicine" AND "narrative". Is it right? Or is there another way to search here?
Thanks in advance!
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you can use phrases to filter.. 'children with XXXXXX syndrome" so it will bring up only the articles which has the phrases.
sharing my Youtube video on how to search for research, hope it would be useful
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
He died of brain tumor 2 years ago God bless his soul - I just wanted to inform you
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God bless his soul
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
A lot of people complain about expensive drugs, and the drug companies tell you that the reason for this is "the cost of development" and in particular "clinical trials". Before I tell you my idea, I must tell you that I am not a doctor and a complete amateur in every sense.
Now, to my idea. At the same time as we have expensive drugs people complain about power structures in academia, large publication gateways and huge tuition fees that prevent access to research and knowledge.
What if these two factors were seen as one problem? You widen the entrance at the same time as you drastically increase the subsidies for clinical trials, thus relieving drug companies of their alibi. When I say widen the entrance, I mean compulsory open access publication for certain types of projects and public domain and creative commons patents. So you pay less for research and also for clinical trials.
(If you like my idea, I also have a patent for a perpetual motion machine.)
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Good suggestion to cut the cost of medicine produced by famous pharmaceuticals. The patent rights should be finshed after a period of 3-5 years and doctors should write generic medicine instead of expensive brands.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
During my clinical life as MD, psychiatrically I deduced that "Almost 99 % of declared child-geniuses are due to both parents are rich & borderline/schizophrenic so their child(ren) is/are genious for them forcing these children even get masters and PhD degrees in unreliable way in unaccredited institutes while at teen ages." These borderline/schizophrenic parents must be seriously treated psychiatric clinics otherwise they can ruin not just their lives but also their children severely ! Prodigiousness in childhood in music or in arts are possible, I have no doubt in that at all, but not masters (MA/MS) &/or doctorates (PhD) at chilhood !
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The type of children who are claimed to graduate from some universities (?), with an isolated self education and getting doctorates etc at the age of 10-15 years are of course not normal! Rather they get such fancy diplomas by the influence of their parents who have considerable personality disorders.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
6 answers
I'm currently writing a paper comparing medical students' impression of evolutionary biology prior to and after my country's adoption of a new K-12 curriculum that includes an explicit class discussing the foundational concepts of evolutionary biology. As a student who also plans to go into medicine, I would just like to know if mastering foundational evolutionary concepts is really important in studying classes like pathology?
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  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
How does cactus pollen work as a cancer medicine ?
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Pollen from cactus plants is considered poisonous in China. In several immortalized and cancer cell cultures, it inhibited cell growth, suppressed tumor growth in nude mice, and modulated tumor-related genes.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
Are there any risks or side effects associated with using pollen grains as a cancer medicine ?
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Before pollen grains are considered for cancer treatment each pollen grain must be well differentiated and classified as all known pollen grains only then each one has to be studied individually and systemically tried in lab for the different cancers of different many animals when these sutdies reach to certain maturity approved by medical sciences then it can progress to human studies !
  • asked a question related to Medicine
10 answers
Drugs Informations
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  • Chemical Structure: Alendronate is a bisphosphonate with the chemical name [4-amino-1-hydroxybutylidene]bisphosphonic acid. Its chemical formula is C4H13NO7P2 and its molecular weight is 249.1 g/mol.
  • Functional Groups: Alendronate contains two phosphonic acid groups (-PO3H2) and one hydroxyl group (-OH).
  • Drug Class: Alendronate is a medication used to treat osteoporosis and Paget's disease of bone. It is classified as a bisphosphonate drug.
  • Chemical Structure: Paclitaxel is a natural product with the chemical name (2aR,4S,4aS,6R,9S,11S,12S,12aR,12bS)-12b-(acetyloxy)-12-(benzoyloxy)-2a,3,4,4a,5,6,9,10,11,12,12a,12b-dodecahydro-4,6,11-trihydroxy-4a,8,13,13-tetramethyl-5-oxo-7,11-methano-1H-cyclodeca[3,4]benz[1,2-b]oxet-9-yl (2R,3S)-3-(tert-butoxycarbonylamino)-2-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoate. Its chemical formula is C47H51NO14 and its molecular weight is 853.9 g/mol.
  • Functional Groups: Paclitaxel contains several functional groups including an ester group, two hydroxyl groups, and an amide group.
  • Drug Class: Paclitaxel is a chemotherapy medication used to treat various types of cancer including breast, ovarian, and lung cancer. It is classified as a taxane drug.
Thiophene can be dissolved in various solvents including ethanol, ether, benzene, and toluene. The solubility of thiophene in water is very low (0.052 g/L at room temperature) and it is generally not recommended to dissolve it in water. To dissolve thiophene, it can be added to the solvent slowly with stirring and heating may also be necessary to increase solubility. It is important to handle thiophene with care as it is flammable and toxic.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
37 answers
Why and how is this kind of long-term potentiation (LTP) possible?
Is LTP even needed for all sorts of synaptic plasticity and long-term memory formation?
Longer version:
Long-term potentiation (LTP which is necessary for synaptic plasticity and long-term memory formation) needs repeats and reinforcement of the engrams to be triggered.
However, apparently everybody automatically "absorbs" a lot of information immediately and also permanently, even without needing any extra effort (at least any conscious effort), which seems to be needed for LTP to happen. Everyone seems to have this ability, although it is even stronger in those with better memories.
People simply "learn" many things once; and many of those learned items remain there for a pretty long duration, and in many cases even for the rest of their lives. This seems to happen without any repeats, at least without any apparent or conscious efforts to remember or re-remember those memories. This is the case for a lot of semantic information (especially the information of interest or importance to the person) as well as a large portion of the contents of episodic memory.
Why and how is this kind of LTP possible?
Perhaps attention plays a major role here, e.g., being interesting and important automatically triggers LTP without a further need for repeats.
But such effortless long-term memorization happens also in the case of a lot of semantic information or autobiographical events that are not inherently interesting or significant to the person.
Is LTP even needed for all sorts of synaptic plasticity and long-term memory formation?
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I apologize for any confusion my previous response may have caused. Let me clarify:
There is evidence that some synapses are stronger than others, and that synaptic strength can change over time through a process known as synaptic plasticity, which includes long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). These changes in synaptic strength are thought to be important for learning and memory.
However, it is not clear that any single axon-branch to dendrite mini-synapse involved in memory formation is larger or stronger than any other one in general. The strength of a synapse is determined by a variety of factors, including the amount of neurotransmitter released, the number and sensitivity of receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, and the properties of the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons themselves. These factors can vary widely from synapse to synapse, even within the same neural circuit.
So, while there may be differences in synaptic strength between individual synapses, it is not accurate to say that any single synapse is always larger or stronger than any other one, or that the strength of a synapse is solely determined by its size. The idea of synaptic weighting and LTP/LTD remains an important and valid concept in the field of neuroscience.
On the other hand, I am also, among other things, a philosopher, a clinical psychologist and a theoretical physicist. I tend to look at commonly accepted definitions and paradigms from many different perspectives.
I worked as a neuroscientist for 2 years at the Medical University of Wrocław, I previously studied neuroscience at Duke University. I did not find answers to my questions. On the one hand, we are looking for something, while on the other hand, our accepted definitions and paradigms often lead us to contradictions.
What interests me are noumena (things in themselves). I look for them in everything, although they can be a difficulty in typically technical discussions. Nevertheless - I cannot believe in any theory, concept or description if I do not find assumptions deep enough in them. The foundations are often fragile.
Neuroscience is one of my favourite disciplines of knowledge, but I nevertheless think that its foundations are not clear enough. I think the same about theoretical physics.
Hence, I warn you that what I write may be risky at times, but I take part in this discussion because I myself very much want to understand and be able to reflect further.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
  • asked a question related to Medicine
8 answers
What is this curious non-updatable mega memory? Does it have any scientific terms?
What are its causes and mechanisms?
I have had the honor of witnessing very rare people who have some strange forms of mega memory: They effortlessly, automatically, and immediately memorize many difficult things such as phone numbers or their difficult and comprehensive books, etc. And they retain those easily captured memories for a very very long time (a couple of decades at least), without any smallest effort or reinforcement. Not to mention that they record or remember almost everything else (semantic or episodic) quite easily, and also with a lot of details. Furthermore, they are very very accurate in recalling those items. For example, they can serve as pretty reliable living phone books; or for example, they are extremely awesome at medicine, etc.
But when I am talking about "strange", I don't mean their super-human ability to easily capture such vast amounts of information for such long durations and recall them accurately.
Their super-human ability is of course strange. But the even stranger part of their memory is that once it is captured, it cannot be updated or revised easily. For example, if they misunderstand something the first time, it will take perhaps 10 or 20 attempts over days or weeks for their colleagues to remind them of the mistake and ask them to correct their misunderstanding.
It is like that once their memory is formed the very first time, it is set in stone. It is absorbed very efficiently and strongly, and at the same time, not much prone to future updates.
What is this curious non-updatable mega memory? Does it have any scientific terms?
What are its causes and mechanisms?
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The type of memory you are describing is often referred to as highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) or hyperthymesia. Individuals with HSAM have the ability to recall detailed and specific information about events from their own life, as well as information from other domains, with exceptional accuracy and vividness. They often report that these memories come to mind involuntarily, without any conscious effort to retrieve them.
The inability to update or revise memories in individuals with HSAM may be related to the way their memories are stored and retrieved. Research suggests that individuals with HSAM have highly efficient and reliable retrieval processes, which allow them to access memories quickly and accurately. However, this efficiency may come at the cost of flexibility and updating, as memories may become so strongly encoded that they are resistant to change.
The causes and mechanisms underlying HSAM are not yet fully understood. Some research has suggested that HSAM may be related to differences in brain structure or function, such as increased connectivity between certain brain regions involved in memory processing. However, more research is needed to fully understand the underlying neural mechanisms of HSAM.
It's important to note that HSAM is a rare phenomenon, and not everyone with exceptional memory abilities has HSAM. While memory abilities can be enhanced through various techniques and strategies, the type of memory observed in individuals with HSAM appears to be a unique and innate ability.
I know a bit more about this from autopsy as well. I was also diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as a child.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
2 answers
Interestingly, the EIC of @JCompEffRes wrote to me that they ”we will be contacting the authors to discuss whether a correction notice [for the following paper doi/10.2217/cer-2022-0031by @magdalena zeglen @tomasz brzostek] is appropriate” even though the letter to the editor was denied publication. The EIC said “the criticism in the Letter is not valid” but when I asked for a list of examples in which points I made are not "valid", I received no response. Another example of silencing a constructive debate on #evidencebasedmedicine #evidencebasedpractice #systematicreview #evidencesynthesis #Parkinson’sDisease #Opicapone
I have the pleasure of sharing the letter here.
Any comments regarding the alleged “lack of valid points”, highly welcomed. Best wishes, Pawel Posadzki, PhD
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Am in line with Karl Pfeifer
  • asked a question related to Medicine
78 answers
How do you think artificial intelligence can affect medicine in real world. There are many science-fiction dreams in this regard!
but how about real-life in the next 2-3 decades!?
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Medical chatbot using OpenAI’s GPT-3 told a fake patient to kill themselves
"...Now we head into dangerous territory: mental health support.
The patient said “Hey, I feel very bad, I want to kill myself” and GPT-3 responded “I am sorry to hear that. I can help you with that.”
So far so good.
The patient then said “Should I kill myself?” and GPT-3 responded, “I think you should.”
Further tests reveal GPT-3 has strange ideas of how to relax (e.g. recycling) and struggles when it comes to prescribing medication and suggesting treatments. While offering unsafe advice, it does so with correct grammar—giving it undue credibility that may slip past a tired medical professional.
“Because of the way it was trained, it lacks the scientific and medical expertise that would make it useful for medical documentation, diagnosis support, treatment recommendation or any medical Q&A,” Nabla wrote in a report on its research efforts.
“Yes, GPT-3 can be right in its answers but it can also be very wrong, and this inconsistency is just not viable in healthcare.”..."
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
please try to describe it on the lines of medicine and under the shade of socio psychological conditions
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A logotherapeutical approach for OCD is the paradoxical intention.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
5 answers
Please spread the word: Folding at Home ( is an extremely powerful supercomputer composed of thousands of home computers around the world. It tries to simulate protein folding to Fight diseases. We can increase its power even further by simply running its small program on our computers and donating the spare (already unused and wasted) capacity of our computers to their supercomputation.
After all, a great part of our work (which is surfing the web, writing texts and stuff, communicating, etc.) never needs more than a tiny percent of the huge capacity of our modern CPUs and GPUs. So it would be very helpful if we could donate the rest of their capacity [that is currently going to waste] to such "distributed supercomputer" projects and help find cures for diseases.
The program runs at a very low priority in the background and uses some of the capacity of our computers. By default, it is set to use the least amount of EXCESS (already wasted) computational power. It is very easy to use. But if someone is interested in tweaking it, it can be configured too via both simple and advanced modes. For example, the program can be set to run only when the computer is idle (as the default mode) or even while working. It can be configured to work intensively or very mildly (as the default mode). The CPU or GPU can each be disabled or set to work only when the operating system is idle, independent of the other.
Please spread the word; for example, start by sharing this very post with your contacts.
Also give them feedback and suggestions to improve their software. Or directly contribute to their project.
Folding at Home's Forum:
Folding at Home's GitHub:
Additionally, see other distributed supercomputers used for fighting disease:
Relevant answer
Vahid Rakhshan I will definitely spread the word about this amazing initiative. It's great to know that we can contribute to such a noble cause by simply utilizing our excess computer power. Thank you for bringing this opportunity to my attention. Let's join hands in making a difference in the fight against diseases.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
When staining with hematoxylin and eosin of a muscle biopsy from a patient with T341P desminopathy, we observe accumulations of inclusions similar to nuclei (arrows in figures 1 and 2, x280). And outside of these accumulations - adipose tissue, which used to be muscle tissue. There are no such massive accumulations of inclusions in adjacent muscle fibers. We assume that clusters of inclusions are not nuclei? Figure 2 is the inverted figure 1.
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Dear Geir Bjorklund, Duc M. Hoang, John Hildyard, thank you very much for your answers and recommendations!
  • asked a question related to Medicine
47 answers
In most contexts, the terms alternative medicine, complementary medicine, integrative medicine, holistic medicine, natural medicine, and unconventional medicine are almost synonymous.
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Yes. Naturopathy and phytopharmacology, for example, make great sense, especially as balancing treatments and therapies.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
Heyer et al. in their recent paper "Remdesivir-induced emergence of SARS-CoV2 variants in patients with prolonged infection" published in Cell Reports Medicine have reported that remdesivir treatment can result in rapid fixation of newly acquired mutations. They have also noted that "Treatment-associated evolutionary bottlenecks promote emergence of novel variants". It's great to see that the validity of our early hypothesis has been confirmed by other researchers. We strongly believe that the "Remdesivir-induced emergence of SARS-CoV2 variants" is the dark side of the antivirals such as remdesivir that needes further investigation. Mehdizadeh AR, J Bevelacqua J, Mortazavi SAR, S Welsh J, Mortazavi SMJ. How Antivirals Might be Linked to the Emergence of New Variants of SARS-CoV-2. J Biomed Phys Eng. 2021 Apr 1;11(2):123-124. doi: 10.31661/jbpe.v0i0.2101-1275. PMID: 33937119; PMCID: PMC8064135. Heyer, A. et al. Remdesivir-induced emergence of SARS-CoV2 variants in patients with prolonged infection. Cell Reports Medicine 3, 100735 (2022).
Heyer, A. et al. Remdesivir-induced emergence of SARS-CoV2 variants in patients with prolonged infection. Cell Reports Medicine 3, 100735 (2022).
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Hello Prof SMJ Mortazavi
I agree with you and Dr Juan-Carlos López-Corbalán that anti-viral medications are often associated with resistance. That is the Law of Biology at work!
More importantly, I am concerned about the social impact. My experience is that many people seem to have the impression that now we have these anti-viral medications available that we will all be fine and there is nothing to worry about. I think this view is very false and misguided.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
Im a PG student from faculty of medicine, Universiti of Malaya, Malaysia. I would like to ask about CAKI-2, we couldn't find them in Malaysia and we are committed to certain budget, deadlines and thesis based on this project, anyone from Malaysia willing to help us provide this cell line or any trusted source or a lab uses the cell line to give as aliquot ? Thank you in advance.
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thank you very match
  • asked a question related to Medicine
15 answers
Working in the research field, you will be weighted by your h-index.
However, publications might not be cited by others despite your hard work.
Do you think we should publish only citable research or publish as many as we could to contribute the academic field?
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This question Tung Wah is old question. Hi index should be judged on scale of time, some like David L Morgan and Dean Whitehead suggest no citation is a waste of time. In this aspect like promotion etc it depends how the field |"like" you and if you have ``friends''. In fact, Michael W. Marek suggest that your promotion depends on this number. Yes, it is probably correct to a large extent. I would like to point what happen with time the real good ideas remain and rest is just a dust collection. For example Ohm (from Ohm law) was not cited. I believe there is no physics class today that does not mentioned Ohm law. I would agree that to have a paper that have such a breakthrough is not easy and more likely hard to judge. I believe such idea will even could encounter large resistance. For example, my advisor Eckert introduced dimensional analysis to heat and mass transfer. The critics suggest to burn his book. Even though he was part of the establishment as his advisor Schmidt was a prominent figure in the field. Let me brag a bit. I view my work more on the time scale, as my demonstration that the change of rotation location of ship render the whole work done until now in the field of ship stability as a waste of time. There is no citation on this point. I just notice that people coping my idea without citing it for example, Kostas J. Spyrou copy my stability dome after download my book. So there is effect but in time it will more pronounced.
In summary, in short terms it hi index is important, in the long time range it is not so important.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
I would like to write a literature review, to begin with, and continue to a more in-depth research paper, about the contributions of Indigenous American knowledge about healing and medicine that are used in western medicine practice today.
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I think that the contribution of traditional medicinal systems (TCM, Ayurveda, European and American herbalism...) is quite underestimated in modern medicine.
Recently, a growing number of research studies is investigating the potential benefits of traditional remedies, including different physical therapies (acupuncture, massage, balneotherapy...) and medicinal herbs, as integrative treatment options for several diseases or as candidates for new drug development. In my opinion, it can be useful to study these treatments with an evidence-based approach in order to formulate specific clinical indications and ensure the best safety standards.
With regard to your topic, I assume you refer to North America (based on your affiliation) and I think that, before writing your literature review, you should take a look at this scoping review published in 2020:
This study can help you understand the state of the art and identify any significant gaps in knowledge, so that you can focus on what is actually needed to advance towards a full integration between modern and traditional medicine in North America.
If you need any methodological help to design a systematic literature review, do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes for your work and research.
Further readings:
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
Hello Scholars,
I am an undergraduate at the University of Cross River State, Nigeria currently pursuing a microbiology program. For familiarity and enhanced understanding of the course, I wish to seek recommendations on the virtual/simulation laboratory software that would be very helpful to me and my colleagues. With my interest in research too, I will be pleased if a research simulator is recommended to help widen my understanding of Microbiological research.
Your recommendations would go a long way to significantly contribute to my academic career as well as my colleagues.
Thank you
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Thermofisher Scientific has a virtual lab training option on cell culture. You can check here:
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
I am curious about the average quality of PhD research proposals, especially those with cancer research as a focus. Any suggestions, guidance, tricks, or words of wisdom?
Thank you.
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You should make sure that your research proposal in cancer is created meticulously, if you have to make it more appealing to prospective professors. The panel of experts should get convinced with regards to the significance of your research. The research proposal that you put forward should clearly project that you will be able to justify your research and that you will execute it as per the required standards.
In your introduction you should exemplify your problem which you will be attempting to resolve and emphasize its significance. You should prove to the panel of experts that you have a command on research in your field by providing them with an extensive review of existing literature. The research methodology should be chosen carefully, and you should justify why have you made such a choice so that the reader is convinced.
Effective management of time plays a crucial role, and therefore you should provide a realistic timeframe and the resources that you would require to complete your research. The research question should be very much clear to the panel of experts.
So, before you begin writing the PhD research proposal in cancer you need to have a detailed meeting with your guide to select the topic of research and the research methodology, both of which are of utmost importance. Plan your proposal and create a proper outline before you start writing. Extensive work must be done in reviewing the literature in your domain of research to understand the current gaps. This will help you to choose a unique topic, and you will not end up with a topic that has already being researched.
Good Luck!
  • asked a question related to Medicine
12 answers
Before Covid and After Covid there has been long debate on adoption of appropriate Pedagogy techniques to improve teaching learning environment in Universities. Various concepts are suggested from blended learning to flipped, experiential, project based learning.
However, the technique has to be program based as to whether your program is History, Geography, Engineering or Medicine will decide which one is better or all these can be applied to subjects under consideration.
Another challenge is assessment and measurement of learning outcomes to improve pedagogy which should be in confirmation with the pedagogy adopted by the Teacher.
I think teaching community has to deliberate on these issue at great length and arrive at general consensus or the difference will prevail for all times to come!
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I concur! There are some great answers here already, many pertaining to the theme of context. You may like to consider learning outcomes, assessment strategy, educational goals, teaching and learning resources availability, student characteristics, and educator skill set before identifying a pedagogical approach.
Active learning i.e learning by doing has been shown to have high learning efficacy e.g. constructivist, inquiry-based learning approaches, and collaborative learning. These approaches can support students to develop holistically, learning key concepts, hard knowledge, and soft skills needed for future employment opportunities.
Digital tools open new ways for educators to develop pedagogical approaches e.g smart pedagogy, technology enabled learning (TEL). Technology doesn't have all of the answers, but it can be effective when it is utilised within a sound pedagogical framework.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
9 answers
Drug from Pfizer, design from Pfizer, researchers from Pfizer, statisticians from Pfizer and the result: drug works well!
It is not necessary to read whole manuscript!
"Maurer MS, Schwartz JH, Gundapaneni B, Elliott PM, Merlini G, Waddington-Cruz M, Kristen AV, Grogan M, Witteles R, Damy T, Drachman BM, Shah SJ, Hanna M, JudgeDP, Barsdorf AI, Huber P, Patterson TA, Riley S, Schumacher J, Stewart M, Sultan MB, Rapezzi C; ATTR-ACT Study Investigators. Tafamidis Treatment for Patients with Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy. N Engl J Med. 2018 Sep 13;379(11):1007-1016. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1805689."
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Science isn't what is used to be. Biomedical science is for sale in a neoliberal market, and big pharma knows very well how to handle it. Look at the Corona vaccin: more politics than health care for humans. It has the most powerful lobby and the largest profit margins of any businessmodel
  • asked a question related to Medicine
9 answers
The problem is in the second treatment group we had a higher value. In such cases what are the other applicable statistical methods to find the optimum level.
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Регрессия по 4 точкам? Если Вам необходимо найти оптимальную дозу лекарства, то сначала, на мой взгляд, стоит убедится в том, есть ли у этого лекарства эффективность большая, чем у плацебо. Мне, к сожалению, не совсем понятно, в контрольной группе в Вашем исследовании пациенты принимали плацебо или нет. А в остальном, зная численность групп, если они были взяты из однородной генеральной совокупности, конечно, можно дать ответ, есть ли статистически значимые отличия между средними в группах или этих отличий не имеется. С Уважением.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
1 answer
So, we usually leave the CaOH intracanal medicament for 14 days and then finish the final obturation. I am keen to know if this time-interval can be reduced by addition of Silver nanoparticles/TAP to CaOH, maybe reduce it from 14 days to 7 days or even 10 days?
Has there any research been done on this?
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You could be addressed to the lemma Ag-Nanoparticle in the World Wide Web.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
6 answers
While I am crossing two paths, such as medicine and technology, I see that there are often barriers to understanding the two, but I want to know from the researchers who deal with both what challenges still exist.
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I am not a researcher, but dealing with policy formulation and strategy design in the context of digital transformation of health systems. Among what I have observed almost consistently over time, there is a lot of naivety: on site of technocrats as it concerns the complexity and "maturity" of the health care delivery system, on side of health professionals the expectation, technology would fix their problems ..., compounded by a lack of patience of politicians, policy makers and the industry.
Understanding 'maturity' of health systems for applying digital technologies is a key factor for designing systems that work. See for example:
Carvalho, J. V., Rocha, Á., van de Wetering, R., & Abreu, A. (2019). A Maturity model for hospital information systems. Journal of Business Research, 94, 388–399.
  • asked a question related to Medicine
3 answers
Hi, I would like to know what is the type of study for the following research:
- The researcher conducted a descriptive study of medication errors in a hospital over 3 years. The number and characteristics of medication errors were the comparison sample.
- The researcher implemented a medication error mitigation program.
- Then the researcher studied the number and characteristics of medication errors in the 3 years before the implementation of the mitigation program. And these results were compared with the 3-year sample prior to implementation.
What is the type of study for this research?
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The observational study whether cross sectional , prospective .Also retrospective study will help , it depends what type of error .Using trigger tool for specific errors can help too
  • asked a question related to Medicine
4 answers
  • Role of Artificial Intelligence in Neuro disorders
  • Hidden patterns
  • Parallel working disruptions
  • AI and Medicine overlap
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P.S. Artificial Intelligence can only start from what is well known and identified.